本文选题:网约车 + 行政法治 ; 参考:《广州大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The regulation of ride-sharing is not only in an exploratory stage, but also involves the interests of taxis, ride-sharing platforms and citizens, which makes the regulation of ride-sharing more important and urgent. As the center of gravity and main means of the regulation of netting, perfecting the administrative regulation of netting is an important part of the regulation of net-chartering. The perfection of supervision should include the regulation mode, legislation, access rules, cooperative supervision and autonomy. The contents of these aspects should be unified in the administrative regulation of ride-sharing, which is the proper meaning of the administrative regulation of network-ride-hailing. However, the research on the administrative regulation of net-chartering is inseparable from the discussion of the problems in the regulation of net-chartered cars at the present stage. As a way for administrative organs to regulate the economic subject, there are not only the basic principles of administrative law, the theory of public interest, the theory of market failure as its theoretical support, but also the theory of control. The theory of government by law and the theory of public interest standard provide theoretical support for it. Under the guidance of these theories, the construction of the regulation system of ride-hailing system should follow the transformation from regulatory regulation to service-oriented regulation, from single regulation to cooperative regulation. In this view, the complete administrative regulation model of ride-hailing should include government regulation and government-enterprise cooperation regulation mode. The ideal operation mode of this mode should be dominated by administrative organs and mainly manifested by cooperative supervision. Of course, with the continuous improvement of the administrative regulation of ride-sharing, it is necessary to evaluate the rationality of the administrative regulation itself and the efficiency of its operation, and to constantly revise it.
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