【摘要】 本文试图研究在CBI理念下如何完善中国双语教学模式这一长期以来关于双语教学可行性争论中颇受争议的论题。本文在仔细地研究了Met的五大内容教学法模式成功原因后,发现在学生需求、师资力量、学生英语水平、教材、课堂教学以及教学评估等所有的教学因素中,学生需求是起决定作用的。而剩下的五大因素都是补充因素,它们围绕学生需求,根据内容或者语言主导的原则而变动。基于这一发现,本文提出了选择双语教学模式的时候应当遵循平衡原则,即所有教学因素达到一种平衡的状态才能确保双语教学模式成功实施。本文比较了中国和其他英语为母语国家语言环境,指出在中国不仅是学生需求,同时师资力量,学生语言水平也都是决定因素。这三大决定性因素首先需要在内部相互妥协,达成一致才能继续和补充性因素合作。于是,本文进而提出了与平衡原则略有不同的妥协平衡原则。该原则可用于检测现行双语教学模式中各教学因素间是否达到了平衡,并可作为检测后如何提高该双语教学模式的依据。本文尝试着将妥协平衡原则运用于检测上海工程大学的三门双语课程。这三门课程分别代表了中国目前最典型的三种双语教学模式。通过分析问卷、访谈等方式收集到的数据,本文对此三种模式进行了评价并且根据妥协平衡原则就如何提高这些模式分别给出了建议。
Bilingual education has been a controversial issue in Chinese foreign language education reform for many years and how to improve a bilingual education model in Chinese special context is still in a state of mess.
Due to the special social contexts, bilingual education in foreign countries like Canada and America has a much longer history than in China. Among thousands of methodologies, Content-Based Instruction (CBI) enjoys a great popularity. It has numerous models. Most of CBI models have been tested and retested in large scale. So it is valuable to draw lessons from CBI models to Chinese bilingual education. As professor Yu Liming pointed out in 2003, China could refer to the CBI models to tackle the problem of the separation between language and subjects of the English learning in universities after observing the CBI in the University of Ottawa.
An investigation of some principles behind the success of the five main CBI models might inspire us of how to improve bilingual education models in China.
1.1 Background of the study
There are two incentives stimulating me to conduct such a research. One is the important role of bilingual education in college English reform. The other is the possibility of solving problems in Chinese bilingual education through CBI.
Bilingual education provides a solution to the current examination-oriented college English. Its improvement is an indispensible part of the college English reform. Chinese students started to learn English in middle school in the past and today they start in elementary school, however, they are found lost in the long process. Yu Liming (2007:75) finds in his interview with a number of college students, there are five obstacles in their English learning:
(1) lack of learning aim (2) lack of interest (3)lack of learning pressure (4)lack of sound learning approach (5) over-dependence on textbooks.
He ascribes the blame to examination-oriented English education in China. The main aim of learning English formany students is to get a high mark in CET4 or CET6, a certificate important for hunting a job after graduation. The side effect of CET4 and CET6 is so overwhelming that the college English emphasizes too much on the language itself and it forgets that language is a medium of communication in essence. Therefore, language itself becomes the end of learning instead of a vehicle for absorbing other knowledge. Liu Runqing (1999:87) anticipates a transformation of college English for juniors and seniors where content instruction will be substituted for language skills instruction in future. He explains as follows:
Firstly, language itself is a symbol system and the sense of its beauty lies in the content it carries; secondly, human beings are an intelligent creature that will suffer mental famine if the demands for their intellectual development are not well satisfied.
Bilingual education is defined as a school education where second language or foreign language becomes the communication medium of teaching subjects like mathematics, physics, chemistry, history, etc. (Wang Binhua, 2003). Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics (2000:44) defines it as the use of a second or foreign language for the teaching of content subjects. So bilingual education can theoretically satisfy students’ intellectual development needs. It offers a proper way out of the current dilemma of College English and can shoulder the responsibility of leading Chinese College English to the new trends already stated by Liu Runqing above. In bilingual education, English is no longer the end of learning and the improvement of students’ English proficiency is a byproduct in the process of absorbing subject knowledge.
