本文选题:不孕 + 任脉 ; 参考:《广州中医药大学》2017年博士论文
【摘要】:不孕症已成为一种复杂的病症,其发病率呈显着上升的趋势并且致病因素诸多且复杂。08年世界卫生组织指出不孕症的临床定义:一对具有正常性生活的夫妻,并且在一年内性生活和谐及未采取避孕措施的情况下,妻子仍然未孕;或者曾经孕育过,未避孕超过一年而未再怀孕者。据WHO调查统计全世界不孕症患者接近9千万,其中发达国家不孕症的发病率为5.5%左右,而我国其发病率约为6%-15%。本文通过探讨临床针灸治疗不孕症的研究,分析统计任脉交会穴的治疗功效以及治疗规律,为治疗不孕症提供参考。目的随着研究的不断深入,利用针灸治疗不孕症的报道越来越多,其中已经成为临床上治疗不孕症的主要经络被广泛使用,但其作用机理及使用规律无明确分析。通过搜集国内临床上运用任脉腧穴作为主穴治疗不孕症的文章,从统计学角度上讨论以及分析,归纳特点,研究文章的特点,来总结运用规律,为临床实践和科学研究提供依据方法收集相关信息,并录入电子表格中,按照本论文的研究范围进行分类统计,以频数与频率等指标作为计算指标,通过SPSS21.0软件进行数据的分析和统计,得出对应的分析结果。再结合中医及现代科学理论的指导下,对其统计结果进行描述与阐释。结果1.初步收集了 318篇有关任脉腧穴治疗不孕的文献。初步筛除重复文献117篇、未找到摘要文献11篇、单纯以中药治疗文献36、名师临床经验总结文献5篇、动物实验文献9篇。第二轮筛除11篇综述类文献和5篇未标明选用穴位治疗文献,最终纳入统计124篇临床文献。2.任脉腧穴使用规律:在针灸治疗不孕症的临床实践中,任脉选用的腧穴主要集中在腹部,有关元、中极、气海、神阙、中脘、曲骨及石门穴。频次依次为105、82、43、13、4、3、2。关元穴与中极穴较为常用,关元穴频率为12.44%,而中极穴频率为9.71%。且关元穴与中极穴常联合使用,以治疗不孕症。两穴合用的频次为63次,使用频率为50.8%。依次为关元穴单用(频次为37次,使用频率为29.84%)、中极穴单用(频次为18次,使用频率为14.52%)与未使用两穴(频次为6次,使用频率为4.84%)。3.在针灸治疗不孕症以任脉腧穴为主穴的临床研究中,电针疗法使用率最高。其次为艾灸疗法、温针灸、穴位埋线、穴位敷贴、穴位注射、梅花针。出现频此依次为 107、7、6、1、1、1。4.使用周期规律研究中得出,针灸治疗不孕症的临床研究中,整个月经周期都可取用任脉腧穴。本研究中有105篇文章治疗周期为全经期,频率达84.68%。第二以排卵期治疗为多,出现频次为10,占8.06%。继而为经前期,治疗的频率为6次,频率百分比为4。经后期治疗频次为3,其频率为2.42%。但行经期治疗的频率为0。结论在针灸治疗不孕症时,常常选用的是腹部任脉腧穴,有关元、中极、气海、神阙、中脘、曲骨及石门。而关元穴与中极穴为选用首位。因两穴皆为交会穴。两穴皆能既治疗任脉的疾病,又可同时调节足三阴经络一条或者多条的疾病,功效巨大。且临床上多以两穴相配而治疗不孕症。同时,在临床治疗中,常常选取关元穴与中极穴相配合,增加调理冲任,补肾健脾,活血调经的功效。治疗的月经周期不受限制,月经前期、月经期、月经后期、月经间期皆可使用任脉腧穴治疗不孕。研究中各种针灸疗法不相同,统计结果为:足太阴脾经、足阳明胃经、足太阳膀胱经、足少阴肾经、督脉、足厥阴肝经、手阳明大肠经、手厥阴心包经、足少阳胆经、手太阴肺经为常搭配经脉。出现频率最高的前十位经穴中属足阳明胃经(3穴)、足太阴脾经(2穴)、足少阴肾经(1穴)、足太阳膀胱经(1穴)以及足厥阴肝经(1穴)。由此可见,任脉在临床治疗当中常常搭配可调整脾、肾、肝三脏的经络。
[Abstract]:Infertility has become a complex disease with a rising incidence and a number of pathogenic factors and complex.08 years. The WHO points out the clinical definition of infertility: a couple with normal sexual life, and the wife is still unpregnant in a year of sexual harmony and no contraception; or According to the WHO survey, the incidence of infertility in the developed countries was about 5.5%, and the incidence of the disease was about 5.5% in the developed countries. The incidence of the disease was about 6%-15%. in China, and the study of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of infertility was analyzed and the therapeutic efficacy of rendezvous acupoints was analyzed and analyzed. In order to provide reference for the treatment of infertility. Objective with the continuous deepening of research, more and more reports on the use of acupuncture and moxibustion for infertility have been reported, and the main meridians in clinical treatment of infertility have been widely used, but the mechanism and rules of their use are not clearly divided. The main points in the treatment of infertility, from a statistical point of view and analysis, the characteristics of the study, the characteristics of the article, to summarize the use of laws, for clinical practice and scientific research to provide a basis for the collection of relevant information, and enter the electronic form, according to the scope of this paper to classify statistics, frequency and frequency and other indicators. As a calculation index, the analysis and statistics of data were carried out by SPSS21.0 software, and the corresponding results were obtained. Under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine and modern scientific theory, the results were described and explained. Results 1. 318 papers on the treatment of infertility were preliminarily collected. 