本文选题:酒糟 + 连作 ; 参考:《山东农业大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:本试验以平邑甜茶幼苗为试材,在盆栽条件下,通过对比连作土中施入同浓度的啤酒糟(Vinasse)和白酒糟(Distiller's grains)后幼苗生物量、根系抗氧化酶的差异,筛选出最优的酒糟浓度。然后用筛选的酒糟浓度进行啤酒糟和白酒糟灭菌与不灭菌对平邑甜茶幼苗和连作土壤环境的试验,研究不同处理间幼苗生理指标的差异,并通过平板培养和分子生物学技术,对不同酒糟处理下连作土壤微生物数量、群落结构进行了研究,比较了不同处理对土壤酶活性的影响,并采用HPLC技术,检测了不同酒糟处理后连作土壤中5种酚酸类物质的含量,主要研究结果如下:1、不同浓度的啤酒糟和白酒糟对平邑甜茶幼苗均有促进作用。不同浓度的白酒糟对平邑甜茶幼苗的生物量影响不大,1%、2%白酒糟只略优于0.5%的,差异不显著。1%和2%浓度的啤酒糟效果相差不大,但显著高于0.5%的啤酒糟;2%浓度的白酒糟和啤酒糟处理SOD、POD和CAT活性均最高,2%浓度的酒糟抗氧化酶活性与1%相比并未有明显提升。综合考虑,啤酒糟和白酒糟均选取1%浓度进行后续试验。2、酒糟的施入提高了平邑甜茶幼苗生物量和根系呼吸速率。与对照相比,啤酒糟、白酒糟、灭菌啤酒糟和灭菌白酒糟处理株高分别增加39.5%、51.1%、13.1%和21.3%,鲜重分别增加了85.4%、100.0%、30.5%和50.6%,白酒糟处理效果最好,未灭菌酒糟对平邑甜茶幼苗的促进效果显著;幼苗呼吸速率分别增加119.76%、127.52%、58.94%和71.11%,啤酒糟和白酒糟处理的幼苗根系呼吸速率差异不明显;酒糟还促进了幼苗根系的发育,根长、根尖数等明显高于对照。3、酒糟可显著提高连作土壤中细菌、真菌的数量,改变微生物群落结构。啤酒糟、白酒糟、灭菌啤酒糟、灭菌白酒糟处理后连作土壤的细菌数量分别为连作对照的2.47、5.89、1.95和5.37倍,真菌数量分别比对照增加了210.0%、273.1%、124.7%和142.0%,白酒糟处理的细菌和真菌数量高于其他处理。通过T-RFLP分析,在细菌多样性分析中,酒糟处理的丰富度指数和多样性指数较低,而优势度指数较高;而对真菌,啤酒糟处理后土壤中真菌群落结构的丰富度和多样性指数略高于连作对照,白酒糟处理后土壤真菌群落结构在丰富度、多样性和均匀度指数上均显著低于连作对照,优势度指数则高于连作对照。利用qPCR技术对土壤中层出镰孢菌进行测定,啤酒糟、白酒糟、灭菌啤酒糟和灭菌白酒糟处理分别比对照降低了39.1%、58.1%、20.9%和39.2%,其中白酒糟的效果最明显。4、酒糟可提升连作土壤磷酸酶、蔗糖酶和脲酶的活性,降低酚酸类物质的含量。相比于连作,啤酒糟、白酒糟、灭菌啤酒糟、灭菌白酒糟处理后的磷酸酶活性分别增加了14.9%、28.9%、10.5%、17.5%,蔗糖酶的活性分别是对照的2.02、2.20、1.95和2.02倍,4个酒糟处理之间脲酶活性未显现明显差异。酒糟处理后,白酒糟处理的根皮苷含量最低,灭菌酒糟处理的肉桂酸含量高于未灭菌酒糟。
[Abstract]:In this experiment, the seedling biomass and antioxidant enzymes of roots were compared between the same concentration of vinassee and Distillers-grainss in continuous cropping soil, and the optimum concentration of distiller's grains was selected under the condition of potted pot planting in Pingyi sweet tea seedling. Then the experiment of sterilizing and non-sterilizing brewer's grains and white lees on the seedling and soil environment of sweet tea in Pingyi was carried out to study the difference of physiological indexes among different treatments, and through plate culture and molecular biology technology. The microbe quantity and community structure of continuous cropping soil under different distiller's grains treatments were studied, and the effects of different treatments on soil enzyme activity were compared, and HPLC technique was used. The contents of five phenolic acids in continuous cropping soil after different distiller's grains treatment were determined. The main results were as follows: 1. Different concentrations of brewer's grains and white lees could promote the seedling of sweet tea in Pingyi. The effect of different concentrations of white distiller's grains on the biomass of sweet tea seedlings was not significant, but only slightly better than 0.5%. The difference was not significant between 0.1% and 2% of brewer's grains, but there was no significant difference between them. However, the antioxidant enzyme activity of the lees with 2% and 2% of white lees and the highest activity of CAT and POD with the highest activity of 2% were not significantly higher than that of 1%. Considering comprehensively, 1% concentration of brewer's lees and white lees were selected for follow-up test. The application of lees increased seedling biomass and root respiration rate of sweet tea in Pingyi. Compared with the control, the plant height of brewer's grains, white lees, sterilized brewers' grains and sterilized white lees increased by 39.5% and 21.31%, respectively, and the fresh weight increased by 85.4100.0% and 50.6%, respectively. The respiration rate of seedlings increased by 58.94% and 71.11%, respectively. There was no significant difference in root respiration rate between brewers' grains and white lees, and the lees also promoted the development of seedling roots and root length. The number of root tips was significantly higher than that of control. 3. Distiller's grains could significantly increase the number of bacteria and fungi in continuous cropping soil and change the structure of microbial community. The number of bacteria in continuous cropping soil after treatment of brewer's grains, white lees, sterilized brewers' grains and sterilized white lees was 1.95 and 5.37 times of that of the control, respectively. The number of fungi increased by 124.7% and 142.0%, respectively, compared with the control. The number of bacteria and fungi treated with white distiller's grains was higher than that of other treatments. By T-RFLP analysis, in bacterial diversity analysis, the richness index and diversity index of distiller's grains treatment were lower, while the dominance index was higher. The richness and diversity index of soil fungal community structure after brewer's grains treatment was slightly higher than that of continuous cropping control, and the richness, diversity and evenness index of soil fungal community structure after treatment with white lees was significantly lower than that of continuous cropping control. The dominance index was higher than that of continuous cropping control. The results showed that the treatment of brewer's grains, white distillers' grains, sterilized brewers' grains and sterilized white lees decreased by 39.9% and 39.2%, respectively, compared with the control. The effect of distiller's grains was the most obvious. The activities of sucrase and urease decreased the content of phenolic acids. Compared with continuous cropping, brewer's grains, white lees, sterilized brewers' grains and sterilized brewers' lees, the phosphatase activity increased 14.910. 910. 5% and 17. 5%, respectively. The activities of sucrase were 2.0222.201.95 and 2.02 times of those of the control, respectively. There was no obvious difference in urease activity between the four distillers' lees. The content of root glucoside in white lees was the lowest, and the cinnamic acid content in sterilized lees was higher than that in unsterilized distillers' grains.
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