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发布时间:2018-09-11 09:08
【摘要】:目的:综合考虑到妇科疾病发病率的逐年上升,以及中医药在治疗妇科疾病上的优势,笔者认为对于新安医学妇科辨证特色与用药规律的系统整理刻不容缓,利用现代数据挖掘手段对新安医家妇科著作进行深入剖析,使之在原有基础上进一步弘扬,结合原文、医案及数据挖掘结果,对新安医家妇科病治疗的证候特点、辨治特色、组方原理和用药风格进行分析、提炼、总结。与其它妇科流派的辨治思路及用药特点进行比较,从而更加深入的理解新安妇科的辨治特色及用药规律。方法:本课题拟采用数据挖掘的研究方法,在Windows 7平台上,应用Excel将所选新安医家著作中涉及的妇科方药及症状进行数据库录入,建立新安医家妇科方药数据库,再将数据导出,应用统计软件SPSS 17.0和SPSS Modeler 14.1对数据进行挖掘,以探索新安妇科常见病辨治特色与用药规律。结果:(一)月经病在新安医家治疗月经病时,使用频率较高的药物(频率大于10%)为:当归159(67.95%)、白芍 119(50.85%)、茯苓 76(32.48%)、川芎 58(24.79%)、白术 55(23.50%)、续断 50(21.37%)、甘草 50(21.37%)、熟地 49(20.94%)、丹参 46(19.66%)、香附44(18.80%)、牡蛎 42(17.95%)、生地 39(16.67%)、乌贼骨 38(16.24%)、丹皮 36(15.38%)、泽兰 35(14.96%)、黄芩 34(14.53%)、白蒺藜 34(14.53%)、红花 33(14.10%)、柏子仁 30(12.82%)、延胡索 29(12.39%)、茯神 29(12.39%)、茺蔚子 28(11.97%)、陈皮 28(11.97%)、人参 26(11.11%)。在新安医家治疗月经病的医案中,除"脉弦、苔白、舌淡、苔薄、脉细、脉数"之外,高频(频数大于20)症状依次为:崩漏71(30.34%)、小腹痛58(24.79%)、头晕56(19.66%)、闭经 46(19.66%)、腹胀 37(15.81%)、月经量多 34(14.53%)、腰酸33(14.10%)、痛经 31(13.25%)、月经量少 31(13.25%)、纳呆 30(12.82%)、心悸27(11.54%)、月经有血块 25(10.68%)、月经后期 23(9.83%)、月经色淡 23(9.83%)、面色萎黄23(9.83%)、月经先期21(8.97%)。新安医家治疗月经病医案中常用药物配伍有:(1)常用药对配伍:白芍=当归;川芎=当归;白术=当归;甘草=白芍;甘草=当归;续断=白芍;续断=当归;熟地=川弯;熟地=白芍;熟地=当归;丹参=当归;香附=当归;牡蛎=白芍;牡蛎=当归;生地=白芍;乌贼骨=续断;乌贼骨=当归;丹皮=当归;泽兰=当归;黄芩=白芍;白蒺藜=续断;白蒺藜=白芍;白蒺藜=当归;红花=当归;柏子仁=白芍;柏子仁=当归;延胡索=当归;获神=白芍;茯神=当归;陈皮=当归;茺蔚子=当归;人参=当归;鸡冠花=乌贼骨;鸡冠花=牡蛎;鸡冠花=续断;肉桂=川芎;肉桂=当归;枸杞=当归;黄芪=白芍;黄芪=当归(2)常用三味药团配伍:熟地+当归=白芍;熟地+当归=川芎;茯苓+当归=白芍;白术+当归=白芍;甘草+当归=白芍;熟地+白芍=当归;熟地+白芍=川芎;茯傮+白芍=当归;续断+当归=白芍;香附+当归=川芎;川芎+白芍=当归;川芎+白芍=当归;熟地+川芎=当归;甘草+白芍=当归;熟地+川芎=白芍;白术+茯傮=当归;丹参+当归=白芍;白术+白芍=当归;续断+白芍=当归;续断+白芍=白蒺藜;白术+白芍=茯傮;乌贼骨+当归=续断;牡蛎+白芍=当归;香附+川芎=当归;牡蛎+当归=白芍;续断+白蒺藜=白芍;红花+当归=川芎;白蒺藜+续断=当归;红花+当归=川芎;白蒺藜+白芍=续断;茯神+白芍=当归;白蒺藜+白芍=当归。(3)常用四味药团配伍:熟地+白芍+当归=川芎;甘草+白芍+当归=白术;白术+白芍+当归=熟地;白术+白芍+当归=茯苓;香附+川芎+当归=白芍;续断+白芍+当归=白蒺藜。(二)带下病根据频数统计结果,新安医家治疗月经病医案中共涉及中药198味。其中使用频次较高的药物(频率大于10%)的有:当归43次(41。35%)、白芍43次(41.35%)、茯苓 43 次(41.35%)、甘草 38 次(36.54%)、牡蛎 33 次(31.73%)、续断 27 次(25.95%)、石斛 27 次(25.96%)、白术 24 次(23.08%)、黄芩 22 次(21.15%)、乌贼骨 22 次(21.15%)、鸡冠花 22 次(21.15%)、沙苑子 21 次(20.19%)、丹皮 21 次(20.19%)、枸杞 20 次(19.23%)、柴胡 19 次(18.27%)、白蒺藜 18 次(17.31%)、陈皮 18 次(17.31%)、茯神 18 次(17.31%)、茺蔚子 17 次(16.35%)、菟丝子 17 次(16.35%)、龙骨 16 次(15.38%)、黄柏 16 次(15.38%)、杜仲 16 次(15.38%)、龟板 15 次(14.42%)、椿根皮 13 次(12.50%)、党参 13 次(12.50%)、黄芪 13 次(12.50%)、丹参 13 次(12.50%)、车前子 13 次(12.50%)、山药 13 次(12.50%)、生地 13 次(12.50%)、白薇 11 次(10.58%)、决明子 11 次(10.58%)、延胡索 11 次(10.58%)、远志 11 次(10.58%)。通过症状频数统计结果,可以看出,新安医家治疗带下病的医案中,高频症状是:除脉濡、脉弦、脉滑、脉涩、脉数、苔黄、苔白之外,白带量多71次(68.27%)、小腹痛 30 次(28.85%)、头晕 26 次(25.00%)、腰酸 25 次(24.04%)、黄带 24 次(23.08%)、腰痛 16 次(15.38%)、纳呆 13 次(12.50%)、胸闷 12 次(11.54%)、身痛 9 次(8.65%)、肢酸9次(8.65%)、耳鸣8次(7.69%)、乏力8次(7.69%)、带下清晰8次(7.69%)、阴痒7次(6.73%)、肢冷7次(6.73%)、恶寒7次(6.73%)。根据关联规则统计结果,带下病医案中常用药物配伍如下:(1)常用药对配伍:党参=甘草;陈皮=甘草;柴胡=甘草;椿根皮=白芍;车前子=甘草;决明子=石斛;党参=陈皮;党参=柴胡;丹参=石斛;决明子=龟板;白薇=牡蛎;龟板=石斛;枸杞=沙苑子;白蒺藜=鸡冠花;鸡冠花=乌贼骨;黄芪=当归;生地=丹皮;菟丝子=牡蛎;茺蔚子=乌贼骨;龙骨=牡蛎;杜仲=沙苑子;白术=甘草;决明子=白蒺藜;白薇=沙苑子;陈皮=白术;茯神=石斛;白蒺藜=石斛;沙苑子=续断。(2)常用三味药团配伍:党参+陈皮=甘草;党参+柴胡=甘草;柴胡+白术=陈皮;陈皮+柴胡=甘草;陈皮+白术=甘草;陈皮+茯苓=甘草;柴胡+白术=甘草;白蒺藜+乌贼骨=鸡冠花;沙苑子+牡蛎=续断;茺蔚子+鸡冠花=乌贼骨;黄芩+当归=白芍;鸡冠花+续断=乌贼骨;沙苑子+续断=牡蛎;杜仲+枸杞=沙苑子;枸杞+续断=沙苑子;枸杞+续断=牡蛎。(3)常用四味药团配伍:陈皮+柴胡+白术=甘草;白术+当归+茯苓=甘草;甘草+茯苓+白芍=当归;党参+陈皮+甘草=柴胡。结论:通过对纳入的338则新安医家治疗月经病及带下病的医案进行统计分析,得出的结论多数都是临床常用或者是既存的传统知识和理论符合的,反推证明应用数据挖掘进行医案分析是有效的。通过描述性分析、关联规则分析、聚类分析,可以得出高频药物、高频症状、常见二味、三味、四味中药配伍,并通过以方测证,反推新安医家对于妇科疾病的辨治特色。将分析结果与原著文献相结合,并与中医传统理论知识对比,得到了 一些新安医家对于常见妇科病的辨治特色与用药规律。
