本文选题:何王庙故道 + 天鹅洲故道 ; 参考:《华中农业大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:湖北监利何王庙故道为通江型故道,位于长江监利段,于2014年建立长江江豚(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis)省级自然保护区。长江天鹅洲故道与长江干流隔断,位于湖北省石首市,于1992年建立白淍豚保护区并开始引进长江江豚进行迁地保护。何王庙故道作为新近建立的保护区,其鱼类资源调查研究相对较为缺乏,为了解故道群落结构特征和长江江豚饵料鱼的资源情况,于2016年4月、6月、8月、9月和12月对故道进行了鱼类采样调查,从鱼类种类组成、优势种、物种多样性等方面分析该故道鱼类群落结构特征。并与根据2015年9月和2016年10月调查数据为基础的天鹅洲故道鱼类群落结构进行比较分析,以期为建设和管理江豚迁地自然保护区,保障长江江豚饵料鱼供应提供参考。研究的主要结果如下:1.长江何王庙故道调查发现鱼类共计6目12科42种,秋季出现的种类最多,为29种;其次是夏季28种、冬季23种,春季最少仅有18种,四季均出现的种类有10种。种类的季节差异和单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)的季节差异相一致。根据相对重要性指数(IRI)值,2016年何王庙故道全年渔获物优势种为鲫Carassius auratus、贝氏?Hemiculter bleekeri、似鳊Pseudobrama simony、翘嘴湆Culter alburnus和?Hemiculter leucisculus5种;季节性出现的优势种分别为春季:鲤Cyprinus carpio、红鳍原湆Cultrichthys erythropterus和鳜Siniperca chuats;夏季:红鳍原湆Cultrichthys erythropterus;秋季:银鲴Xenocypris argentea和鲢Hypophthalmichthys molitrix;冬季:银鲴Xenocypris argentea、草鱼Ctenopharyngodon idellus和蛇泩Saurogobio dabryi。根据鱼类种类数可将何王庙故道4个季节的鱼类群落结构分为A、B两组,A组包括春季和冬季,B组包括夏季和秋季。分析发现何王庙故道鱼类群落结构呈现季节性波动,这种季节性波动主要由适应流水生境鱼类(贝氏?、银鲴等)的种类组成和丰度变化所导致。2.长江何王庙故道共小型鱼类23种,天鹅洲故道采集到小型鱼类22种。何王庙故道小型鱼类优势种(IRI1000)为:鲫Carassius auratus、贝氏?Hemiculter bleekeri、似鳊Pseudobrama simony和?Hemiculter leucisculus;天鹅洲故道小型鱼类优势种为:黄尾鲴Xenocypris davidi、?Hemiculter leucisculus、短颌鲚Coilia brachygnathus和鲫Carassius auratus。何王庙故道鱼类的Shannon-Weiner指数(H);Simpson优势度指数(D);Pielous均匀度指数(J);Margalef种类丰富度指数(R)分别为1.98、0.78、0.52和4.71;天鹅洲故道鱼类的四种多样性指数分别为:2.33、0.85、0.64和4.66。ABC曲线结果表明何王庙故道处于严重的干扰中,天鹅洲故道处于中等程度的干扰中。何王庙故道和天鹅洲故道鱼类群落结构具有较高的相似性,Bray-Curtis相似性为21.99%,贝氏?、黄尾鲴、短颌鲚、?、似鳊、鲫和银鲴7种鱼类是导致何王庙故道及天鹅洲故道小型鱼类群落结构差异的主要种类。捕捞压力、长江与故道连通性和管理措施上的不同是导致何王庙故道和天鹅洲故道鱼类群落结构差异的主要原因。为保证江豚保护区江豚饵料资源的充足,建议何王庙故道加强渔业管理、强化禁渔措施;建议天鹅洲故道通过灌江纳苗引入长江干流繁殖的小型鱼类,以及改善生境为湖泊定居鱼类提供良好的繁殖环境,以增加江豚饵料鱼类的资源量,提高江豚的食物保障度。
[Abstract]:The old road of Jianli Wang Temple in Hubei, located in the Jianli section of the Yangtze River, is located in the Jianli section of the Yangtze River. In 2014, the Yangtze finless dolphin (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis) Provincial Natural Reserve was established. The Changjiang Swan Chau old road was separated from the Yangtze River, located in Shishou City, Hubei province. In 1992, the White Dolphin protected area was established and the Yangtze finless porpoise was introduced. As a newly established protected area, the investigation and Research on fish resources of he Wang Temple is relatively lack. In order to understand the characteristics of the community structure and the resources of the bait fish of the Yangtze finless fish, the fish sampling survey was carried out in April 2016, June, August, September and December, from the species composition, dominant species and species diversity of fish species. The structure of the fish community in this old road was analyzed, and the fish community structure of the Old Swan Zhou road, based on the survey data of September 2015 and October 2016, was compared and analyzed in order to build and manage the natural reserve of the porpoise and protect the supply of the bait fish of the Yangtze finless porpoise. The main results are as follows: 1. the Yangtze River There are 42 species of fish in 6 orders, 12 families, and 29 species in autumn, followed by 28 species in the summer, 23 in the winter, at least 18 in spring, and 10 in the four seasons. The seasonal differences in the species are in accordance with the seasonal differences in the CPUE. According to the relative importance index (IRI) The dominant species in 2016 he Wang Temple are Carassius auratus of Carassius auratus, bainite Hemiculter bleekeri, similar to bream Pseudobrama simony, Culter Alburnus and Hemiculter leucisculus5 species, and the dominant species in the season are spring: common carp Cyprinus carpio, red fin original and Mandarin Mandarin UATS; summer: Cultrichthys erythropterus of red fins; autumn: Silver Xenocypris argentea and silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix; winter: Silver Xenocypris argentea, grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idellus, and serpent Saurogobio. The group includes spring and winter, and the B group includes summer and autumn. It is found that the fish community structure in the old road of he Wang Temple shows seasonal fluctuation. This seasonal fluctuation is mainly caused by the species composition and abundance of the fish (bainite, silver, etc.), which are 23 species of small fishes in the old road of the he Wang Temple in the Changjiang River,.2.. 22 small fish species. The dominant species of small fish in the old way of he Wang Temple (IRI1000) are: crucian carp Carassius auratus, bainite Hemiculter bleekeri, similar to bream Pseudobrama simony and Hemiculter leucisculus; the dominant species of small fish in the Old Swan Island are Xenocypris davidi, Hemiculter, short jaw anchovy and crucian carp. The Shannon-Weiner index (H), Simpson dominance index (D), Pielous evenness index (J) and Margalef type richness index (R) were 1.98,0.78,0.52 and 4.71, respectively, and the four diversity indices of the fishes of the Old Swan Island were respectively: the 2.33,0.85,0.64 and the result showed that the hometown of Ho Wang Temple was serious. Of the interference, the ancient road of Swan Chau is in a moderate degree of interference. The structure of the old road of he Wang Temple and the Old Swan Island fish community structure has high similarity, Bray-Curtis similarity is 21.99%, bainite, yellow tail, short jaw anchovy, 7 species of fish like bream, crucian carp and silver medal are the structure differences of small fish community in the old road of he Wang Temple and the Old Swan Island Road. The main species, fishing pressure, the difference in connectivity and management measures between the Yangtze River and the old road are the main reasons for the difference in the structure of the fish community in the ancient road of he Wang Temple and the Old Swan Island. In order to increase the resources of the fish fish and improve the food security of the porpoise, the small fishes which were introduced into the Yangtze River and improved the habitat for the lake settled fishes.
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