本文关键词:社交网络下网络互动对购买意愿影响及信任保障机制研究 出处:《北京邮电大学》2013年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:社交网络的核心价值是人与人之间的关系,充分挖掘每个人的信息和联系,从而可以更好地为用户提供关系化服务。在国内,有部分社交网站在发展初期过分倚重游戏类应用,无法对用户形成持续的吸引力,导致用户粘性降低。同时,与个人用户紧密相关的电子商务在发展过程中也存在着较多问题,网上购物用户迫切需要一个真实可信,能够及时有效的进行信息沟通和分享的交流平台。 社交网络这种基于信任的网络社交平台非常适合电子商务信息的共享与传播,以信任为纽带的传播方式,更容易引起其他用户的购买意愿。在电子商务中融入社交网络既丰富了消费者的购物渠道,又降低了卖家在交易过程中的成本。同时,对社交网站来说,与电子商务融合,不仅可以充分利用社交网络“人际关系”这一优势,增强社交用户之间的联系,把过去倚重游戏类应用的模式转变为以知识、信息、关系为核心的模式,而且能为社交网站拓展新的盈利模式,为社交网络的进一步发展带来新的生机。 因此,深入研究社交商务网络的网络拓扑结构,探讨网络互动对网络购买意愿的影响,分析社交商务环境下的信任保障机制,既丰富并发展了网络消费行为理论,又有利于社交商务网络运营商对社交商务平台的管理和发展,进而保证我国社交网络能够平稳健康的发展,对互联网产业的发展具有重要的理论和现实意义。 论文第一部分对社交商务网络的网络拓扑结构进行了研究。首先利用滚雪球抽样方法在美丽说社交商务分享网站中取得样本数据,随后通过社会网络分析软件UCINET对数据进行了分析,主要包括网络密度分析、中心性分析、凝聚子群分析和核心-边缘分析等。为了进一步探讨网络拓扑结构与用户购买意愿之间的影响关系,本研究对所有样本都发送了调查问题,然后把问卷统计情况与社会网络分析结果进行对比,总结出社交商务网络的网络拓扑结构特征。 论文第二部分构建了社交商务用户网络购买意愿模型,并进行了实证分析和假设检验。基于社会互动理论、理性行为理论、技术接受模型、消费者行为理论、顾客价值理论等,从社交商务网络的互动角度,将网络互动分为互动场所、互动特性、互动方式和互动对象四个维度,随后进一步细分为自身定位、技术性、安全性、虚拟性、网络外部性、个性化、同步互动、异步互动、单人互动、多人互动、用户-用户互动、用户-平台运营商互动和用户-广告商互动等自变量,同时以信任作为中介变量,网络购买意愿为因变量,网络互动程度为控制变量,构建出社交商务用户网络购买意愿模型。之后通过SPSS15.0和AMOS7.0对样本数据进行了分析,并从网络互动程度角度把数据分为高程度互动组和低程度互动组进行对比分析验证。最终找出社交商务网络环境下网络互动对消费者购买意愿的影响因素。 论文第三部分研究了社交商务网络环境下网络购买信任保障机制。在综述信息不对称相关理论及信任概念模型的基础上,对传统电子商务与社交商务进行了比较分析,然后根据社交商务用户在各交易阶段的侧重点不同,分别研究交易前、交易中和交易后三个阶段的信任保障机制。 经过理论研究和实证分析,本研究主要获得以下三方面的结论: (1)社交商务网络的网络拓扑结构研究结论。整个样本网络呈现疏松的网络结构,派系较少,凝聚子群间的关系趋向随机分布,并且整个网络中只有核心区联系较为密切。社会网络分析结果与问卷统计结果对比发现,点度中心度低的用户,其购买意愿也相对较低;网络互动程度低的用户,绝大多数处于网络的边缘区,且未在派系之中;用户的网络互动程度与其购买意愿之间存在影响关系。 (2)社交商务用户网络购买意愿模型的检验结论。除了自身定位、虚拟性、异步互动和多入互动以外,技术性、安全性、网络外部性、个性化、同步互动、单人互动、用户-用户互动、用户-平台运营商互动和用户-广告商互动等因素会积极影响用户对社交商务平台的信任。在高程度互动组和低程度互动组的比较分析中发现,网络互动程度会影响用户对社交商务平台的信任以及网络购买意愿。同时,在高程度互动群组中影响大小排序前三的是安全性、用户-广告商互动和同步互动,低程度互动群组中影响大小排序前三的是安全性、技术性和单人互动,其中安全性都是影响最大的因素。 (3)社交商务网络环境下网络购买信任保障机制的结论。根据社交商务用户在社交商务交易过程中交易前、交易中和交易后三个阶段的侧重点不同,分别构建了三种不同类型的信任机制,包括基于声誉模型的信任机制、基于第三方认证机构的信任机制和基于服务质量的信任机制。
[Abstract]:The core value of the social network is the relationship between people and people , so that the information and contact of each person can be fully exploited , so that the relationship service can be better provided for the user . At the same time , some social networking sites have more problems in the development process , so that the user ' s viscosity is reduced . At the same time , the electronic commerce closely related to the individual user also has more problems in the development process , and the online shopping user needs a real and reliable communication platform which can effectively communicate and share information in time . The social networking platform is very suitable for the sharing and dissemination of electronic commerce information , so that it can trust as the communication mode of the bond and more easily cause the purchase intention of other users . In the electronic commerce , the social network can enrich the shopping channel of the consumer and reduce the cost of the seller in the course of the transaction . Therefore , deeply research the network topological structure of the social business network , discuss the influence of network interaction on the network purchase intention , analyze the trust guarantee mechanism under the social business environment , enrich and develop the network consumption behavior theory , and facilitate the management and development of the social