[Abstract]:With the rapid development of information technology, the Internet has become one of the main infrastructure of human information society, but after more than half a century of development, has evolved into a complex giant system, with the rapid growth of the scale of users, Resource concurrent access makes the contradiction between limited network resources and increasing user needs more and more prominent. At the same time, with the emergence of various new applications and intelligent terminals, when a variety of service forms access heterogeneous and heterogeneous resources, the quality of service requirements are quite different, and the traditional methods of content delivery are difficult to meet the requirements. This makes the distribution of content facing major challenges. The idea of content distribution network (CDN) originated in 1998. The technology alleviates the bottleneck problem of Internet content providers through the way of content replication and user access. After many years of practical exploration, CDN technology has been paid more and more attention and developed rapidly. The distribution service it provides has become an important part of the Internet. It provides network facilities and operation mechanisms in an extensible manner. It can realize the distribution of content and services efficiently and enhance the network experience of users. Some related studies show that by improving the architecture of CDN and optimizing its performance, it can effectively deal with some challenges faced by content distribution. First of all, this paper adopts a stochastic process algebra method, (PEPA), which is suitable for modeling and analyzing the system. It is a special method to evaluate the relativity of the system. In this paper, the corresponding PEPA models are established for each component of the content distribution network and the cloud content distribution network by this method. The process of data transmission between the components in the content distribution network can be better described, so that the workflow in the network model can be analyzed. This paper not only simulates the response time of user access in the content distribution network and the cloud content distribution network, but also gives a special algorithm for simulating the response time. The core idea of the special algorithm is based on the given action flow. By setting the mark to represent the completed action, the marked action corresponds to the action stream one by one until the end of a complete action path; At the same time, the method of fluid approximation is also used in this paper. Through this method, the ordinary differential equation (ODEs), of the components in the content distribution network and the cloud content distribution network is given. Through these equations, we can calculate the throughput and utilization ratio of the related components in the network, and analyze and evaluate the response time, throughput, utilization ratio and other related performance quantificationally. The framework model of content distribution network can be improved accordingly. Secondly, this paper improves the special algorithms of simulated response time in content distribution network and cloud content distribution network. Because these special algorithms have their own limitations, a general algorithm of simulating response time is proposed. The general algorithm can simulate the corresponding response time under the condition of giving any action flow. In this paper, a model case is used to simulate the response time of the algorithm. Finally, this paper verifies the Little theorem in the PEPA model. The method of verification is the combination of the relevant proof knowledge of the Little theorem in the closed system and the relevant knowledge of PEPA. So in the future, the system can calculate the average response time of the system according to the theoretical basis of the theorem when using the method of performance evaluation process algebra (PEPA) to build the model.
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