117 papers were not found. Abstract 11 articles, pure Chinese medicine treatment literature 36, clinical experience summary of famous teachers 5 articles, animal experiment literature 9 articles, second rounds of screening 11 summary literature and 5 unlabeled acupoint treatment literature, finally included in the statistics 124 clinical literature.2. Ren pulse acupoint use law: in the clinical practice of acupuncture treatment of infertility, Ren pulse selection The acupoints used mainly concentrated in the abdomen, related to the yuan, middle pole, Qi sea, Shen que, Zhongwan, Qu Gu and Shimen point. The frequency of 105,82,43,13,4,3,2. Guanyuan acupoint and Zhongji point is more frequently used, the frequency of Guanyuan acupoint is 12.44%, the frequency of the Guanyuan point is 9.71%. and the Guanyuan acupoint and Zhongji acupoint are often combined to treat infertility. The frequency of the two acupoints combined is 63 times. The use frequency of 50.8%. (frequency is 37 times, frequency is 29.84%), middle polar point single use (frequency 18 times, frequency 14.52%) and unused two points (frequency 6 times, use frequency 4.84%).3. in acupuncture treatment of infertility with the main point of the Ren pulse acupoints, the use rate of electroacupuncture is the highest. Secondly, the use rate is the highest. Moxibustion, acupuncture and moxibustion, acupoint catgut embedding, acupoint application, acupoint application, acupoint injection, and plum blossom needle. In the study of the periodic law of 107,7,6,1,1,1.4. use, in the clinical study of acupuncture treatment of infertility, the whole menstrual cycle is advisable to use the appointment of the appointment of the vein and acupoint. In this study, 105 articles have the period of the whole menstrual period and the frequency of 84.68%. is the first period. Two in the period of ovulation, the frequency is 10, and the frequency of 8.06%. is 10. The frequency of treatment is 6 times, the frequency percentage is 4., the frequency is 3, the frequency is 2.42%., but the frequency of menstrual therapy is 0. conclusion in the acupuncture treatment of infertility, it is often used in the abdominal appointment and acupoints, related yuan, middle pole, Qi sea, Shen que, Central Wan, Qu Gu and Shimen. The Guanyuan acupoint and the Zhongji point are the first choice. The two points are all rendezvous points. The two points can both treat the disease of the Ren vein and adjust one or more diseases of the three yin meridians and collaterals at the same time, and the efficacy is great. And the clinical treatment is often treated with two points to treat infertility. The treatment of the menstrual cycle is not restricted, the menstrual period, the period of menstruation, the period of menstruation, and the interval of menstruation can be used to treat infertility. The various acupuncture treatments are different in the study. The statistical results are: foot Taiyin spleen meridian, Foot Yangming stomach meridian, foot sun bladder meridian, foot less. Yin kidney meridian, foot meridian liver meridian, hand Yangming large intestine meridian, hand Jue Yin pericardium meridian, foot Shaoyang bile Sutra, hand Taiyin lung meridian often matched with meridians. The top ten acupoints of the highest frequency belong to Foot Yangming stomach meridian (3 points), foot Taiyin spleen meridian (2 points), foot less Yin kidney meridian (1 points), foot sun Bladder Meridian (1 points) and foot Jue Yin liver meridian (1 points). In clinical treatment, pulse often adjusts meridians of spleen, kidney and liver in three viscera.
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