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发布时间:2018-07-26 11:36
【摘要】:本文对雷州半岛红树林区桐花树病害的发生状况进行了调查,并对其病原菌和叶部内生真菌进行了分离鉴定,获得主要结果如下:(1)2014年-2017年对雷州半岛各红树林区进行了实地调查,发现桐花树病害以叶部病害为主,共发现5种病害,它们分别是桐花树煤污病、赤斑病、斑枯病、灰斑病和黑斑病,其中以桐花树煤污病发生较普遍且严重,除霞山观海长廊未发现该病之外,在徐闻大汉三墩出海口、高桥、库竹大桥和东海岛等一年四季均有发生,并以徐闻大汉三墩出海口桐花树煤污病发生最为严重,叶发病率均在80%以上;桐花树其余4种病害均为零星发生,其中桐花树斑枯病和黑斑病为国内首次报道。(2)桐花树病害分离鉴定结果表明,桐花树煤污病是由复合菌群引起,本文从桐花树煤污病病斑上分离获得了4种病原菌,经形态学和分子生物学鉴定,它们分别为Cladosporium sphaerospermum、Leptoxyphium fumago、Acremonium rutilum和Zasmidium citri-griseum。另外,桐花树斑枯病、桐花树灰斑病、桐花树黑斑病的病原菌分别鉴定为茄匍柄霉Stemphylium solani、互隔交链孢Alternaria alternata和新梭壳孢Neofusicoccum parvum。(3)本文从桐花树叶片组织中共分离到26株内生真菌,其中3株可在PDA培养基上生长并产孢,另外23株不产孢。可产孢的3株内生真菌,经形态学和ITS基因序列鉴定为互隔交链孢Alternaria alternate、黄瓜织球壳菌Plectosphaerella cucumerina和Phialophora sp.。不产孢的23株内生真菌中有14株经形态学和ITS基因序列分析可初步鉴定为Schizophyllum sp、Neofusicoccum sp.、Acrocalymma sp.、Peniophora sp.、Trametes sp.、Coprinellussp.等6个属的真菌;其余不产孢的9株内生真菌,比对时同源性低,有可能为新种,但尚有待进一步鉴定。上述结果表明,桐花树叶片组织中的内生真菌具有丰富的多样性。
[Abstract]:In this paper, the occurrence of the disease in the mangrove area of Leizhou Peninsula was investigated, and the pathogenic bacteria and endophytic fungi in the leaves were isolated and identified. The main results are as follows: (1) during the investigation of mangrove areas in Leizhou Peninsula from 2014 to 2017, it was found that the main diseases of tung trees were leaf diseases, and five diseases were found, which were coal blight, red spot disease and spot blight disease, respectively. Gray spot disease and black spot disease, among them, the common and serious disease occurred in Tongghuashu coal stain. Except for the absence of the disease in Xiashan Guan Hai promenade, it occurred all the year round in Xuwen Dahan three Piers, Gaoqiao, Kuzhu Bridge and East Island, etc. The most serious disease occurred in Xuwen three Piers of Dahan, the incidence of leaf was above 80%, and the other four diseases occurred sporadically. (2) the results of isolation and identification of the disease of Paulownia floral tree showed that it was caused by the compound flora. In this paper, four pathogens were isolated from the spot of Paulownia floral blight and black spot, and 4 kinds of pathogenic bacteria were isolated from the spot of Paulownia floral blight and black spot. They were identified by morphology and molecular biology as Cladosporium sphaerospermum fumagoium rutilum and Zasmidium citri-griseum. respectively. In addition, the pathogens of the disease were identified as Stemphylium solani, Alternaria alternata and Neofusicoccum parvum. (3. 26 strains of endophytic fungi were isolated from the leaves of Paulownia. Three of them could grow and sporulate on PDA medium, and the other 23 strains could not produce spore. Three strains of endophytic fungi were identified as Alternaria alternate, Plectosphaerella cucumerina and Phialophora sp. by morphology and ITS gene sequence. Among the 23 non-sporogenic endophytic fungi, 14 strains were identified as Schizophyllum sp. Neofusicoccum sp. Acrocalymma sp. peniophora sp. Trametes sp. Coprinellus sp. by morphological and ITS gene sequence analysis. The other 9 endophytic fungi, which do not produce spore, have low homology and may be new species, but need to be further identified. The results indicated that endophytic fungi in the leaves of Paulownia showed abundant diversity.


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