[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of the level of information construction in various sectors of society, the construction of intelligent management system of sports dance competition has been paid more and more attention by more and more people who love dancing. The intelligent management system of sports dance matches always adheres to the idea of "practical, reliable and efficient", avoids the tedious process, improves the working efficiency of dance lovers and organizers of events, and finally achieves the standard, conforms to international practice, and is efficient. Stable, practical sports dance games intelligent management system. The system includes registration, scoring, system setting, dance management, group management, cycle management, review management, scoring rule management, team management, registration management, competition management and other functional modules. In the course of the competition, the system can record the results of the competition quickly, accurately count the judges' scores, print out the elimination form and the scoring list of the next round, and automatically start the promotion to the next round of the competition. Match the competition with the fastest speed and efficiency. And after the end of the competition can automatically one-click export results, automatically print certificates. The system adopts BS architecture and has strong portability. The server uses the CUDA parallel operation to calculate the score quickly, uses the self-created scientific scoring method to make the player score more scientific, and uses the HTTPS protocol to make the data transmission of each port more secure. The way clients use Android APP makes it easier for review, audience, team, and so on to use the process to greatly reduce the use of errors. In the process of development and implementation, the system has participated in the sports dance competitions held in various places many times, and has continuously perfected in use to achieve the purpose of holding large-scale sports dance events.
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