发布时间:2017-12-30 20:01
本文关键词:纳西族国家认同研究 出处:《云南大学》2013年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:国家认同问题既是一个重大的政治理论问题,也是一个重大的政治现实问题。对于多民族国家来说,能否赢得国内各民族,尤其是国内少数民族对国家的认同,关系着多民族国家政治秩序的稳定和国内民族关系的巩固。对多民族国家来说,少数民族的国家认同不是与生俱来的,而是国家构建的结果。要维护多民族国家的政治稳定,多民族国家就必须通过各种途径和方式,不断构建、维护、巩固、提升少数民族的国家认同,不断夯实国家认同的社会心理基础,提高少数民族国家认同的程度和水平。本文选取纳西族作为一个典型个案,通过梳理纳西族国家认同发展变迁的历史进程来审视多纳西族国家认同的发展演变,试图回答:“纳西族的国家认同的怎么构建起来的?在国家认同发展的不同阶段,其国家认同具有何种特点?其国家认同的构建具有什么意义和作用?当前纳西族国家认同处于何种状态?当前纳西族国家认同面临什么样的问题和挑战?”等一系列问题。 纳西族作为中华民族的一个重要组成部分,其国家认同不是与生俱来的,而是国家政治力量构建的结果。纵观纳西族国家认同发展的历史进程,纳西族的国家认同经历了王朝国家时期、近代转型时期、现代民族国家构建时期三大历史阶段。在王朝国家时期,随着中央王朝对纳西族地区管理和控制的不断深入,在纳西族与中央王朝互动关系不断加强巩固的过程中,伴随着儒学实现在纳西族地区的全面涵化,纳西族以“中央王朝”为核心的王朝国家认同最终被全面构建起来。从元明到清朝时期,纳西族的王朝国家认同经历了从无到有,从模糊到清晰,从变动到巩固的过程。纳西族王朝国家时期的认同实质上是建立在传统“天下观”和“民族观”基础上的文化认同,正是对王朝国家时期以儒家思想为核心的主流政治文化的认同和接受,塑造和巩固了纳西族的王朝国家认同。鸦片战争作为中国近代史的一个开端,同时也是中国现代民族国家构建和中华民族这一民族实体不断觉醒的过程,纳西族的国家认同正是在这一时期发生了转型。以对中华民族的认同为表征,纳西族的国家认同从王朝国家时期认同一个个王朝转变为认同现代意义上的国家——“中国”。根据纳西族国家认同状态的变化,近代转型时期纳西族的国家认同经历了纳西族中华民族认同的觉醒时期、纳西族中华民族认同的基本形成时期、纳西族中华民族认同的全面提升时期以及纳西族政党认同形成的时期。在纳西族国家认同的近代转型时期,纳西族的国家认同以中华民族认同为指向,纳西族国家认同的现代特性日益显著,在传统国家认同的瓦解和现代国家认同的生成中,纳西族的国家认同实现了从传统到现代的过渡。1949年中华人民共和国的成立,标志着中国完成现代民族国家的构建过程,中国开始进入现代民族国家建设阶段。在这个阶段,纳西族的国家认同经历了新中国成立初期的成功构建、全面建设社会主义时期的纳西族国家认同的维系、十年文革时期的纳西族国家认同的全面转化、改革开放以来的纳西族国家认同的全面提升几个主要历史时期。除此对上述几个历史时期纳西族的国家认同的构建及特点进行阐述之外,本文还对当前纳西族国家认同的现状进行了分析,展示纳西族当前国家认同的新变化,指出在当前形势下纳西族国家认同面临的问题和挑战。 从王朝国家时期到近代转型时期,再到现代民族国家建设时期,在不同的历史时期,纳西族国家认同的对象从王朝国家到近代民族国家再到现代民族国家,纳西族的国家认同具有不同特点,影响纳西族国家认同构建的具体因素也有所差别,塑造和构建纳西族国家认同的力量也不尽相同。在王朝国家时期,纳西族的国家认同是一个个的中央王朝在加强对纳西族地区的治理,不断强化纳西族与中央王朝的联系,不断推动和灌输国家主流政治文化的过程中构建起纳西族对王朝国家的认同的,构建的方式既有政治上的管理和控制,也有文化上的吸引和聚合,同时还有武力上的震慑。近代时期,纳西族的国家认同是中国现代民族国家的构建中形成的,而中国现代民族国家的构建是中华民族在寻求国家主权独立和民族自由的过程中进行的。换句话说,中国现代民族国家的构建、中华民族的由自在到自觉状态的转化,是在反帝反封建的爱国斗争中实现的,中国现代民族国家构建的方式是革命式的,相对应的,纳西族国家认同的近代转型,就是在反帝反封建的革命中发生的,革命是构建和推动纳西族国家认同由传统向现代转型的最重要方式。中国进入现代民族国家建设时期之后,纳西族的国家认同构建方式受到国家治理方式的重要影响。“运动式治理”是现代民族国家建设时期,尤其是改革开放之前,现代民族国家治理的最主要方式和手段,各种政治运动也是国家在政治、经济、文化领域的开展活动的最主要途径,因此,现代民族国家建设时期,纳西族国家认同的构建、维系、转化和提升无一例外受到国家“运动式治理”的影响,政治运动成为塑造和构建纳西族现代民族国家认同的主要方式。 纳西族的国家认同不是自然生成的,而是不同历史时期,不同政治力量构建的结果。就纳西族国家认同的发展历程来看,王朝国家时期,构建纳西族国家认同的主要力量是王朝国家时期的各个中央王朝。在纳西族的国家认同近代转型时期,纳西族的国家认同主要是在中国近代进步政治力量的引领下构建起来的。