[Abstract]:OBJECTIVE: Considering the increasing incidence of gynecological diseases and the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of gynecological diseases, the author thinks that it is urgent to systematically arrange the syndrome differentiation characteristics and medication rules of Xin'an Medical Department of gynecology. By using modern data mining methods, the author makes a thorough analysis of the gynecological works of Xin'an Medical Department and makes them on the original basis. Further carry forward, combine the original text, medical records and data mining results, analyze, refine and summarize the syndrome characteristics, treatment characteristics, prescription principles and medication styles of the gynecological treatment of Xin'an physicians. Compare with other schools of gynecology in the way of differentiation and treatment and medication characteristics, so as to further understand the differentiation and treatment characteristics and medication of Xin'an gynecology. METHODS: Data mining method was adopted in this study. On the platform of Windows 7, Excel was used to input the gynecological prescriptions and symptoms involved in the works of Xin'an physicians into the database, establish the gynecological prescriptions database of Xin'an physicians, export the data, and dig the data with the statistical software SPSS 17.0 and SPSS Modeler 14.1. Results: (1) When menstrual diseases were treated by Xin'an physician, the medicines used frequently were Angelica sinensis 159 (67.95%), Paeonia lactiflora 119 (50.85%), Poria cocos 76 (32.48%), Ligusticum Chuanxiong 58 (24.79%), Atractylodes macrocephala macrocephala 55 (23.50%), Glycyrrhiza uralensis 50 (21.37%) and cooked land. 49 (20.94%), Salvia miltiorrhiza 46 (20.94%), Salvia miltiorrhiza 46 (19.66%), Xian-Fu 44 (18.80%), oy42 (17.95%), oy42 (17.95%), habitat 39 (16.67%), cuttlebone 38 (16.24%), cuttlebone 38 (16.24%),, paeoony 36 (15.38%),, Zelan35 (14.96%), Zelan35 (14.96%), Bai-Qin34 (14.53%), tribtribtribtribulus 34 (14.53%), saflower 33 (14.10%), Bai-zikernel 30 (12.82.82%), coryyan-fu29 (12.39%), Shen-Shen-29%, 12.39%, pilpilpilpilpilpilpilpilpilpilpilpil11.97%, human Shen 26 (11.11%). In addition to "pulse string, white fur, pale tongue, thin fur, fine pulse, pulse number", the symptoms of high frequency (frequency > 20) were as follows: avalanche 71 (30.34%), abdominal pain 58 (24.79%), dizziness 56 (19.66%), amenorrhea 46 (19.66%), abdominal distention 37 (15.81%), menstrual volume 34 (14.53%), lumbar acid 33 (14.10%), dysmenorrhea 31 (13.25%), dysmenorrhea. Menstrual volume was 31 (13.25%) less, stasis was 30 (12.82%), palpitation was 27 (11.54%), menstrual blood clots were 25 (10.68%), late menstruation was 23 (9.83%), menstrual paleness was 23 (9.83%), facial yellowness was 23 (9.83%) and premenstrual menstruation was 21 (8.97%). Glycyrrhiza = white peony; Glycyrrhiza = white peony; Glycyrrhiza = white peony; Glycyrrhiza = angeangeangeangelic =; Glycyrrhiza = white peony; Glycyrrhiza = white peony; Glycyrrhiza = white peony = angeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangelica; ripland = Sichuan = Sichuan bend; ripland = Sichuan = Sichuan bend; ripland = angeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangelic; ripland = ripland; Salvia root = angeangeangeangeangeangelica; Salvia root = Angelica root; Salvia root = angeangeangelica root = angeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangelica; Rhizoma Angelica sinensis Flowers = angelica; cypress kernel = white peony; cypress kernel = white peony; cypress kernel = white