本文选题:中美 + 残疾人 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2013年博士论文
【摘要】:2008年北京残奥会的成功举办,大大促进了我国残疾人事业,尤其是残疾人体育事业的发展和进程,残疾人体育迎来了大步发展的新契机,但也面临着残奥会后如何继续、更好地发展中国残疾人体育事业等相关问题。美国是世界公认的体育强国,其残疾人体育的发展也必然走在世界前列,尤其在残疾人体育的保障系统和社会化运作方面积累了丰富的经验。论文的主要工作包括: 1、梳理残疾人体育研究中相关的问题,并以系统的思想,将整个理论体系划分为三个角度六个内涵。 2、由于政治体制与社会制度不同,中、美残疾人体育发展存在着根本性的差异,论文采用文献资料法、访谈法、实地考察法、逻辑分析法、数据统计法、比较分析法等研究方法,对中美残疾人体育科研、体育教育、体育管理、体育竞赛、体育活动、体育与就业等六个方面进行深入的比较分析。找出我国和美国在残疾人体育方面各自的优势和存在的不足,从而分析美国残疾人体育发展的经验对我国残疾人体育事业的启示。 3、论文采用定量评估的方法,以美国残疾人体育为标杆值,采用层次分析法得到评价指标的权重,运用加权和的思想定量评估中国残疾人体育的综合得分。评估结果表明,中国在残疾人体育竞赛方面的表现较好,而残疾人就业不容乐观,这是我国残疾人体育领域需要着力解决的问题。 4、结合北京残奥会后我国的实际国情,从社会环境、法律法规、管理模式、科学研究、市场机制、体育教育、残疾人就业等几个方面提出我国发展残疾人体育事业有益的建议和观点。
[Abstract]:The successful holding of the Beijing Paralympic Games in 2008 has greatly promoted the development and progress of the cause of disabled people in China, especially the cause of sports for the disabled. The disabled Sports has ushered in a new opportunity for great development, but it is also facing how to continue after the Paralympic Games. Better development of China's disabled sports and other related issues. The United States is a recognized sports power in the world, and its disabled sports development is bound to be in the forefront of the world, especially in the disabled sports security system and social operation has accumulated rich experience. The main work of the thesis includes: 1. Combing the related problems in the research of disabled people's sports, and dividing the whole theory system into three angles and six connotations with systematic thought. 2, because of the different political system and social system, there are fundamental differences in the development of disabled sports in China and America. The paper adopts the methods of literature, interview, field investigation, logic analysis, data statistics, etc. Comparative analysis and other research methods are used to compare the six aspects of sports research, physical education, sports management, sports competition, sports activities, sports and employment between China and the United States. To find out the advantages and disadvantages of our country and the United States in the sports of the disabled, and then analyze the enlightenment of the experience of the development of the disabled sports in the United States to the cause of the disabled in our country. 3. The paper adopts the method of quantitative evaluation, takes the American disabled sports as the benchmark value, uses the analytic hierarchy process to get the weight of the evaluation index, and quantitatively evaluates the comprehensive score of the disabled sports in China by the thought of weighted sum. The evaluation results show that China has a good performance in sports competitions for the disabled, but the employment of the disabled is not optimistic, which is a problem that needs to be solved in the field of sports for the disabled in China. (4) considering the actual situation of China after the Beijing Paralympic Games, from the social environment, laws and regulations, management model, scientific research, market mechanism, physical education, Some suggestions and viewpoints on the development of disabled people's sports in China are put forward in several aspects, such as employment of disabled persons.
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