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发布时间:2018-05-26 06:21

  本文选题:斑翅果蝇 + 蓝莓 ; 参考:《沈阳农业大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:斑翅果蝇(Drosophila suzukii Matsumura)是一种危害树莓、蓝莓、樱桃等软皮水果的危险性害虫。该害虫原产于亚洲,自2008年起迅速在美洲和欧洲传播扩散,目前已经对全球30多个国家和地区的水果产业造成了严重的危害。因其传播速度快、寄主种类多、危害成熟或亚成熟的健康果实,已经成为全球范围内的检疫害虫。我国虽然早在1937年对斑翅果蝇已有报道,但是在当时该害虫并未造成危害。近几年,由于我国小浆果产业的不断扩大,小浆果虫害的发生也在日益增加,其中关于斑翅果蝇危害蓝莓、树莓等软皮水果的报道也在逐渐增多。因此我们需要加强对斑翅果蝇的重视,防止该害虫对我国水果产业造成严重的经济损失。目前有报道称斑翅果蝇在云南、山东、江苏和辽宁等16个省和3个直辖市均有分布。但是,国内针对斑翅果蝇在辽宁省地区发生情况的研究尚未有确切的、单独的报道。因此,本研究在对辽宁省的小浆果和樱桃主要虫害种类、发生规律调查的基础上,对斑翅果蝇在辽宁省的分布和发生情况进行研究,这将对维护辽宁省水果产业的安全可持续发展具有重要的意义。本研究于2014-2016年期间,首先对斑翅果蝇在中国和辽宁省危害的风险性进行了初步分析,随后对斑翅果蝇在辽宁省的发生和分布展开了系统调查,并对斑翅果蝇的繁殖特性进行了研究。研究结果具体如下:1.采用多指标(国内外分布情况(P1)、潜在的危险性(P2)、受害对象的经济重要性(P3)、扩散定殖的可能性(P4)及管理难度(P5))定性定量分析计算出斑翅果蝇的风险总值为2.12,根据R1.5为高风险性有害生物,明确了斑翅果蝇在我国属于危险性较高的有害生物,需加强对斑翅果蝇的防治,以控制其蔓延扩散程度。2.采用诱捕法和人工采集法在辽宁省沈阳、瓦房店、凤城、法库和抚顺的栽培田地和野生林地对斑翅果蝇的分布及发生情况进行调查,调查发现在树莓、樱桃、蓝莓和野生鲜果上均发现有斑翅果蝇的危害。在诱捕成虫的调查过程中,从斑翅果蝇成虫相对丰度来看,斑翅果蝇成虫在四个调查地点的相对丰度依次是法库(29.37%)、凤城(28.06%)、沈阳(13.53%)和瓦房店(5.68%),相对丰度均低于30%,不属于优势种群。从斑翅果蝇成虫诱捕数量来看,斑翅果蝇成虫的周平均诱捕量从高到低依次为凤城(49.90头)、法库(38.98头)、瓦房店(10.17头)和沈阳(6.90头);在各调查地点中,田间斑翅果蝇成虫的诱捕数量均高于周围林地斑翅果蝇成虫的诱捕数量。从调查时间来看,各调查地点斑翅果蝇成虫的诱捕数量均随时间的变化呈先上升后下降的趋势,而且斑翅果蝇成虫的诱捕数量达到峰值的时间依次是沈阳(7月18日-24日)、凤城(7月25日-31日)、瓦房店(8月1日-7日)和法库(8月8日-14日),均为该地区栽培鲜果的成熟期。在各调查地点,诱捕到的斑翅果蝇成虫性比均在75%-95%区间,与自然界斑翅果蝇的性比相符。在栽培鲜果(树莓、蓝莓和樱桃)中均发现了斑翅果蝇幼虫,其中树莓鲜果里斑翅果蝇幼虫的数量最多,樱桃鲜果里斑翅果蝇幼虫的数量最少。从调查时间来看,在树莓的整个生长周期都在树莓鲜果中发现了斑翅果蝇幼虫,而且鲜果中斑翅果蝇蛹的数量随时间的变化呈先上升后下降的趋势;而樱桃和蓝莓中发现斑翅果蝇幼虫的时间仅在鲜果成熟后期。与此同时,在野生鲜果(野生黑莓、野生树莓、忍冬和软枣子猕猴桃等)中也发现了斑翅果蝇幼虫。在整个调查过程中,还发现了2种幼虫寄生蜂,分别是Leptopilinajaponicaformosana 和 Asobarajaponica。3.通过对人工饲养的初羽化的斑翅果蝇成虫繁殖能力进行了测定。首先,研究了斑翅果蝇对不同寄主的产卵选择性,结果表明雌成虫在不同测试寄主上的产卵量依次为:树莓蓝莓樱桃香蕉人工饲料,其中在树莓鲜果上的产卵量明显高于其他寄主水果;另外,与完好果实相比,斑翅果蝇更喜在破损果实上产卵,且产卵量更多。其次,进行补充营养的斑翅果蝇雌成虫与未进行补充营养的成虫相比,产卵时间提前,且产卵量增多。最后,斑翅果蝇产卵前期的时间随温度升高而缩短;产卵期的时间和产卵量均随着温度升高呈先上升后下降的趋势。其中25℃时总产卵量显著高于其他温度处理,22℃时产卵时期显著长于其他温度处理。由此可见,斑翅果蝇雌成虫的适宜产卵温度为22-25℃。
[Abstract]:Drosophila suzukii Matsumura is a dangerous pest of raspberry, blueberry, cherry and other soft fruit. The pest, native to Asia, spread rapidly in the Americas and Europe since 2008, and has caused serious damage to fruit production in more than 30 countries and regions worldwide. Many kinds of healthy fruits, which harm mature or submature, have become quarantine pests around the world. Although the fruit flies have been reported in 1937 in China, the pest has not been harmful at that time. In recent years, the occurrence of small berry pests is increasing as a result of the small berry industry in China. The reports of blueberry, raspberry and other soft fruit are increasing. Therefore, we need to strengthen the attention to the fruit fly, prevent the pest from causing serious economic losses to our country's fruit industry. It is reported that the spotted flies are distributed in 16 provinces and 3 municipalities in Yunnan, Shandong, Jiangsu and Liaoning. The study on the occurrence of Drosophila melanogaster in Liaoning province has not been confirmed and reported alone. Therefore, based on the investigation of the main insect pests of small berries and cherries in Liaoning Province, the distribution and occurrence of the fruit fly in Liaoning province are studied, which will maintain the fruit industry in Liaoning province. The safety and sustainable development of this study was of great significance. In the last 2014-2016 years, the risk of the damage of the fruit fly in China and Liaoning province was first analyzed. Then the occurrence and distribution of the Drosophila melanogaster in Liaoning province was systematically investigated, and the reproductive characteristics of the fruit fly were studied. The results were specific. As follows: 1. using multiple indicators (P1), potential risk (P2), economic importance of the