peony; yanhusuo = ange; yanhusuo = ange; ShenShenShen = white peony; FuShen = angeange; Chen peel = ange; Chenpeel = angeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangelica; Chenssensensenseng = angeangeangeangeangelica; chickchickchicken crocrocrocrowflower = squibone; chickcrocrocrocrocrown flower = oyoyoyoy; chickchickchickchicken crocrocrocrocrocrocrown flower = interrupte; CiCiCiCiCiCinnamoamon; cincincincincincincincincincincincincincincinna; wowowowowowowowolfberrberrberrberrberrberrberrberr+Angelica sinensis Peony = white peony; ripe land + angeangelic = ligugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugu = white peony; Baishsh + angeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeAngelica sinensis; Shu Di + Chuanxiong = Bai Peony; Peony; Baishu + FuDao = angeangeangelic; Danshu + Angelica = white peony; Baishu + white peony = white peony = ange; Baishu + white peony = ange; Baishu + white peony = angeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeange; Dipsacacacacacacacus + white peony = angeangeangeangeangelic; Dipsacacus + white peony = white peony = angeangeangeangeangelic; Dipsacus + white peony = white peony = angeangeangeangelic; Dipsacacacacus + white peony + white Peony = angeangeangelica; Dipsacacacacacus + white peony + white peony = angeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangeangelic; DipsacacacRadix Angelicae Sinensis (3) commonly used four herbs compatibility: ripe ground + white peony + Angelica = Chuanxiong; liquorice + white peony + Angelica = Chuanxiong; liquorice + white peony + Angelica = Chuanxiong; liquorice + white peony + Angelica = Baishsh; white Shu + white peony + Angelica = ripground; white white white white peony + Angelica = ripground; white shshrub + white peony + Angelica = Poriariariaria; frafrafragrant + ChuChuanxiong + angeangeangeangeangelica = angeangeangeangeangeangeangelica; (3) the common four herbherbs compatibility: ripe + white peony + white peony + white peony + white peony + white peony; (3) Basis of disease Frequency statistics showed that 198 Chinese herbs were involved in the treatment of menstrual diseases by Xin'an physicians. Among them, 43 times of Angelica sinensis (41.35%), 43 times of Paeonia lactiflora (41.35%), 43 times of Poria Cocos (41.35%), 38 times of Glycyrrhiza uralensis (36.54%), 33 times of oysters (31.73%), 27 times of intermittent (25.95%), 27 times of Dendrobium (25.96%) 24 times of Atractylodes macrocephala (2.96%) were used more frequently. Scutellaria baicalensis 22 times (21.15%), cuttlebone 22 times (21.15%), cockscomb 22 times (21.15%), asparagus 21 times (20.19%), red peel 21 times (20.19%), Chinese wolfberry 20 times (19.23%), Bupleurum 19 times (18.27%), Tribulus terrestris 18 times (17.31%), orange peel 18 times (17.31%), Fushen 18 times (17.31%), Ramulus Azi 17 times (16.35%), Chinese wolfberry seed 17 times (16.35%), Chinese carp silk seed 17 times (16.35%) Dragon bone 17 times (16.35%). There were 16 times (15.38%), 16 times (15.38%) of Cortex Phellodendri, 16 times (15.38%) of Eucommia ulmoides, 15 times (14.42%) of turtle board, 13 times (12.50%), 13 times (12.50%) of Codonopsis pilosula, 13 times (12.50%) of Radix astragali, 13 times (12.50%) of Salvia miltiorrhiza, 13 times (12.50%) of plantain, 13 times (12.50%) of yam, 13 times (12.50%) of habitat, 11 times (10.58%) of Cassia obtusifolia, 11 times (10.58%) of Semen Cassiae According to the statistics of symptoms frequency, the