business platform by the social business network operator , thus ensuring the smooth and healthy development of the social network of our country , and has important theoretical and practical significance for the development of the Internet industry . In the first part , the network topological structure of the social business network is studied . First , the sample data is obtained from the social business - sharing website by using the snowball sampling method , and then the data is analyzed by using the social network analysis software UCINET . In order to further explore the influence relation between the network topological structure and the purchase intention of the user , the present study sends survey questions to all samples , then compares the questionnaire statistics with the social network analysis results , and summarizes the network topology structural characteristics of the social business network . Based on social interaction theory , rational behavior theory , technology acceptance model , consumer behavior theory , customer value theory , etc . In the third part , the paper studies the mechanism of network purchase trust in social business network environment . On the basis of summarizing information asymmetry theory and trust concept model , the paper compares the traditional e - commerce with social business , and then studies the trust guarantee mechanism in three stages of pre - transaction , transaction and post - transaction according to the different focus of social business users in each transaction stage . After theoretical research and empirical analysis , this study mainly obtains the following three conclusions : ( 1 ) The research conclusion of the network topological structure of the social business network . The whole sample network presents a loose network structure , the distribution system is small , the relation between the aggregated sub - groups tends to be randomly distributed , and only the core area in the whole network is relatively close . The results of the social network analysis and the statistical results of the questionnaire show that the users with low point - degree centers are relatively low ; the users with low degree of interaction are mostly in the edge area of the network , and are not in the factions ; and the interaction degree between the users ' networks and their purchasing will have an influence . ( 2 ) The social business user network purchase intention model test conclusion . Besides self - positioning , virtual , asynchronous interaction and multi - entry interaction , technical , security , network external , personalized , synchronous interaction , single - person interaction , user - user interaction , user - platform operator interaction and user - advertiser interaction will positively influence the user ' s trust in social business platform and network purchase intention . ( 3 ) The conclusion of network purchase trust guarantee mechanism in social business network environment . According to the different focus of social business users before and after transaction , three different types of trust mechanism are constructed , including trust mechanism based on reputation model , trust mechanism based on third party authentication mechanism and trust mechanism based on service quality .
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