[Abstract]:In the current judicial practice, some kinds of real estate cases are particularly prominent, that is, there is no place to defraud or steal property certificates, identity cards and other registration materials will be the original owner of the house for the third party to register. This kind of case involves not only the criminal offence of the person with nowhere separation of powers, but also the examination of the legality of the specific administrative act of the real estate registration agency, and the civil discretion of whether the third party constitutes the acquisition in good faith, which belongs to civil, administrative, or not. Criminal cases of triple nature. The result of civil litigation, the result of administrative litigation, the effect of criminal proceedings on the contract and the handling of stolen goods have an influence on whether the third party in this kind of case can acquire real property right in good faith. At present, the relevant laws and judicial explanations are not perfect. It is clear that the acquisition of the third party in this kind of real estate cases in good faith has become a major problem puzzling the current judicial trial. In this paper, the existing problems are solved in a layer by layer way. Firstly, combing the influence of administrative factors, secondly, combing the influence of criminal factors, finally, the third party in this kind of cases is returned to the level of civil law. In the entity, the nature of the examination of the real estate registration agency is defined in the administrative proceedings, and three kinds of judgments are standardized, and the validity of the contract involved in the case and the handling of the stolen goods are correctly handled in the criminal proceedings. In civil proceedings, the unauthorized disposition, the validity of the contract, the third party bona fide and so on correctly identified. In order to deal with the confusion of three kinds of procedure of execution and the current situation of contradictory judgment, this paper puts forward the trial mode of "three trials in one".
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