本文选题:氮磷钾配施 + 蒙古黄芪 ; 参考:《北京中医药大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:中药临床疗效的发挥依赖于中药材质量的稳定可控,而施肥的规范性在很大程度可以调控中药材活性成分的含量。明确氮磷钾配施对黄芪生长、活性成分含量以及养分吸收的影响有重要意义。本研究采用"3414"试验设计,从以下两个方面研究氮磷钾对黄芪生长、活性成分含量以及养分吸收的影响。一方面,通过盆栽无营养基质试验探索黄芪氮磷钾养分吸收规律和氮磷钾对黄芪养分吸收、积累和分配的影响;另一方面,通过盆栽和大田试验考察氮磷钾配施对黄芪生长和活性成分含量的影响。主要研究结果如下:1、氮磷钾适宜施用量及比例能促进黄芪的生长和提高药材产量盆栽试验条件下,N1P2K1对黄芪生长有较好的促进作用;黄芪生长前期,N2P1K1作基肥施入可促进黄芪生长,N1P2K1在8月中旬左右可促进黄芪根干重的增加;回归分析得知,氮、磷、钾肥的最佳施用浓度分别为0.254、0.165和0.261 g·L-1。大田试验条件下,N1P2K2处理可以促进正蓝旗试验区黄芪根生长和产量的增加;氮磷钾的最佳施用量为7.89 g·m2、9.91 g·m2和6.5 g·m2。N2P2K0对多伦试验区黄芪的根生长和产量均有较好的增加效应;磷钾的最佳施用量为9.42 g·m2、12.0 g·m2和0g·m2;河北围场试验区的黄芪生长和产量均较高的处理为N2P2K2;氮磷钾的最佳施用量为7.06 g·m2、13.33 g·m2 和 8.98 g·m2。2、氮磷钾配施对黄芪活性成分含量及产量有显著影响在盆栽试验条件下,N2P0K2和NoPoKo处理的毛蕊异黄酮苷、芒柄花苷和总黄酮含量较高,但单株产量较低。N1P2K1处理的单株毛蕊异黄酮苷、芒柄花苷和总黄酮产量最高;处理N1P2K1的黄芪总多糖含量和单株总多糖产量均为最大值;N2P3K2和N1P2K1处理的黄芪甲苷含量和产量均较高。综合分析,不同浓度氮磷钾配施对黄芪总黄酮、黄芪甲苷和总多糖产量的影响,N1P2K1处理对黄芪活性成分积累促进作用较好。大田试验条件下,氮磷钾配施对不同试验地黄芪活性成分含量的影响不同。在正蓝旗试验区,N2P2K2处理的毛蕊异黄酮苷和芒柄花苷含量最高分别为0.83 mg·g-1和0.25 mg·g-1;N1P1K2处理的黄芪甲苷含量最高为1.25mg·g-1;N2P1K2处理的总多糖含量高达192.75 mg·g-1。多伦试验区,N2P3K2处理的毛蕊异黄酮苷和芒柄花苷含量最高为0.61 mg·g-1和0.36mg·g-1;N2P2K2、N2P3K2处理的黄芪甲苷含量高达1.74、1.71mg·g-1;N3P2K2处理的总多糖含量最高达316.03 mg·g-1。围场试验区,N3P2K2处理的毛蕊异黄酮苷和芒柄花苷含量高达0.61 mg·g-1和0.27 mg·g-1;N2P2K2、N2P2K0处理的黄芪甲苷含量分别达1.26、1.23 mg·g-1;N1P2K1处理的总多糖含量高达 289.74mg·g-1。3、揭示黄芪养分吸收积累与分配的规律7月1日前后,地上部分氮磷钾配施的养分吸收量依次为氮钾磷;后期地上部分氮磷钾配施的养分吸收量依次为钾氮磷。随黄芪生长,黄芪根部氮磷钾的吸收量逐渐增加,均在11月17日前后达到最大值。在黄芪不同生长时期,钾元素主要在分布在黄芪的地上部分,10月1日前地上部分钾元素的分配率明显高于根。10月1日前,氮磷元素也主要分配在地上。10月1日前,黄芪根部吸收养分主要分配在地上,保证地上部分的光合作用产生更多化合物,以促进黄芪根部的生长。N2、N3对黄芪地上部分氮含量和吸收量的增加促进作用较好;10月1日前,N1对黄芪根部氮吸收量的促进作用较好,后期氮吸收量随氮浓度升高而增加。黄芪地上部分和根部磷含量和吸收量随磷浓度的升高的增加;黄芪地上部分钾吸收量随磷钾浓的升高而增加。
[Abstract]:The clinical effect of traditional Chinese medicine depends on the stability and controllability of the quality of Chinese medicinal materials, and the normalization of fertilization can regulate the content of active ingredients in Chinese medicinal materials to a great extent. It is important to clarify the effect of N, P and K on the growth of Astragalus, the content of active ingredients and the effect of nutrient absorption. The research adopts the "3414" experiment design, from the following two aspects The effects of N, P and K on the growth, content and nutrient absorption of Astragalus membranaceus were studied. On the one hand, the effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium absorption and the effects of N, P and K on the nutrient absorption, accumulation and distribution of Astragalus membranaceus were investigated by pot culture without nutrient matrix test. On the other hand, the growth of Astragalus membranaceus by the combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was investigated by pot and field experiments. The main results are as follows: 1, the suitable amount and proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can promote the growth of Astragalus and increase the yield of medicinal herbs, N1P2K1 has a good promotion effect on the growth of Astragalus membranaceus. The application of N2P1K1 as base fertilizer can promote the growth of Astragalus, and N1P2K1 can be promoted around mid August. The dry weight of Radix Astragali was increased; the optimum application concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was 0.254,0.165 and 0.261 g L-1. field test conditions respectively. N1P2K2 treatment could promote the growth and yield of astragalus root in the test area of the Zheng blue flag. The optimum application amount of N, P, K and K was 7.89 G. G. M2 and 6.5 g m2.N2P2K0. The root growth and yield of Astragalus membranaceus have a good increase effect. The optimum application amount of phosphorus and