本文选题:资本制度变革 + 认缴制 ; 参考:《河北经贸大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Balancing the interests of the shareholders and creditors of the company is the basic path to the normal operation of the most important market subject of the company law of the modern state, the company law circle has a long history of research on the protection of the interests of the shareholders and creditors of the company. It is well known that the implementation of the new "company law" in 2014 has opened the full payment of our country. The reform of the capital system is the result of the policy boost under the background of global capital weakening, which gives the shareholders of the company an unprecedented autonomy. The reform content is quite radical, mainly involving the abolition of the minimum quota of registered capital, the change of the registered capital from the real payment system to the confusing system, the relaxation of the form of shareholders' capital contribution and the abolition of the mandatory capital verification procedure. But what is not to be ignored is that the reform has not reached a proper balance between encouraging entrepreneurship and the protection of the interests of the creditors of the company. The following safeguards for the protection of the creditors' interests of the company have not been followed up in a timely manner. To a great extent, the interests of the creditors of the company are largely protected. In the practice of corporate law, the company law theory and practice circles have carried out an in-depth study and intense discussion on the protection of the interests of the creditors of the company after the 2005. The article is composed of five parts. The first part is the introduction of the paper, focusing on the background of the topic, the theoretical significance and practical significance of the topic, and combing the current situation of the protection of the creditors' interests of the domestic and foreign experts and scholars, and explaining the research methods, the research ideas and the new points of the paper. The second part is the protection of the interests of the creditors of the company. First, it clearly defines the creditor of the company. Secondly, it analyzes the theoretical basis of the protection of the interests of the creditors of the company, including the theory of value balance and the theory of stakeholder. Finally, on the basis of the summary of the content of the reform of the capital system, the paper analyzes the interests of the creditors of the company by the change of the capital system. The third part introduces the dilemma of the implementation of the reform of the capital system and the protection of the interests of the creditors in China. First, the first example of the case of registered capital contribution in Shanghai is taken as an example to analyze the period of capital contribution and the obligation of capital contribution in the implementation of the reform of the capital system; secondly, to explain the theoretical difficulties of the protection of the interests of the creditors of our company. The main performance is that the registered capital is weakening to the creditor's guarantee function, the company's credit system needs to be established and the creditor's right to know is imminent in three aspects. Finally, it points out the realistic predicament of the protection of the interests of the creditors of our company, including the phenomenon of "two false fleeing" in the actual practice, and the difficult identification standard of the capital shortage is difficult. The three aspects of the related accountability mechanism are highlighted. The fourth part analyses the practice of the protection of foreign capital and the interests of the creditors of the company and the enlightenment to our country. First, it introduces the authorized capital system in the United States, and the practice of protecting the interests of the creditors of the company embodies the perfect mechanism of unimpeded credit information. In the second place, the company's capital system and the practice of protecting the interests of the creditors of the company are briefly introduced, mainly by the effective commitment of the directors to the third party responsibility and the explicit disclosure regulations of the company's assets; finally, a summary of the practice of protecting the interests of the creditors of foreign companies to our country is summarized. It mainly focuses on the public protection, procedural protection and priority protection of the interests of the creditors. The fifth part puts forward the perfect suggestions for the protection of the interests of the creditors of our company under the reform of the capital system. First, we should change the legislative idea of the protection of the creditors' interests of the company, including the capital credit to the asset credit, and the pre control to the ex post. Supervision, from compulsory protection to self protection three changes; secondly, to strengthen the protection of the interests of the company creditor protection early warning mechanism, specific measures include strengthening the company's credit system construction, information disclosure system construction and strengthening the independent director supervision force; furthermore, to improve the protection of the interests of the company creditor protection mechanism, including the creditor participation in corporate governance. In the end, improving the liability mechanism of the interests of the creditors of the company, including improving the responsibility of the company's directors and executives, adding the prepositional procedure and perfecting the system of disregard of the legal personality. "The stone of other mountains, can attack jade", but the existence and development of each legal system must be suitable for the survival and development of each legal system. At the same time, we should pay attention to "take the essence and go to the dregs" while drawing on the advanced experience of foreign countries to solve the problem of protecting the interests of the creditors of the company, in order to establish a protection system for the interests of the creditors in accordance with the reform practice of our country's capital system.
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