而到了现代民族国家建设时期,中国共产党全面执掌国家政权,中国共产党集构建执政党认同和国家认同的政治任务为一身,是塑造和构建纳西族现代民族国家认同的核心力量。 不仅纳西族的国家认同不是自然生成的,而且纳西族国家认同的建构也不是一蹴而就的,而是一个长期发展的历史过程。不管在哪一个历史时期,纳西族的国家认同一旦形成之后,在一定阶段内都是比较稳定的。但是,从纳西族整个国家认同的发展过程来看,纳西族的国家认同又是不断发展变化的,纳西族的国家认同始终处在一个动态发展的变化之中。如王朝国家时期的纳西族国家认同,就是经历了漫长的历史发展之后最终得以建立起来的。认同作为一种心理状态,是一个不断延续和积累的过程,每一个阶段的国家认同状态都会对下一个阶段的认同状态造成影响,正向积极的国家认同会不断通过政治社会化的方式实现代际传递,在长期的历史发展过程中逐渐沉淀成为纳西族稳定的心理素质,不断提升和强化着纳西族的国家认同,使之始终保持在较高的水平之上 虽然纳西族的国家认同始终保持在一个较高水平之上,但是,在当前形势下,尤其随着改革开放的不断深入,纳西族国家认同在实现不断强化和提升的同时,纳西族的国家认同也呈现出新的特点,同时也面临着新的问题和挑战。从国家层面来看,纳西族面临的问题在一定程度上也反应了当前多民族国家认同建设所面临的困境,如何正确认识多民族国家在新形势和条件下面临的国家认同危机,是多民族国家维持国家政治秩序稳定,促进国家政治发展的应有之意。 以纳西族国家认同研究为依托,可以略窥中国少数民族国家认同构建、发展、变迁的历史发展脉络,也能够更好地认识当前多民族国家少数民族国家认同所呈现的状态和面临的问题、挑战,从而更好地把握少数民族国家认同发展变化的规律和特征,获得对少数民族国家认同构建、发展、变化的清晰认识。
[Abstract]:The issue of national identity is a major political issue, but also a major political problem for the multi-ethnic country, can win the domestic various nationalities, especially the minority national identity, the relationship between political order and stability of the multi nationality country and domestic ethnic relations to multi nationality country to consolidate. Ethnic minorities, national identity is not innate, but the national construction results. To maintain the political stability of the multi-ethnic country, multi-ethnic countries must through various ways and means to continuously build, maintain, consolidate and improve the national identity of ethnic minorities, and constantly reinforce the national identity of the social psychological foundation, improve the recognition of the minority national level. This paper selects the Naxi nationality as a typical case, through the historical development process of change sort of Naxi national identity to examine Donne The development of the western national identity evolution, trying to answer: "Naxi national identity how to establish it? In different stages of development of national identity, national identity has what characteristics? What is the significance and role of building its national identity? The Naxi national identity in what state? The Naxi national identity face what kind of problems and challenges? A series of problems."
