本文选题:社会主义核心价值观 + 引领 ; 参考:《福建农林大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Family style, also known as door style, is the spiritual style and cultural charm that family members have gradually developed in the long-term practice of life.This paper combines the contemporary family style with the socialist core values. Firstly, from the angle of theory and practice, it discusses the necessity and significance of the socialist core values to lead the cultivation of the contemporary family style.And the main contents of socialist core values leading to the cultivation of contemporary family style; secondly, based on Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, this paper analyzes the main predicament of the current socialist core values leading to the cultivation of contemporary family style, and tries to construct a reasonable one.Effective problem-solving principles, mechanisms and paths to promote the socialist core values leading to the smooth development of contemporary home style.This paper is divided into six chapters to explain the socialist core values leading the contemporary home style cultivation research, the specific contents are as follows: the first chapter mainly summarizes the background, significance and other contents of this study, and specifically describes the history of the family style,The content innovation of cultivation principle, mechanism and path.The second chapter mainly combs the concept of family style and social core values, and the main theoretical basis of socialist core values leading the contemporary research on home style cultivation.The third chapter mainly demonstrates the necessity of cultivating the contemporary family style of socialist core values from the three aspects of "small family age", social morality and Chinese Dream, as well as the cultivation of family style, socialist core values, traditional culture, and clean party style.The meaning of national rejuvenationThe fourth chapter expounds the value orientation of socialist core values leading to the cultivation of contemporary family style, as well as the main contents of the cultivation of contemporary family style: self-cultivation, diligent study, thrift, friendship with the family, honesty and trustworthiness, and waiting for their neighbors; democracy and equality.Free and independent; law-abiding, dedicated and patriotic.The fifth chapter takes Fuzhou as an example, takes the Sanfang Qixiang famous Family training Center as its stronghold, makes full use of Zhengyi Academy, Fujian Provincial Children's Library, the Straits Yuyue School, and so on, and collects relevant materials extensively.Analyze the main predicament of the current socialist core values leading to the cultivation of contemporary home style.The sixth chapter aims at the main predicament of the current socialist core values leading to the cultivation of contemporary home style, expounds seeking common ground while reserving differences, keeping pace with the times, and integrating knowledge and practice.The cultivation principle of consistency and coherence and the cultivation mechanism of propagandizing and education-model demonstration, incentive guarantee and long-effect tracing, as well as the five practical paths of promoting the cultivation of contemporary home style, such as normalizing, networking, visualizing, exemplary and long-acting.The socialist core values lead the cultivation of contemporary family style is a concrete, dynamic, continuous improvement of the long process, we should rationally look at the contemporary home style cultivation and construction, give its full affirmation and confidence.
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