potassium is 9.42 G. M2,12.0 G. M2 and 0g. M2. The growth and yield of Astragalus membranaceus in the Hebei paddock test area are all N2P2K2; the optimum application amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 7.06 G. M2,13.33 G. M2 and 8.98 G. The content and yield significantly affected the content of the isoflavone glucoside, anononetin and total flavonoids in N2P0K2 and NoPoKo treatments, but the yield of single plant and total flavonoids in single plant with low yield and.N1P2K1 treatment was the highest, and the total polysaccharide content and total polysaccharide yield of Astragalus membranaceus treated with N1P2K1 were all The content of astragaloside and the yield of Astragalus membranaceus treated by N2P3K2 and N1P2K1 were all high. Comprehensive analysis, the effects of different concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on the total flavonoids of Astragalus, astragaloside and the yield of total polysaccharides, N1P2K1 treatment had better effect on the accumulation of Astragalus active components. The content of the contents of N2P2K2 was 0.83 mg. G-1 and 0.25 mg. G-1, respectively. The content of astragaloside in N1P1K2 treated astragaloside was the highest 1.25mg. G-1; the total polysaccharide content in N2P1K2 treatment was 192.75 mg. G-1. multi test area, and the N2P3K2 treated hairy isoflavone glycosides And the content of alonstinin was 0.61 mg. G-1 and 0.36mg. G-1, N2P2K2, N2P3K2 treated astragaloside content was up to 1.74,1.71mg. G-1, and the content of total polysaccharide in N3P2K2 treatment was up to 316.03 mg. G-1. paddock. The content of the contents of the isoflavone glycosides and the glucoside of the N3P2K2 treatment was 0.61 The content of astragaloside was 1.26,1.23 mg g-1, respectively, and the total polysaccharide content of N1P2K1 treatment was as high as 289.74mg. G-1.3. The rule of nutrient absorption and accumulation and distribution of Astragalus membranaceus was found before July 1st. The nutrient absorption of the partial nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium application in the upper part of the soil was sequentially n, K and P, and the nutrient absorption of the upper part of the upper part of the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was potassium and phosphorus in turn. With the growth of Astragalus, the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the root of Astragalus gradually increased and reached the maximum after November 17th. In the period of different growth of Astragalus, potassium was mainly distributed in the upper part of Astragalus, and the distribution rate of potassium in the ground part before October 1st was obviously higher than that before the 1 day of.10 month, and the nitrogen and phosphorus elements were mainly distributed on the 1 day of the earth. Before, the root absorption of astragalus root is mainly distributed on the ground, which ensures the photosynthesis of the upper part of the earth to produce more compounds to promote the growth of the root of Astragalus membranaceus.N2. N3 has a good effect on the increase of nitrogen content and absorption of the upper part of Astragalus. Before October 1st, N1 has a better effect on the nitrogen absorption of astragalus root, and nitrogen absorption in the later period with nitrogen. The concentration of phosphorus and absorption in the upper and root parts of Astragalus increased with the increase of phosphorus concentration, and the amount of potassium absorption in the upper part of Astragalus was increased with the increase of phosphorus and potassium concentration.
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