Naxi nationality is an important part of the Chinese nation, the national identity is not innate, but the national political power construction. The result of the historical process of the Naxi national identity throughout the development of Naxi national identity through the national Dynasty period, the modern transition period, the modern nation-state construction period three stages in the Empire period, with the deepening of the central government on the management and control of the Naxi area, interaction in the Naxi and central government relations continue to strengthen the process, along with the implementation of Confucianism in the Naxi areas of acculturation, "central dynasty dynasty" as the core of the Naxi national identity was eventually constructing. From Yuan Dynasty to Qing Dynasty, the Naxi Dynasty national identity has experienced from scratch, from vague to clear, to consolidate the process of change from the Naxi Dynasty state. During the period of identity is essentially based on the traditional "worldview" and "national view" on the cultural identity is the recognition and acceptance of the mainstream political culture of dynasty state period of Confucianism as the core, build and consolidate the Naxi Dynasty national identity. The Opium War as the beginning of a modern China the history of the process, but also China modern nation-state building and the Chinese nation as a national entity awakening, it is transformed in this period the Naxi national identity. With the identity of the Chinese nation for the characterization of the Naxi nationality, national identity from the national identity of a dynasty dynasty period into the modern meaning of identity the world - "Chinese". According to the change of Naxi national identity status, national identity in the transformation period of the Naxi Naxi experience of Chinese national identity awakening, Na The basic form period of Naxi Chinese national identity, enhance the Naxi ethnic identity period and during the formation of Naxi party identity. In the modern transformation of Naxi national identity period, the Naxi national identity to the Chinese national identity as the orientation, characteristics of modern Naxi national identity is increasingly prominent in the disintegration of traditional generation National identity and national identity in modern, Naxi national identity was realized from the traditional to the modern transition of.1949 in People's Republic of China, marking the completion of Chinese modern nation-state construction process, Chinese began to enter the modern nation-state construction stage. In this stage, the Naxi national identity through the construction of the early the successful establishment of the new Chinese, socialist period of all-round construction of Naxi national identity to maintain the ten years of the cultural revolution period of Naxi national identity A comprehensive transformation, several improving Naxi national identity main historical period since the reform and opening up. In addition to the above several historical period identity of Naxi nation construction and characteristics are expounded, the current situation of Naxi national identity are analyzed, showing the new changes in the Naxi national identity. Pointed out that the face of Naxi national identity in the current situation, problems and challenges.
From the Empire State period to the modern transition period, and then to the modern nation-state construction period, in different historical periods, the Naxi national identity object from the kingdom to a modern nation-state to the modern nation-state, Naxi national identity has different characteristics, the factors influencing the construction of Naxi national identity also has a difference. Shaping and constructing the Naxi national identity strength are not the same. In Dynasty state period, Naxi national identity is one of the central government in strengthening the governance of the Naxi area, continuously strengthen the Naxi and central dynasty, construct the identity of the Naxi Dynasty countries continue to promote and instill the national mainstream the political culture in the process of construction, the way of management and control of politics, but also attract and aggregate culture, as well as military deterrent. In modern times Naxi, national identity is constructed China in the modern nation-state formation, and the construction of China modern nation-state is the Chinese nation in the process of seeking national sovereignty and national freedom in. In other words, China construction of modern nation-state, the transformation of the Chinese nation from spontaneity to consciousness state, is realized in the patriotic struggle against imperialism and feudalism in Chinese, modern nation state building is revolutionary, the Naxi national identity transformation in modern times, is what happened in the anti imperialist and anti feudal revolution, the revolution is to build and promote the Naxi national identity from the traditional to the modern transformation of the most important ways China. After entering the modern national country construction period, the Naxi national identity construction is an important impact on national governance. "Campaign style governance" is a modern nation state building Period, especially before the reform and opening up, the main ways and means of modern national governance, political movement and countries in politics, economy, carry out the activities of the main ways, so the field of culture, the modern nation-state construction period, the construction of national identity, the influence of Naxi maintain, transforming and upgrading all countries "campaign style governance, political movement has become the main way of shaping and constructing modern Naxi national identity.
Naxi national identity is not natural, but in different historical periods, different political power construction results. The development course of the Naxi national identity, national Dynasty period, the main force to construct the Naxi national identity is the period of the central dynasty dynasty state. In the transformation of the Naxi national identity in modern times Naxi National identity is constructed in China modern progressive political power under the guidance. And to the modern nation-state construction period, the Communist Party Chinese fully wield state power, the Communist Party China set the ruling party and national identity as a political task, is the core power of shaping and constructing the modern nation of Naxi nationality agree.
Not only the Naxi national identity is not natural, but also the construction of Naxi national identity is not easy, but a long history of the development process. No matter where a period of history after the Naxi national identity once formed, are relatively stable in a certain period. However, from the development process the Naxi Naxi National identity, national identity is constantly changing, the Naxi national identity has always been in a dynamic change. As the Naxi national identity national Dynasty period, after experiencing a long history finally established the identity as a kind of psychological. State is a continuation and accumulation process, the state of the national identity of each stage will affect the state recognition of the next stage, positive national identity Will continue through the political socialization mode to realize the intergenerational transmission, in the long process of historical development gradually become the Naxi stable psychological quality, constantly improve and strengthen the Naxi national identity, kept on a high level
Although the Naxi national identity is always maintained at a high level, but in the current situation, especially with the deepening of reform and opening-up, the Naxi national identity in the realization of continuously strengthen and enhance at the same time, the Naxi national identity is also showing a new feature, but also facing new problems and challenges from the national perspective, the Naxi people are faced with the problem in a certain extent also reflects the current construction of national identity dilemma, how to correctly understand the national identity crisis nation faces in the new situation and condition, is a multi-ethnic country to maintain political stability, promote national political development should have Italy.
In order to study the Naxi national identity as the basis, we can see the construction of national identity Chinese minority development history changes, challenges also can better understand the current national minority national identity of the state and problems, in order to better grasp the development and change of the rules and characteristics of minority national identity people get on the construction of national identity in ethnic minority areas, a clear understanding of the changes.
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