本文选题:智能监控 + 行人重识别 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As an important part of social security, pedestrian video surveillance technology has been developed rapidly in recent years. More and more urban public places are being covered by a large number of surveillance cameras. At the same time, the traditional manual observation and monitoring screen to track and identify pedestrians is overstretched. Therefore, intelligent pedestrian video surveillance has become an interdisciplinary research hotspot, which is focused on computer vision. Its goal is to identify the location of pedestrian through computer analysis of surveillance video. In order to reduce the manpower cost and improve the accuracy of pedestrian monitoring, matching and long distance cross-scene tracking of pedestrians with the same identity are carried out. However, with the rapid growth of population, there is often a rush of people in public places in cities, and the observation of surveillance cameras will cause pedestrians to be blocked by scenes or other pedestrians. These scenarios, which are difficult to be automatically processed by machine vision, pose a great challenge to the design of a wide range of intelligent pedestrian monitoring schemes. This paper focuses on intelligent pedestrian monitoring. First of all, how the problem is divided into pedestrian detection, pedestrian tracking and pedestrian recognition, and how to transfer, extract and analyze the video data between different parts are introduced. At the same time, the key sub-problems in the domestic and foreign representative work has been demonstrated. At the same time, the position of pedestrian recognition problem in the framework of intelligent pedestrian monitoring solution and the significance of solving this problem are analyzed in detail. Then, this paper further analyzes the problem of pedestrian recognition, through the survey of existing work, It can be found that the study focuses on two aspects: the more robust feature extraction from pedestrian images and the measurement of feature distance. In this paper, a method of pedestrian recognition based on deep learning convolutional neural network (CNN) is proposed, which is modified by referring to the existing image classification networks. The training of feature extraction and feature selection of the input pedestrian image is realized, and the result of CMC evaluation surpasses the traditional feature method. Then, this paper analyzes the data sets used in the academic research of pedestrian tracking. Firstly, the representative data sets used in pedestrian tracking are introduced. The contents and calibration data types of existing data sets are analyzed, and the process of benchmark testing and evaluation of sub-problems using data sets is analyzed. Then, according to the characteristics and shortcomings of the existing data sets, this paper proposes a large-scale pedestrian data acquisition system, select the appropriate data acquisition, control and auxiliary positioning hardware equipment, and design the acquisition node. The software system and control network are introduced, and then the whole process of data acquisition, the content and format of the data acquisition, and the calibration process for the algorithm research are introduced.
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