high frequency symptoms of Xin'an doctor were as follows: besides pulse moistening, pulse strings, pulse smoothness, pulse astringency, pulse number, mossy yellow and mossy white, the amount of leucorrhea was 71 times (68.27%), abdominal pain 30 times (28.85%), dizziness 26 times (25.00%), lumbar acid 25 times (24.04%), yellow belt 24 times. Sixteen times (23.08%), 16 times (15.38%) of low back pain, 13 times (12.50%), chest tightness 12 times (11.54%), body pain 9 times (8.65%), limb acid 9 times (8.65%), tinnitus 8 times (7.69%), fatigue 8 times (7.69%), clear 8 times (7.69%), pruritus 7 times (6.73%), cold 7 times (6.73%) and cold 7 times (6.73%). The following: (1) Common medicinal pairs are as follows: (1) compatibility: Codonopsis root = licoriorice; Tangshen = licorice; tangpeel = licorice; Buplepleurum = liquorice; Bupleurum = liquorice; tootootootooroot skin = white peony; Plantago seed = licorice; Cassia seed = Dendrobium; Codonopsis root = chenskin; Codonopsis root = Chen skin; Codonopsis root = Bupleurum = Checkberrberry; Castanshesheshesheshesheshesheshesheshesheshesheshesheshesheshen = Dendrobium; Cassia root = turturtleoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoywowowowowowowolfberrberrberrberrberrberrberrberry = sand garden; A dodder. Silk seed = oyster; Cartilage = squid bone; keel = oyoyster; Eucommia = asasparagus = oyoyoy; Eucommia = asasparagus = Astragalgalgalgalgalgalgalgalgalgalgalgalgalus; BaiWei = asparagalgalgalgalgalgalgalus; Cassia fruit = Tribulus terterterrestris; BaiWei = asparagalgalgalgalgalgalgalgalgalus; Pericarpcarp Chen = white atratratractylodes; Pericarpcarpcarp = white atratractylodes; Pericarpcarp = white atractylodes rhizoma; FuShen = DenDendrobifolia FuShen = Dendrobiflora; Triterus terrestris terrestris terrestris terrestris terrestris terrestris terrestris terrestris terrestris; Orange peel+ Atractylodes macrocephala = licorice; tangerine peel + Poria cocos = liquorice; Bupleurum + Atractylodes macrocephala = licorice; Tribulus terrestris + squid bone = cockscomb flower; asparagus + oyster = dipper; azalea latifolia + cockscomb flower = sepia bone; Radix Scutellariae Scutellariae + Angelica sinensis = white peony; cockscomb + dipper = oyster; Eucommia ulmoides + wolfberry = asparagus; wolfberry + dipper = asparagus; wolfberry + dipper = asparagus; wolfberry + dipper = asparagus. (3) Oyst Group compatibility: tangpi + Bupleurum + Atractylodes macrocephala = licorice; Atractylodes macrocephala + Angelica + Poria cocos = licorice; licorice + Poria + paeony = angelica; Codonopsis pilosula + tangpi + licorice = bupleurum. Conclusion: Through statistical analysis of 338 cases of Xin'an physicians treating menstrual disorders and underlying diseases, most of the conclusions are commonly used or existing traditional knowledge and theory. By descriptive analysis, association rule analysis and clustering analysis, we can get the compatibility of high-frequency drugs, high-frequency symptoms, common two flavors, three flavors and four traditional Chinese medicines, and then we can deduce the differentiation and treatment characteristics of new peace physicians for gynecological diseases by using prescriptions. By combining the literature and comparing it with the traditional theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the characteristics of differentiation and treatment of common gynecological diseases and the law of medication of some Xin'an doctors were obtained.


