[Abstract]:The relief work of poor students in colleges and universities is paid much attention to in the work of higher education in our country. It is not only a topic of concern to all parties, but also an important measure to achieve educational fairness in our country. At present, it is the key period for our country to complete the century-old goal, and it is also an important key point to carry out the work of precision poverty alleviation. If we want to realize the century-old goal, we should pay more attention to the problem of educational aid. Focusing on the precise relief of poor college students is of great significance to the development of higher education in Changchun. This paper takes the poor college students in Changchun as the research object, takes the educational fairness theory and Alderford's ERG theory as the theoretical basis, adopts the questionnaire survey and the interview method to carry on the empirical investigation, understands the Changchun university impoverished student relief present situation. And from the relief object, the relief demand and the relief form three aspects, the further analysis Changchun university impoverished student in the relief work aspect existence question. The work of the impoverished college students in Changchun is manifested in the following aspects: the identification standard of the poor students is basically clear, the identification method of the poor students, the basic standard of the identification procedure, and the identification of the relief objects are basically in line with the policy requirements. Aid forms have developed in a variety of ways. Although the relief work for poor college students in Changchun is basically carried out in an orderly manner in accordance with relevant regulations, there are also some deficiencies that cannot be avoided. The main ones are that the criteria for the identification of relief objects are not operational enough, and the identification procedures are reduced. The objectivity of the identification method is poor, the policy is replaced by execution, and the form of aid does not match with the need for assistance and so on. In order to perfect the relief work of the impoverished college students in Changchun, this paper, in view of the above situation and problems, proposes to solve the problems in an accurate way, and strive to achieve the precision and precision of the object of aid. Specifically, it includes perfecting the identification mechanism of precision relief objects, refining the identification standards of relief objects, standardizing the identification procedures and methods of poor students, accurately grasping the needs of precision relief, and matching the precision relief forms with the rescue needs. In order to achieve the ultimate differential relief.
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