发布时间:2018-07-28 14:16
[Abstract]:When the academic community has not reached a consensus on the connotation of the concepts of administrative agreement, administrative contract, administrative contract and administrative agreement, In this paper, the term "inter-governmental cooperation agreement" is used to refer to the cooperation document signed on the basis of equal consultation between governments or government departments that do not have subordinate relations. This not only helps to clarify the object of study, but also can effectively avoid the controversy between concepts. The inter-governmental cooperation agreement has the obvious plan and the soft law attribute. In theory, the implementation mechanism of inter-governmental cooperation agreement is mainly composed of performance principle, performance basis, performance mode, breach of contract responsibility, performance dispute resolution and performance supervision. In practice, the implementation mechanism of inter-governmental cooperation agreement has some problems, such as imperfect content, lack of dispute resolution mechanism and single participant. In order to maximize the implementation of the inter-governmental cooperation agreement, it is necessary to further standardize the text content of the inter-governmental cooperation agreement, establish and improve the dispute resolution system, and strengthen the disclosure of information. To guide the public to participate and actively exert the supervisory role of local power organs.
[Abstract]:When the academic community has not reached a consensus on the connotation of the concepts of administrative agreement, administrative contract, administrative contract and administrative agreement, In this paper, the term "inter-governmental cooperation agreement" is used to refer to the cooperation document signed on the basis of equal consultation between governments or government departments that do not have subordinate relations. This not only helps to clarify the object of study, but also can effectively avoid the controversy between concepts. The inter-governmental cooperation agreement has the obvious plan and the soft law attribute. In theory, the implementation mechanism of inter-governmental cooperation agreement is mainly composed of performance principle, performance basis, performance mode, breach of contract responsibility, performance dispute resolution and performance supervision. In practice, the implementation mechanism of inter-governmental cooperation agreement has some problems, such as imperfect content, lack of dispute resolution mechanism and single participant. In order to maximize the implementation of the inter-governmental cooperation agreement, it is necessary to further standardize the text content of the inter-governmental cooperation agreement, establish and improve the dispute resolution system, and strengthen the disclosure of information. To guide the public to participate and actively exert the supervisory role of local power organs.
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