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2 王键;罗梦曦;;新安医家吴]对《内经》的研究与发挥[A];中华中医药学会第十二届全国内经学术研讨会学术论文集[C];2012年

3 胡玲;唐巍;刘广霞;牛淑萍;;新安医家针灸学说荟萃[A];2011中国针灸学会年会论文集(摘要)[C];2011年

4 许霞;刘健;刘磊;徐丰;刁玉芳;程园园;冯云霞;;新安医家治疗痹病用药特色分析[A];中华中医药学会第十六届全国风湿病学术大会论文集[C];2012年

5 张贵才;;新安医学的历史文化成就及对祖国医学的贡献[A];首届国学国医岳麓论坛暨第九届全国易学与科学学会研讨会、第十届全国中医药文化学会研讨会论文集[C];2007年

6 张玉才;汪新安;;新安医学的历史地位及影响[A];安徽省徽学学会第二届理事会暨学术研讨会论文集[C];2003年

7 程园园;刘健;冯云霞;刘磊;万磊;王桂珍;;方肇权治痹用药刍议[A];中华中医药学会第十六届全国风湿病学术大会论文集[C];2012年

相关重要报纸文章 前3条

1 安徽省黄山市卫生局 张贵才;新安医家:医以活人为心[N];中国中医药报;2009年

2 安徽省黄山市卫生局 张贵才;新安医家“一以儒理为权衡”[N];中国中医药报;2010年

3 潘雯;合力打造徽府药谷[N];中国中医药报;2011年

相关博士学位论文 前2条

1 宋亚南;基于数据挖掘的新安医家妇科常见病辨治特色与用药规律研究[D];北京中医药大学;2017年

2 冯丽梅;医学地域化[D];北京中医药大学;2007年

相关硕士学位论文 前5条

1 赵凯;新安医家内科疫病学术思想及临床经验研究[D];安徽中医药大学;2016年

2 徐炎;新安医家儿科疫病学术思想及临床经验研究[D];安徽中医药大学;2016年

3 于宝明;5位新安医家情志病治疗特色研究[D];安徽中医药大学;2016年

4 项秀芳;明代新安医家伤寒学术思想与临床经验研究[D];安徽中医药大学;2014年

5 张兰兰;明清时期的徽州医学[D];兰州大学;2010年




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