[Abstract]:With the rapid development of biometric technology, biometric features like iris, fingerprint and face have been widely used in the field of identity recognition because of their own uniqueness and identifiability. In many biometric identification, the finger vein features have some unique advantages compared with those mentioned above. Focus on the following four points: first, you do not have to worry about the finger vein characteristics being copied and stolen because the finger touches some local surfaces, because the finger veins are characteristic of the lower layer of the skin; the second point is that the venous features can only be obtained from the living body, so the venous features are highly safe; the third point is to obtain the finger veins. The device is very small and portable; in the end, for most people, each person can obtain up to 10 finger veins, and each finger vein features different features, so the finger vein features have a strong selectivity and flexibility for identification. The finger vein recognition technology has attracted many scholars' enthusiasm and became an increasingly promising technology. Many related research work has reported the advanced results in the field of finger vein recognition, but the robustness of finger vein image recognition still exists in the application scene of large population. In this case, in this case, the second chapter provides a finger vein image retrieval method based on the hierarchical vocabulary tree two value code search path. In particular, we first pass the local venous primitives through the layered K-means square. A word tree is constructed by law. Each image block is represented by the two value code path in the search of the nearest leaf node in the vocabulary tree, and each bit of the two value code is based on or skipping a communication node in the search path and the similarity between the 1 or the 0. meaning two pictures is made up of two paths. For a query image, the first t image will be selected as a candidate to reduce the search space for a query image. The results show that the proposed method can effectively improve the accuracy and efficiency of the retrieval by using the five finger vein library. The growing number of data and the use of requirements, biometric databases have also increased to a larger scale. Therefore, finger vein image retrieval has become an effective method for fast identification. However, most of the existing retrieval methods are based on the characteristics of the fixed range extracted from non overlapping rectangular image blocks, so the feature representation is expressed. The local consistency of capacity and venous features is ignored. And this weakening encoding (two values based on predefined thresholds) also limits the performance of the retrieval. In order to solve this problem, the third chapter proposes a novel framework for the finger vein image retrieval based on the similarity of multi-scale super pixel features. In the proposed framework, in the proposed framework, a locally consistent pixel in a super pixel block is used to represent a feature, and according to the classification of the super pixel, the length of the feature dimension of the super pixel is different in different categories. The classification of the super pixel is determined by the variance of the characteristics of the lowest dimension. In addition, this kind of special pixel is based on the characteristic of the minimum dimension. Characteristic compression and cyclic feature coding can minimize the quantization loss and keep the similarity between the multi-scale feature and the two value code. The experimental results on the six open finger vein database show that the hand finger vein image retrieval method based on multi-scale super pixel feature coding is more advanced than the present one. The results are all good.
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