[Abstract]:The discovery of Gallium arsenide (GaAs) photoconductive switch (PCS) nonlinear mode of operation makes the required trigger light energy three to five orders of magnitude lower than the linear mode of operation, which makes it possible for small light sources such as laser diodes to replace large laser triggered photoconductive switches to generate strong current. The effects of bias electric field, energy storage capacitance, spot position and switching temperature on the output pulse of GaAs photoconductive switch triggered by light source are studied. The Monte Carlo simulation software is developed to study the formation mechanism of filamentary current, lock-in effect, multiplication effect and photoelectric threshold under switching nonlinear operation mode. The following work has been accomplished: (1) The influence of bias electric field and energy storage capacitance on GaAs photoconductive switch triggered by weak light is studied. The bias electric field is gradually increased to 24 kV/cm when the single pulse energy of laser diode is 1.6 uJ. The ultrafast light is analyzed and compared during the transition from linear mode to nonlinear mode of photoconductive switch. The results show that the smaller the capacitance is, the narrower the pulse width is. Especially, when the capacitance is 10 pF, the nanosecond output pulse is obtained, which is related to the rapid depletion of charge in the capacitor. (2) The direction of the trigger spot under weak light triggering is studied. The influence of switching temperature on the threshold value of electric field for a photoconductive switch entering a nonlinear mode is discussed. When the spot parallel electrode is triggered, the distance between the spot center and the cathode increases from 0.2 m m to 2.8 m m, the threshold value of electric field increases linearly from 15 kV/cm to 22 kV/cm; when the spot is perpendicular to the electrode, the distance between the spot center and the cathode increases from 0.0 m with the distance between the spot center and the cathode. The threshold value of electric field decreases from 27 kV/cm to 16 kV/cm, and then increases to 27 kV/cm. The threshold value of electric field is the smallest when the trigger spot penetrates the anode and cathode electrodes. The electric field threshold decreases linearly as the temperature increases from - 12 C to 24 C. For the same temperature range, the relationship between the electric field threshold and temperature no longer satisfies the linear relationship when the facula is parallel to the electrode. Based on the charge domain theory and Monte Carlo method, a simulation software for the nonlinear operation mode of GaAs photoconductive switch is developed. In the specific simulation design, two core mechanisms of photoexcited charge domain theory are fully considered, and collision ionization and recombination of carrier radiation are modeled. On the basis of the increase, the recombination and reabsorption of carrier radiation is the fundamental reason for the formation and rapid propagation of charge domains. The negative differential properties of GaAs materials, the population rate of electrons in various energy valleys and the relationship between velocity fields are given by investigating the mechanisms of electron collision ionization and hole collision ionization. The nonlinear and nonlinear working modes of GaAs photoconductive switches are investigated. (4) Combining with the simulation of photoexcited charge domain formation and transport process, the physical process of GaAs photoconductive switch entering the nonlinear mode of operation triggered by weak light is studied. The negative differential electric field, i.e. the bias electric field is greater than 4.0 kV/cm; (b) the photogenerated carrier concentration, about 1.0 *1013 cm-3, which is comparable to the self-built electric field and the bias electric field, is in the triggering range of the weak light source. The simulation result of filamentary current propagation velocity is 2.0 *108 cm/s, and the whole morphology develops in a dendritic form, which is consistent with the result of infrared fluorescence photography. Direct results. Carrier multiplication and locking effects are analyzed based on the two mechanisms of hole collision ionization and electron collision ionization.
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