
发布时间:2018-03-29 22:01

  本文选题:情报学 切入点:教学改革 出处:《南京大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:伴随着信息技术的飞速发展,各大高校在教学模式上的变革也逐步提上日程。目前,高校更为关注的是学生的全面发展,构建一种新型的教学模式用以提升学生的自我表达能力和学习能力显得尤为重要。本文针对情报学教育现状,将"MOOC"与"翻转课堂"相融合,借用MOOC课程制作模式,构建"MOOC+翻转课堂"的教学模式,用以提升学生的学习兴趣,提高教学质量。全文共分六个部分进行详细论述:第一部分:首先论述论文的研究背景、研究内容、研究目的与研究意义,接着阐述MOOC和翻转课堂目前在国内外的发展现状,最后介绍论文所采用的研究方法。第二部分:分别介绍MOOC和翻转课堂的概念、特点,分析两者之间的关联,提出了 "MOOC+翻转课堂"这一新兴教学模式;介绍论文研究的理论依据,分析情报学课程与"MOOC+翻转课堂"的契合点以及"MOOC+翻转课堂"教学模式的现实意义。第三部分:通过问卷调查法、访谈法了解目前情报学课程建设的情况以及学生、老师对于MOOC情报学课程的期盼与需求,为后期开展情报学MOOC课程摸清方向。第四部分:对情报学课程实施"MOOC+翻转课堂"的教学模式进行SWOT分析,总结出其优劣势以及发展前景;在MOOC教学设计原则的基础上,构建了基于MOOC的情报学课程翻转课堂教学模式,为情报学MOOC课程制作团队展示了开设课程的整体脉络。第五部分:结合现状,分别从学校、老师、学生三个方面对创新高校情报学理论课教学方式提出建议。第六部分:对论文进行总结,指出其中的创新和不足,并对后续的研究提出展望。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of information technology, changes in the teaching model of universities has gradually put on the agenda. At present, the university is more concerned about the overall development of students, to improve students self expression and learning ability is very important to construct a new teaching mode. Based on the current situation of information education, "MOOC" and "flip the classroom curriculum integration, using MOOC production model, build" MOOC+ flipping the classroom teaching mode, to enhance students' interest in learning, improve the teaching quality. The thesis is divided into six parts in detail: the first part: first discusses the research background, the research content of the thesis the purpose of the study, and the significance of the research, then introduces the MOOC and flip the classroom at present in the domestic and foreign development present situation, finally introduces the research methods used in this paper. The second part: introduces the concept of MOOC and the characteristics of flipping the classroom. And the correlation analysis between the two, put forward "MOOC+ flipped classroom" the new teaching model; the theoretical basis about the research significance, point analysis course and "MOOC+ flipped classroom" and "information science MOOC+ flipped classroom teaching mode. The third part: through the questionnaire survey method, interview method to understand the current information science curriculum construction and the students, the teacher to look forward to working with the requirement of MOOC information science curriculum, in order to carry out the latter course to find out the intelligence of MOOC. The fourth part: the implementation of the" MOOC+ flipping the classroom teaching mode SWOT analysis curriculum of information science, summed up its advantages and disadvantages and development prospects; based on MOOC teaching design principles and construction course of flipping the classroom teaching mode of MOOC information based on information science curriculum for MOOC production team shows the overall context of courses. In the fifth part, combined with the status quo, divided into: Do not put forward suggestions for innovating the teaching mode of information theory in Colleges and universities from three aspects of school, teachers and students. The sixth part: summarizing the papers, pointing out the innovation and insufficiency, and putting forward the prospect for future research.



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