However, there are indeed many difficulties in the actual implementation of bilingual education in Chinese context. Many people even doubt the feasibility of bilingual education in China. Teacher resource and students’ English proficiency are the usual targets of critiques. Some criticize the lack of qualified teachers who can take the dual roles of language teacher and subject teacher (Yu Liming &Yuan Duping2005; He Jianju 2009). Others argue that a prerequisite for a successful bilingual education is that students must pass CET6 or get a score above 80 of CET4 (Yu Liming &Han Jianxia 2007). To some extent, the critiques exist because we lack a complete and persuasive bilingual education model which can make a balance between students’ special needs and the limits of bilingual teaching conditions in China. As the teaching contexts vary from place to place in China, it is also not practical to have a standardized model for the whole country and the best one should be the most suitable one which can coordinate the contradiction of all teaching elements in local contexts.
CBI combines subject instruction with language instruction well. It has numerous models which are born in local teaching context. As a result, it can satisfy local students’ needs and achieve fruitfulness.
What we should learn from CBI model is not to copy its existing models mechanically, but to study the rule of its success to find out how it could create so many popular and effective models. We should make full use of these rules to improve the existing bilingual education models in China or create new models in local contexts. We believe we can solve the problems in the bilingual education gradually with the help of CBI concepts.
1.2 The Research Question and the Significance of the Research
In order to make sure this is a sensible study, it is necessary to gain a clear idea of the research question and the aim of this study first.
The research question of this study is: how could we improve the existing bilingual education models in China according to the Compromise-Balance Principle (CBP)? This paper creates CBP based on Chinese reality and with the help of theoretical supports in CBI concepts. It digs the details in seven aspects of three classic bilingual courses and applies CBI to check them in Shanghai University of Engineering Science (SUES). It checks the effectiveness of the three courses first and later examine the following six teaching elements respectively: students’ needs, students’ English proficiency to attend the class, bilingual teacher resource, classroom instruction, teaching materials, and assessing ways. It tries to make suggestions for the improvement of the three courses according to CBP.
Interview and questionnaireare the main methodologies used to gather useful information.
This in-depth study of the bilingual education in SUES will serve as a pilot check of the feasibility of improving Chinese bilingual education models and it tends to draw more attention to this problem so as to promote the development of Chinese bilingual education.
This chapter is a preliminary chapter for going about the following study. Since this study is a tentative research on improving bilingual education models in China under CBI concepts, an indispensable base for understanding it is to get an overview of CBI concepts which includes the definitions of CBI and the rationale behind CBI. Apart from the basic theories of CBI, the definition of bilingual education, the previous literature on bilingual education models in China should also be reviewed.
2.1 An Overview of CBI Concepts
Content-Based Instruction is of growing importance in both second and foreign language education in the United States, Canada as well as other European countries. Though the definitions and implementations vary slightly in different countries, what they have in common is the fact that this approach has gained wide acceptance and enjoyed increasing popularity since the 1980s. So it is necessary to investigate this term.
2.1.1 The Definitions of CBI
As the term Content-Based Instruction or sometimes Content-Based Language Instruction itself indicates, Content plays an important role in this approach. It is the core which distinguishes it from a number of EFL approaches. Among the numerous CBI definitions, the following are wildly recognized ones.
CBI is the teaching of content or information in the language being learned with little or no direct or explicit effort to teach the language itself separately from the content being taught (Krahnke 1987).
CBI refers to an approach to second language teaching in which the teaching is organized around the content or information that students will acquire, rather than around a linguistic or other type of syllabus. In CBI, students will be presented with interdisciplinary material in a meaningful, conceptualized form in which the primary focus is on the acquisition of content area information (Briton, Snow & Wesche,1989).
Content-based language instruction is an integrated approach to language instruction drawing topics, texts, and tasks from content or subject-matter classes but focusing on the cognitive, academic language skills required to participate effectively in content instruction. (Crandall, JoAnn &Tucker, G. Richard, 1990).
The three definitions above are the most original ones which can be regarded as the ancestors of CBI definitions and the foundation for its future development. Many relative theories concerning CBI stem from them. These three definitions explain CBI in a comparatively abstract way. In a broad sense, CBI can be concrete as Stryker and Leaver stated in 1997:
CBI can also be at once a philosophical orientation, a methodological system, a syllabus design for a single course, or a framework for an entire program of instruction, and totally integrates language learning with content learning.
