本文选题:芍药属 + 芍药组 ; 参考:《吉林农业大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:牡丹(Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.)、芍药为(Paeonia lactiflora Pall.)均为芍药科(Paeoniaceae)芍药属(Paeonia)植物,是我国特有的观赏植物和药用植物。本试验采用能适应东北地区气候,在吉林,长春地区正常生长,冬季人工防寒或无需防寒能安全越冬的芍药属品种为母本,与不同类型芍药属品种进行人工杂交试验,对各杂交组合的平均结实数,种子千粒重进行统计及分析,并对不同浓度硼酸对芍药属植物杂交平均结实数及千粒重的影响进行统计分析。研究主要结果如下:1.对试验采用的17个牡丹组品种,13个芍药组品种去雄套袋不授粉观察其单性结实能力,发现本试验所采用的的母本品种均无单性结实的能力,可以排除在杂交试验中母本单性结实对实验结果的干扰。2.采用人工杂交授粉的方式进行杂交试验,本试验共设计有300个杂交组合,授粉1800朵花,共计获得9922粒杂交种子,其中牡丹组组内近缘杂交共有杂交组合191个,授粉1146朵花,杂交种子共获得9034粒;芍药组组内杂交共16个组合,获得杂交种子共426粒;组间杂交共66个杂交组合,其中正交共53个组合,获得种子48粒,反交13个组合,获得种子447粒。3.牡丹亚组内近缘杂交亦有杂交不亲和的杂交组合主要表现为杂交不结实或虽有结实但是所得种子中空干瘪,各杂交组合中当母本性状相差不大时,父本的形状是影响杂交结实率的主要原因,杂交结实率随着父本花型进化成得变高而降低,不同类型牡丹作为母本时,母本自身的结实率是影响杂交组合的主要原因。4.发现牡丹组杂交平均结实数随硼酸浓度的增加呈先增加然后减小的趋势,硼酸浓度为20 mg/L为最佳浓度;芍药组杂交平均结实数随着硼酸浓度的增加同样呈现先增加后减小的趋势,硼酸浓度为20 mg/L时的平均结实数与对照组的平均结实数差异性显著,硼酸浓度对牡丹组与芍药组正交试验不同杂交组合的平均结实数影响不同。本研究表明以东北地区现有的芍药属种质资源进行杂交育种是可行的,在杂交种应选取‘凤丹白’、西北牡丹品种这类自然平均结实数较高的品种为母本,杂交父本应尽量选取花型进化程度较低的品种;硼酸处理柱头的方式可提高芍药属植物杂交的亲和性。
[Abstract]:Paeonia suffruticosa, Paeonia lactiflora Pall.and Paeonia lactiflora Pall. Both Paeoniaceae (Paeoniaceaeae) Paeoniae (Paeoniae) are unique ornamental plants and medicinal plants in China. In this experiment, the varieties of Paeonia, which can adapt to the climate of Northeast China and grow normally in Jilin and Changchun regions, were used as female parent for artificial cold prevention in winter or for overwintering without cold protection. The experiment was carried out with different types of Paeonia varieties. The average fruiting number and 1000-grain weight of the hybrid combinations were analyzed and the effects of boric acid concentration on the average seed number and 1000-grain weight of Paeoniflorin were analyzed. The main results are as follows: 1. The parthenocarpic ability of 17 peony varieties and 13 Paeoniflorin group varieties without pollination and bagging was observed. It was found that all the female varieties used in the experiment had no parthenocarpy ability. The interference of parthenocarpy of female parent on the experimental results can be excluded. 2. 2. A total of 300 cross combinations were designed to pollinate 1800 flowers and 9922 hybrid seeds were obtained. Among them, there were 191 cross combinations and 1146 pollinated flowers in peony group. A total of 9034 hybrid seeds were obtained, 16 cross combinations were obtained in Paeonia lactiflora group, 66 hybrid combinations were obtained, among them 53 combinations were orthogonal, 48 seeds were obtained, 13 cross combinations were obtained, and 447 seeds. 3 seeds were obtained. The cross combinations with cross incompatibility in peony subgroup mainly showed that the cross did not bear fruit or the seeds were hollow and shriveled, and when the female parent characters were not different among the cross combinations, there was no significant difference in the characters of the female parent. The shape of male parent is the main reason of affecting hybrid seed setting rate, and the cross seed setting rate decreases with the evolution of male flower type. When different types of peony as female parent, female parent's own seed setting rate is the main reason. 4. It was found that the average number of seed bearing in the peony group increased first and then decreased with the increase of boric acid concentration, and the best concentration was 20 mg/L. With the increase of boric acid concentration, the average fertility number of Paeonia lactiflora group increased first and then decreased. The average fruiting number of Paeoniflorin group was significantly different from that of control group when boric acid concentration was 20 mg/L. The effect of boric acid concentration on the average fruiting number of different cross combinations in peony group and peony group was different. This study shows that it is feasible to use the existing germplasm resources of Paeonia in Northeast China for cross breeding. In the hybrids, we should select the varieties with high natural average fruiting number such as' Fengdanbai 'and' northwest peony'as female parent. The hybrids of Paeonifloria should be improved by boric acid treatment of stigma, and the hybrids of Paeonifloria should be selected as far as possible, and the compatibility of Paeoniflorin can be improved by boric acid treatment.
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