发布时间:2018-08-03 21:50
[Abstract]:The investigation stage, as the starting and necessary stage of the criminal case after filing the case, to a great extent determines the proceeding of the later procedure, its legality or not has a great influence on the fate of the criminal suspect. With the increasing attention to human rights in the world, our country has included respect and protection of human rights in the Constitution, which shows that protecting human rights is as important as cracking down on crime, and protecting private rights and protecting public rights go hand in hand. How to protect the legitimate rights and interests of criminal suspects at the stage of investigation, which is an important starting point, has always been an important subject in the field of law. Although our country is fully concerned about the legal rights of suspects in all aspects and has made some progress in this regard, compared with international standards and advanced practices of developed countries with the rule of law, At present, the legislation and enforcement of criminal suspects' rights protection in domestic investigation stage still need to be perfected and perfected. The study will begin with the connotation and necessity of safeguarding the rights of criminal suspects in the investigation stage, mainly combining with the relevant provisions of the new Criminal procedure Law of our country, and drawing lessons from the advanced practices of relevant extraterritorial legal systems. Focusing on the analysis of the provisions and contents of the criminal suspects' protection in the investigation stage in China, and putting forward the corresponding suggestions in view of the existing problems, in order to benefit the construction of the relevant system in the criminal procedure in our country, We will further advance the process of building human rights in China and reduce the occurrence of unjust and false cases.
[Abstract]:The investigation stage, as the starting and necessary stage of the criminal case after filing the case, to a great extent determines the proceeding of the later procedure, its legality or not has a great influence on the fate of the criminal suspect. With the increasing attention to human rights in the world, our country has included respect and protection of human rights in the Constitution, which shows that protecting human rights is as important as cracking down on crime, and protecting private rights and protecting public rights go hand in hand. How to protect the legitimate rights and interests of criminal suspects at the stage of investigation, which is an important starting point, has always been an important subject in the field of law. Although our country is fully concerned about the legal rights of suspects in all aspects and has made some progress in this regard, compared with international standards and advanced practices of developed countries with the rule of law, At present, the legislation and enforcement of criminal suspects' rights protection in domestic investigation stage still need to be perfected and perfected. The study will begin with the connotation and necessity of safeguarding the rights of criminal suspects in the investigation stage, mainly combining with the relevant provisions of the new Criminal procedure Law of our country, and drawing lessons from the advanced practices of relevant extraterritorial legal systems. Focusing on the analysis of the provisions and contents of the criminal suspects' protection in the investigation stage in China, and putting forward the corresponding suggestions in view of the existing problems, in order to benefit the construction of the relevant system in the criminal procedure in our country, We will further advance the process of building human rights in China and reduce the occurrence of unjust and false cases.
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