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发布时间:2018-07-13 09:14
[Abstract]:The pretrial meeting system of criminal court refers to the settlement presided over by the judge after the decision of the court and before the hearing, the joint participation of the prosecution and the defense, sorting out the procedural problems and some substantive problems of the case, in order to improve the progress of the trial. To ensure the preparation of a centralized trial. The establishment of the system of conference before criminal court lies in improving the efficiency of litigation, saving judicial resources and safeguarding judicial justice. However, unfortunately, due to the imperfect legislation of the criminal court conference system and the continuous development and deepening of the judicial practice, the legislative defects and practical drawbacks of the criminal court conference system emerge in endlessly, resulting in its legislative value is difficult to realize. Based on this, the author analyzes the theoretical and practical basis of the criminal court conference system, draws lessons from the establishment of foreign related systems, and puts forward some suggestions to improve the criminal court conference system in China, hoping to realize the original legislative intention of the system. In addition to the preface and postscript, this paper consists of four chapters, all of which focus on the core issues of the criminal pretrial conference system. The first chapter is the analysis of the system of conference before the criminal court, including its concept and its boundary, its own value and its function, the second chapter describes the development of the system, defects and their causes. On the basis of in-depth analysis of the present situation of the system, it reveals the legislative and practical problems of the system of criminal court meetings in China. Taking the representative countries of the civil law system and the common law system as the object of analysis, this paper summarizes the methods of perfecting the system of criminal court meetings in our country. Chapter four combines the extraterritorial experience with the existing problems in our country. The paper puts forward some suggestions to perfect the system of criminal court meeting in our country.


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