[Abstract]:Insurance policies can be pledged, the establishment of a pledge of rights. The policyholder can be the pledge of the policy, the beneficiary can also be the pledge of the policy under certain conditions, but the insured can not act as the mortgagee. There are a wide variety of policies that can be pledged to meet certain conditions. The mortgagee should also have the right to rescind the insurance contract because he holds the policy on the subject matter of the pledge. When the subrogation of hypothec is competing with the pledge of the policy, the priority of the two rights should be determined by the time of the effective notice and the time of the registration of the mortgage. The insurer's no-objection commitment to pledge matters will not lose the right of defense to the mortgagor, but will decide whether the insurer has the right of defense or not according to the behavior of the insurer when signing the policy pledge contract. There are many legal problems in the process of pledge, which need to perfect the relevant laws to regulate, and to ensure the reasonable control of the conditions of the policy in the process of pledge. The mortgagor shall deliver the policy with cash value to the mortgagee, inform the insurer of the fact of the creation of the pledge, and the insurer shall make a corresponding endorsement.
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