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发布时间:2018-06-19 12:12

  本文选题:调控剂 + 烤烟 ; 参考:《湖南农业大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In order to study the effective control technology of microbial metabolite, tobacco leaf ZX regulator and its effect on the growth and development of flue-cured tobacco and the formation of aroma substance, the mechanism of physiological metabolism of flue-cured tobacco was discussed. The production demonstration of tobacco leaf flavoring and quality conditioning agent was carried out to verify the effect of tobacco leaf flavor increasing and quality conditioning agent on enhancing aroma and quality. Based on this, the application demonstration of tobacco leaf flavor enhancement and quality conditioning agent was carried out in various tobacco regions in Hunan Province in 2014, and the field production demonstration of different products and different application methods of tobacco ZX regulator was carried out. The effects on the growth of flue-cured tobacco field and the appearance and internal quality of flue-cured tobacco leaf were investigated. The purpose of this study was to provide an effective experimental basis for ZX regulator to enhance the quality and aroma of tobacco leaves. The results were as follows: (1) the application of ZX regulator showed that the application of tobacco leaf flavoring and improving agent prolonged the field growth period of tobacco plant for 4-6 days, and increased the dry matter accumulation time of tobacco plant. The generation time of aroma substances in tobacco leaves was increased, and the proportion of superior tobacco was increased by 2.80-3.33 than that of control area, and the proportion of middle and upper tobacco was increased by 0.14- yuan, and the average price was 0.80-1.57 yuan. The plant height, the maximum leaf area of different leaf positions and other agronomic characters were not different from those of the control area, and the difference of physical characters of flue-cured tobacco was not obvious, which indicated that the application of ZX regulator had little effect on the growth of flue-cured tobacco field. But through spraying ZX regulator in mature stage, the maturation and falling yellow of upper tobacco leaf was affected, and the maturation stage was obviously moved backward. The observation of raw tobacco after harvest showed that the application of ZX regulator, especially the treatment of orange yellow in the middle part of A leaf, increased the rate of deep orange yellow. The results showed that the application of ZX control agent increased the output value, the proportion of superior tobacco and the proportion of middle and middle grade tobacco leaf in the project area. The economic benefit was increased, among which spraying secondary nail liquid treatment had the highest economic benefit. The coordination of conventional chemical components of flue-cured tobacco was compared. The potassium content of tobacco leaf increased, the nicotine and total nitrogen content decreased when ZX regulator was applied. Total sugar / nicotine was close to the requirement of high quality tobacco leaf, and the chemical composition of tobacco leaf was more harmonious than blank, and the coordination of conventional chemical composition was the most close to the requirement of high quality tobacco leaf. The application of ZX could significantly increase the content of pigment and polyphenol in flue-cured tobacco, increase the content of malic acid, decrease the content of citric acid, oxalic acid and lactic acid, and decrease the content of citric acid, oxalic acid and lactic acid. Among them, spraying leaf secondary treatment A liquid treatment was the best. (3) throughout the smoking evaluation table, the application of ZX regulator had a significant effect on the sensory evaluation of tobacco leaves, and the total score increased by 0.5-2.1 points compared with the control, and the flavor of spraying leaf sample increased more obviously than that of the control. Aroma permeability increased, delicate, soft, sweet moisturizing and aftertaste comfort increased, the overall quality of the improvement is obvious.


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