This definition guarantees flexible implementations of CBI as long as the concurrent learning of content and language happens. Perhaps that’s why Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics (2000:101) explains CBI as follows:
It is a programme in English as a second language in which the focus is on teaching students the skills they will need in regular classroom, i.e. for learning in the CONTENT AREAS such as mathematics, geography, or biology. Such a programme teaches students the language skills they will need when they are mainstreamed. This definition uses programme as the key noun to explain CBI, because CBI usually appears in the form of supportive pragrammes with the aim to help minority students to be mainstreamed.
No matter how the definitions vary from one another, the central tenet of CBI is that students learn language when they use it to study something else in a sustained way. In other words, the essence of CBI is that content is taught and learnt in a language which is not mother tongue of the learners. It changes the traditional “learn to use English” into “use to learn English”.
Since we have stated that CBP can be applied to construct or to improve &nbilingual education models in China and each model should be unique because the local context varies greatly, we want to gather major findings of the three bilingual courses discussed above first and make suggestions on their improvement one by one according to CBP later. Besides, applications of the research, limitations and recommendations for future research will also be presented in this chapter.
7.1 Major Findings in EEA and Application of the CBP to It
Table 7.1.1 includes the useful information of EEA gathered from the data analysis in Chapter 6. Now we want to find out whether there are problems in this bilingual course and how to improve it according to CBP by referring to the whole picture of EEA.
7.1.1 Major Findings in EEA
53% of EEA students think this course is difficult. 77% prefer traditional language course than bilingual course and 53% think traditional language course is better for language improvement than bilingual class. However, 80% of them believe bilingual course in better for the improvement in subject content than Chinese subject course. 77% of them think they have improved their language a little in the course and 100% think they have improved a little in subject content.
From the above discussion, we think EEA is a successful bilingual class since the percentage of students who think they have gained fruits in both language and subject content is very high. We will check the teaching elements in it according to the CBP.
80% of the EEA students come to the class because it is a compulsory class and 80% of them do not care or hope the university set more bilingual courses for them. Only 40% of the students believe the bilingual course will benefit their future plan after graduation. 60% of them say they want to learn subject knowledge and improve English proficiency at the same time.
7% of the students think their teacher is knowledgeable in subject content and 100% of them think their teacher can instruct subject content in English clearly. 60% of them say they have learned both subject knowledge and language from the teacher.
We know there is no special language proficiency test to know students’ English level before the class from the qualitative analysis, and 67% of the students have not passed any language proficiency test. However, 96% of them say they could follow the teacher and 93% of them think they have achieved the requiredEnglish level for attending this bilingual class.
We think the CBP is of great significance both to the improvement and the construction of bilingual education models in China. Though we have tried our best to propose it based on BP drawn from Met’s CBI continuum, we still think there is several limitations in this research. The limitations lie in three aspects, which we would list in the following paragraphs for future research.
First is the specific content of the teaching aim. Since we have not got the exact teaching aims of the three courses which results in a lack of a much more specific analysis of the survey. It should contain not only the extent of English permeation but also a classification of different levels of subject content. However, teaching aim is a rather complicated element to be specified and the part of subject content will be totally different from one to another.
Second is the flexible implementation of the complementary elements. We have said that in the CBP, the complementary elements should cooperate in a flexible way to help realize the teaching aim through which they correspond to the decisive element. Since the complementary elements of different bilingual courses can be implemented in different ways, it seems that they are over-flexible to control. It is better to find some common standards for them to follow. However, to answer the question what the standards should be is a difficult question itself.
The third is that it lacks more applications of the CBP to find the flaws in it. What we have tried is to apply it for the improvement of the existing three bilingual courses EEA, FTFS and FEC in SUES. Though the three are representatives of the three typical bilingual education models in China, it still needs much more trials in various universities in China.
We hope the CBP could trigger more insights of how to improve bilingual education models in China and the CBP can be improved with the help of more scholars who care about the bilingual education in China .
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