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发布时间:2018-06-05 00:22

  本文选题:传统义利观 + 新疆生产建设兵团 ; 参考:《石河子大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The concept of righteousness and benefit is an important part of Chinese traditional cultural values. It has a profound influence on political, economic and cultural aspects throughout the history of Chinese civilization for thousands of years. The Chinese traditional concept of righteousness and benefit formed in the period of the spring and autumn and Warring States period, after the development of the Han Dynasty, song and Ming and the early Ming and the early Qing Dynasty, its ideological and viewpoint types include "righteousness and benefit" and "righteousness". In the history of ancient Chinese thought, the thought of "righteousness and benefit" has always occupied the mainstream and core of the Chinese traditional concept of righteousness and benefit. The establishment and growth of the Xinjiang production and Construction Corps is the result of the unselfish dedication of the new veterans in the generation, and they practise the meaning of "righteousness and benefit". At the same time, the Corps is constantly improving the social security system, ensuring the interests of the children of the Corps, and achieving the "unity of righteousness and benefit". In order to meet the needs of the development of the era of the Corps, this article discusses the Chinese traditional concept of righteousness and interests and the practice of the production and Construction Corps in Xinjiang. This article discusses the development of the new situation in the Xinjiang production and Construction Corps and the emergence of new circumstances to meet the needs of the development of the Corps. In the four chapter, the first chapter expounds the Chinese traditional righteousness and benefit view. It is divided into two parts: first, it expounds the background of the traditional righteousness and benefit and the definition of the concept of Chinese traditional righteousness and benefit. Secondly, it discusses the development course of the traditional righteousness and benefit concept, subdivided into the concept of righteousness and profit in the pre Qin Dynasty, the concept of righteousness and benefit in the Han Dynasty, the concept of righteousness and benefit in the song and Ming Dynasties and the concept of righteousness and profit in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Second chapters The present value of the Chinese traditional concept of righteousness and benefit in Xinjiang production and Construction Corps is introduced. To carry forward the Chinese traditional concept of righteousness and benefit is helpful to the long-term stability and social stability of the Corps, to stimulate the spirit and features of the people of the Corps, and to promote the coordinated development of the society and economy of the Corps. The third chapter introduces the correct outlook on righteousness and benefit of the Xinjiang production and Construction Corps. The practice is divided into three periods: the establishment of the Corps is the practice of the correct concept of righteousness and benefit; the regiment is adhering to the meaning and the organic unity in the development; the function of the contemporary Corps stabilizer, the demonstration area and the melting furnace is the sublimation of the correct concept of righteousness and benefit. The last chapter of this article discusses the use of the correct concept of righteousness and benefit to lead the development of the Corps: first, through the strengthening of the leaders Guide cadres and youth traditional culture education; two, set up a typical example in the Corps; three, promote the correct concept of justice and interests in the Corps.


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