victims (P3), the possibility of proliferation and colonization (P4) and management difficulty (P5), the total risk of Drosophila melanogaster is 2.12. According to R1.5 as a high risk pest, it is clear that the fruit fly is in danger in our country. High sex pests need to strengthen the prevention and control of Drosophila melanogaster to control the spread and diffusion degree.2. using the trap method and artificial collection method to investigate the distribution and occurrence of Drosophila melanogaster in Shenyang, Wafangdian City, Fengcheng, Faku and Fushun, Liaoning Province, and the investigation found in raspberry, cherry, blueberry and wild. In the investigation of the adult fruit, the relative abundance of the adult flies in the four sites of the adult fruit fly was in turn in the order of the relative abundance of the four investigation sites, and the relative abundances in Fengcheng (28.06%), Shenyang (13.53%) and Wafangdian City (5.68%) were less than 30%, and were not the dominant species. In the number of adult trapping of Drosophila melanogaster, the average trapping of adult Drosophila melanogaster from high to low was Fengcheng (49.90 heads), French Treasury (38.98 heads), Wafangdian City (10.17) and Shenyang (6.90). In the investigation sites, the number of trapping numbers of adult Drosophila melanogaster in the field was higher than that of the adult worms in the surrounding woodland. The trapping number of adult Drosophila melanogaster in each survey site increased first and then declined with time, and the peak time of the trapping of adult fruit flies was in Shenyang (July 18th -24 day), Fengcheng (July 25th July 25th), Wafangdian City (August 1st -7 day) and France Treasury (August 8th -14 day), all of which were cultivated in this area. The adult sex ratio of the adult Drosophila melanogaster was in the 75%-95% interval, which was consistent with the sex ratio of the fruit fly in nature. In the cultivated fresh fruit (raspberry, blueberry and cherry), the larva of the fruit fly was found, of which the number of young fruit flies in the raspberry fruit was the largest, and the larva of the fruit fly larva in the cherry fruit. In the whole growth cycle of raspberry, the larva was found in the raspberry whole growth cycle in the fresh fruit of raspberry, and the number of pupae in the fresh fruit rose and then declined with time, while the time in cherry and blueberry fruit fly larvae was only in the late stage of fresh fruit. The wild fruit (wild blackberry, wild raspberry, Lonicera and gooseberry) also found the larva of the fruit fly. During the whole investigation, 2 species of parasitic wasps were found, Leptopilinajaponicaformosana and Asobarajaponica.3., respectively, by measuring the reproductive ability of adult echinodrosophila. First, the spawning selectivity of the fruit fly to different hosts was studied. The results showed that the eggs of the female adults were in turn: Raspberry blueberry cherry banana artificial feed, of which the amount of spawning in the raspberry fruit was significantly higher than that of the other host fruits; in addition, the fruit fly was more like the damaged fruit compared with the perfect fruit. In addition, the time of oviposition and the amount of spawning in the Drosophila melanogaster increased with the increase of temperature; the time of spawning and the amount of spawning were rising first and then decreasing with the increase of temperature. The total fecundity at 25 C was significantly higher than that of other temperature treatments, while the spawning period was significantly longer than that of other temperature treatments at 22 C. Thus, the suitable egg laying temperature for female adult flies was 22-25 degrees C.


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