本文选题:韩墩引黄灌区 切入点:管道输水灌溉 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The Yellow River Irrigation area is the lifeline of the local economic development, which undertakes the important task of production and domestic water use in the Yellow River coastal area.With the rapid development of social economy, industry, daily life and ecological water demand have increased substantially, and the water supply of the Yellow River has outstripped supply. Water supply security and food security have become the major problems facing the local economic development, and agriculture is a large water user.It is urgent to develop water-saving irrigation.Due to its advantages of saving water, saving land, saving labor, increasing production and investment, achieving quick results, and convenient operation and management, pipeline irrigation began to be applied and popularized on a large scale in irrigated areas of the Yellow River diversion, and was welcomed by the peasants.Is affectionately called "field tap water" project.The pipeline irrigation in Yellow River Irrigation area is different from the traditional well irrigation area. It has the particularity of large control area of irrigation system, complex pipe network, large discharge and high sediment content.The problems of blockage, large control scale and low irrigation efficiency affect the benefit of pipeline irrigation project.In this paper, the development status and existing problems of pipeline irrigation project in Handun Yellow River diversion Irrigation District are analyzed in depth. Combining with the technical characteristics of pipeline irrigation in Yellow River diversion Irrigation District, the technical system of low-pressure pipeline water conveyance irrigation in Yellow River diversion Irrigation area is integrated.The empirical formula of critical non-silt velocity in the planning and design of pipeline engineering in Yellow River diversion Irrigation area is recommended, and the optimal model of the appropriate scale of pipe irrigation in Yellow River Irrigation area is constructed.The suitable control area of pumping station water conveyance pipeline irrigation project is determined by using engineering examples. The development trend and present situation of pipeline water conveyance irrigation engineering technology in Handun Yellow River diversion irrigation area are summarized, including the water intake project of pipeline system.Water transmission and distribution network systems, ancillary control devices and field irrigation supporting technologies have formed a set of water sources, pipe networks,According to the parameters such as sediment content and physical characteristics of water source in Handun Yellow River diversion Irrigation area, the representative empirical formula of non-silt velocity at home and abroad is chosen.Zhang Yingpu's empirical formula is recommended to guide the design of non-silt velocity and diameter in pipe irrigation.This paper analyzes on the formation reasons and forms of sediment deposition in the water conveyance pipeline of the Yellow River diversion irrigation area, and puts forward some engineering and non-engineering measures, such as sediment sinking control, reasonable design of pipe diameter, drainage of water and sediment after irrigation and arrangement of pipe network, etc.To solve the silt blockage problem of pipeline irrigation project in the Yellow River Irrigation area. (3) to construct the investment construction, operation and economic benefit function of pipeline water conveyance irrigation project, and to set up the restrictive conditions of pipeline non-silt velocity, pipeline pressure, pipeline layout form and so on.An optimization model aimed at using the maximum annual net present value (NPV) of the year.Based on the example of pipeline irrigation project in Handun Yellow River Irrigation area, the rate of irrigation area, irrigation water consumption, pipeline velocity, pipeline pressure and economic parameters of pipeline are determined.The optimal control scale of pipeline irrigation project in Handun Yellow River diversion Irrigation District is determined by genetic algorithm (GA). The optimal control scale of pipeline irrigation project is 3000 mu (taking village as unit), which can ensure the maximum benefit of pipeline project.
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