[Abstract]:In order to produce high quality and high yield seeds of Bupleurum chinense, the experiment was carried out in Tongxin County of Ningxia from April 2015 to October 2016. Through the study of pollination biology of Bupleurum chinense, path analysis of seed yield, analysis of seed yield and components of seed yield, seed quality analysis showed that: 1. The breeding system of Bupleurum chinensis is a special heterosynthesis. The pollination route is mainly insect-borne pollination, and pollination insect is mainly Chinese bee and flower thrips. The correlation results showed that the indexes related to seed yield (plant height, root length, root fresh weight, aboveground fresh weight, 1000-grain weight) were significantly correlated with seed yield per plant, but path analysis showed that The index of fresh weight per plant root and the index of 1000 grain weight are the key factors of seed yield of single plant of Bupleurum chinense, which directly or indirectly play an important role in the yield of seeds per plant of Bupleurum chinense. The effects of different agronomic measures on seed yield and seed quality per plant of Bupleurum chinense L. were compared. It was concluded that supplementary irrigation at flowering and fruit stage had the most significant effect on seed yield and quality, followed by topdressing. Planting years and planting density also have some effects on seed yield and quality, but the effect is different. Therefore, the seed production of Bupleurum chinense was 3 years old, and the planting density of 10000 plants / 667mt2 (20cm 脳 30cm) was better. In the field management, irrigation was the first factor, and it could be irrigated twice in the early flowering period and the fruiting period, the amount of irrigation was 20 m3 / 667m-2 per time. In addition, according to the soil fertility, the seed yield and the seed quality can be increased by more than 60% and 20% respectively.
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