本文选题:烤烟品种 + 根构型 ; 参考:《湖南农业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In this study, the root configuration, potassium and nitrogen content in leaves of different flue-cured tobacco varieties were studied by sand culture experiment. In order to select suitable root configuration of flue-cured tobacco varieties and improve the absorption rate of potassium and nitrogen from roots of tobacco plants,To ensure the efficient use of fertilizer and the stable production of high quality tobacco leaf during cultivation, the important theoretical and practical basis is provided.The main results of this study were as follows: 1, pot experiment (100 days after transplanting). The results showed that five flue-cured tobacco varieties K326, Yunyan 87, Honghua Dajinyuan, Zhongyan 100 G80,The maximum root configuration parameters and dry weight of tobacco leaves were K326, which were significantly different from the other four treatments.The dry weight of tobacco leaf was 45.26g.The root configuration parameter and dry weight of tobacco leaf were the lowest, and the dry weight of tobacco leaf was only 33.77g. 2. The potassium content of the two varieties K326 and G80K326, which had the biggest difference in root configuration, met the international standard of more than 2.0%.There was a significant difference from the other four varieties.However, the content of nitrogen in the middle leaves of G80 only reached 2.59% of the international standard. The nitrogen content of tobacco leaves in different parts of G80 decreased gradually from the upper leaf to the lower leaf. The two flue-cured tobacco varieties with the biggest difference in root system were induced by adventitious roots.After adventitious root induction with G80,The contents of nitrogen, potassium and dry matter in tobacco leaves were higher than those in uninduced adventitious roots.The root structure of G80 was higher than that of K326 at seedling stage, and the root configuration of G80 was larger than that of K326 at seedling stage.At the same time, under the condition of normal fertilization, with the growth and development of tobacco plant K326, the configuration parameters of K326 were gradually larger than those of G80, which was opposite to the seedling stage. The two varieties were treated with different fertilization treatments.Compared with normal fertilization, the root configuration of each variety was obviously larger than that of distilled water treatment.The root growth of tobacco plant was inhibited under the condition of lacking all nutrient elements, and the root configuration of tobacco plant was obviously smaller than that of potassium deficiency under the condition of nitrogen deficiency.To sum up: K326 and G80 were the most different in root configuration among the five varieties, and K326, the flue-cured tobacco variety with the largest root configuration parameters at maturity stage, had the highest nitrogen content, potassium content and dry matter mass accumulation in tobacco leaves up to the international standard.The quality of tobacco products is better.However, the leaf nitrogen content and potassium content of flue-cured tobacco variety G80 with the smallest root configuration parameters were relatively poor, and the dry matter accumulation of tobacco leaf was relatively small.The induction of adventitious roots by different flue-cured tobacco varieties had a significant promoting effect on nutrient absorption and dry matter accumulation of tobacco plants.Fertilization was the most important factor affecting the dry matter quality, nitrogen content and potassium accumulation in tobacco leaves, followed by the root configuration and fertilization factors.Under the condition of distilled water and nitrogen deficiency, root growth of K326 was inhibited, and the dry matter accumulation, nitrogen content and potassium content of tobacco leaf were all lower than that of G80.Under the condition of potassium deficiency, the growth of root system was inhibited, but the root structure was higher than that of G80 treatment.At the same time, the accumulation amount of dry matter, nitrogen content and potassium content of tobacco leaf were higher than that of G80, which was the same as that of the treatment with nutrient solution.
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