[Abstract]:In recent years, aquaculture is growing at an alarming rate and has become a leading industry in the world. The backward water quality management method and the backward aquiculture mode have resulted in the loss of the aquatic products by up to 1.4 billion yuan each year, and the deterioration of the water quality is the main factor causing the outbreak of the aquatic products disease. Due to the non-linearity and complexity of the culture pond system and the interaction between the water quality factors, a satisfactory water quality prediction model cannot be established by the conventional method. Artificial neural network prediction model is a modern predictor with intelligence as the core Method. Although the artificial neural network is widely used in various fields, it is the primary level in the water quality prediction of aquaculture. In this paper, using MATLAB2011 as the platform, the improved BP network and RBF network of the L-M algorithm are used to study the water quality prediction. In this paper, an example of an aquatic farm in Haikou City is taken as an example, and six water quality factors of the culture pond for 8 days are obtained by actual detection. The three-layer BP neural network with an implicit layer and the RBF neural network are respectively established. The output target of the two networks is the dissolved oxygen solubility, and the other five water quality factors are taken as the input vector of the network, and the neural network is pre-established by the ATLAB software. The prediction results of the dissolved oxygen solubility of the culture pond show that the BP neural network and the RBF neural network can be used effectively in water quality prediction and have high precision and high accuracy.
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