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发布时间:2018-06-03 00:39

  本文选题:噻虫啉 + 拌种 ; 参考:《山东农业大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:噻虫啉是继吡虫啉之后的第2代新烟碱类杀虫剂,除具有杀虫作用外还能刺激作物生长、提高抗病性、诱导植株的多种生理变化等。麦蚜是小麦田重要害虫,分布广、食性杂、繁殖力强,可造成小麦减产甚至绝产。此外,麦蚜还可以传播多种麦类毒素病。现在应用在小麦拌种中用来防治麦蚜的主要新烟碱类杀虫剂是吡虫啉和噻虫嗪,但是研究表明吡虫啉和噻虫嗪对麦蚜天敌和蜜蜂等非靶标生物表现为高毒作用,而噻虫啉对蜜蜂低毒,对蜜蜂安全。本课题主要研究噻虫啉拌种对小麦生理生长和产量的作用,以及噻虫啉拌种及喷雾条件下对麦蚜防治效果和对麦蚜天敌的影响。本试验主要研究了室内条件和大田条件下,噻虫啉拌种对小麦萌发和生理生长以及产量的影响;大田条件下又采用噻虫啉对小麦拌种与喷雾相结合的方法,研究对麦蚜的防效和对麦蚜天敌的影响。室内测定了噻虫啉对麦蚜和瓢虫的活性。为噻虫啉在小麦上的应用提供理论支持。1.研究了噻虫啉拌种对小麦萌发和种子活力以及小麦幼苗的生理生长作用。研究结果表明噻虫啉用量24g a.i./10kg种子剂量下对小麦发芽势、发芽率没有不良影响,能显著提高小麦发芽指数和活力指数。也能明显提高小麦幼苗叶绿素含量、根系活力以及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)等保护酶的活性。说明噻虫啉拌种能提高小麦幼苗的防御能力,增强小麦抗逆性,降低小麦伤害程度,减少植株细胞的膜脂过氧化水平,使幼苗生长得到显著提高。2.室内条件下采用小麦水培的方法,对麦蚜分别采用浸渍法和内吸法研究噻虫啉对麦蚜防治的有效用量;对麦蚜天敌异色瓢虫分别采用成虫药膜法和幼虫点滴法研究噻虫啉对瓢虫的毒力作用。结果显示噻虫啉对麦蚜有很好的活性;且对麦蚜天敌异色瓢虫的危害要小于吡虫啉。3.大田实验,研究了噻虫啉拌种对小麦生长、产量的促进作用和对麦蚜防效以及天敌的影响。试验结果显示:噻虫啉用量24g a.i./10kg种子剂量下效果最佳,有促进小麦根长,增加根数、根冠比、分蘖数和地上、地下鲜种的作用,可以明显增加小麦的穗数、穗粒数、千粒重和小麦产量;试验结果显示噻虫啉拌种可以通过改善成膜剂来延长药剂对麦蚜防治的持效期。试验浓度下对大田小麦进行叶面喷雾处理后对麦蚜有很好的防效,并且对麦蚜天敌蚜茧蜂的危害比吡虫啉小。
[Abstract]:Thiacloprid is the second generation of new nicotinic insecticides after imidacloprid, which not only can stimulate crop growth, improve disease resistance, but also induce many physiological changes of plants. Wheat aphid is an important pest in wheat field. In addition, wheat aphids can also spread a variety of wheat toxoid disease. The main new nicotinic insecticides used in wheat seed dressing are imidacloprid and thiamizine, but studies have shown that imidacloprid and thiamizine are highly toxic to non-target organisms such as wheat aphids and bees. Thiazoline is low toxic to bees and safe to bees. The main purpose of this study was to study the effects of seed dressing with thiaprophyrin on the physiological growth and yield of wheat, and the effects of seed dressing and spraying on the control of wheat aphid and the natural enemies of wheat aphid. In this experiment, the effects of thiazoline seed dressing on wheat germination, physiological growth and yield under indoor and field conditions were studied. To study the control effect on wheat aphid and the effect on natural enemy of wheat aphid. The activity of thiazoline against wheat aphid and ladybug was determined in laboratory. To provide theoretical support for the application of thiazoline in wheat. The effects of thiazoline seed dressing on wheat germination, seed vigor and physiological growth of wheat seedlings were studied. The results showed that the dosage of thiazoline (24g a.i./10kg) had no adverse effect on the germinating potential and germination rate of wheat, and could significantly improve the germination index and vigor index of wheat. It also increased the chlorophyll content, root activity and the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT) in wheat seedlings. The results showed that seed dressing with thiazoline could improve the defense ability of wheat seedlings, enhance wheat resistance, reduce the degree of wheat injury, reduce the level of membrane lipid peroxidation of plant cells, and increase seedling growth significantly. The effective dosage of thiazoline on wheat aphid control was studied by dipping method and internal absorption method respectively under indoor conditions by using wheat hydroponic method. The virulence of thiaprophyrin to ladybird beetle was studied by the method of adult membrane and larva drip respectively to the natural enemy of wheat aphid. The results showed that thiazoline had good activity against wheat aphids and was less harmful to the natural enemy of wheat aphids than imidacloprid. 3. Field experiments were conducted to study the effects of seed dressing with thiamethrin on wheat growth, yield, wheat aphid control and natural enemies. The results showed that the effects of 24g a.i./10kg seed dosage on wheat root length, root number, root / shoot ratio, tiller number and fresh seeds above ground and underground could increase the number of spikes and grains per spike. The results showed that seed dressing with thiazoline could prolong the duration of the control of wheat aphid by improving the film forming agent. Under the experimental concentration, spraying the leaves of wheat in the field had a good control effect on the wheat aphid, and the damage to the natural enemy of the wheat aphid, the cocoon, was less than that of imidacloprid.


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