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发布时间:2018-09-07 16:48
【摘要】:地被植物由于其自身独特的优势被广泛应用于生态建设、景观设计以及城市绿化当中。地处中国东北平原腹地的长春市,典型的温带大陆性气候为长春市带来了丰富的地被植物资源,随着这几年的发展,地被植物在长春随处可见。本文通过对长春市五个公园(长春公园、动植物公园、儿童公园、南湖公园、雕塑公园)地被植物进行实地调查,并对五个公园的地被植物进行了详细的统计分析,分析长春市五个公园地被植物的科属种、应用形式、应用地点、配置、观赏性、生长类型、应用频度等情况,对长春市公园地被植物的应用作出评价,具体研究结果如下:1.对长春市长春市五个公园中地被植物物种组成进行调查研究发现,形成地面覆盖效果和高度在1 m以下的植物共有31科63属80种,总体看来植物多种多样,但具体到每个公园的应用种类并不多,长春公园相较其他公园的植物种类最多,也仅有27种,以植物为主题的动植物公园仅有23种,植物应用种类的缺乏有悖与园林的美学理论和植物造景理论。2.通过对长春5个公园可越冬地被植物物种组成的调查分析,发现长春市园林中现有常见可越冬地被植物共有22科37属46种。虽然可越冬地被植物总数较多,但是分到每个公园中的种类较少,最多的动植物公园也仅有9科12属17种;植物类型上,35种是草本植物,占总数的78.3%,藤本、低矮木本以及蕨类植物应用太少,分别占总数的6.5%、8.7%、4.3%,植被的单一造成公园生态系统的不稳定,不利于公园景观的造景,还会增加公园的养护成本。3.对长春市五个公园地被植物和可越冬地被植物的生态指数分析可知,长春市五个公园植物的表现为丰富度和均匀度水平整体较低,奇异度较高,存在地被植物设置不合理的问题,公园生态系统容易遭到破坏。相比较而言,动植物公园植物的设置比其他4个公园更为合理,动植物公园的植物种群丰富度最高,而且分布较均匀,奇异度较低,生态较为平衡。4.通过对长春市五个公园中可越冬地被植物物种来源、应用频度的调查分析,发现虽然本土植物有32种,占一定优势,但是外来植物也有很多,占到总数的30.4%,可以看出,长春市五个公园对本土植物的应用种类太少,还应加大对本土植物的开发力度;在应用频率方面,应用频率在80%以上的仅有3种,应用频率在40%-60%之间的有13种,应用频率在20%以下的有30种,高频率和中间频率植物较少,低频度植物最多,造成许多优良种源的浪费,合理的设置应该是中间型植物占优势。5.从可越冬地被植物数量特征研究中可以看出,可越冬地被植物的覆盖面积较少,占样地面积的30%左右,五个公园相较而言,儿童公园最少,只占样地面积的29.2%,这种现象对公园环境的生态平衡极其不利,与景观设计理念也不相符。长春市五个公园中应用的可越冬地被植物中,草本型地被植物占主导地位,主要有紫萼玉簪、金娃娃萱草、铃兰、溪荪鸢尾、马蔺、车轴草等,落新妇、卷丹等16种植物只是在一个或者两个公园中种植,还没有广泛应用开来,这些植物应在往后的应用中加以重视。6.从可越冬地被植物应用面积研究中可以看出,金娃娃萱草和紫萼玉簪在各个公园都是被大量应用,在长春市五个公园中地被植物应用的总数上占优势,应用面积在50 m2以上,而且各自公园中也占有绝对优势,可以看出,长春市的公园可越冬地被植物绿化中绿色系的构建主要是依靠金娃娃萱草、紫萼玉簪等类植物。这在造景和生态理论上是极不合理的,应该是多种植物组合应用,满足生态平衡稳定的要求。7.在对长春五个公园可越冬地被植物的观赏调查研究时发现,长春五个公园绿地应用的观叶可越冬地被植物较少,雕塑公园最多也只有7种,长春公园仅有1种,除紫叶小檗是红色系观叶类植物外,其余9种均为绿色系。这不仅造成景观上的单调,公园的生态脆弱,尤其在漫长的冬季,地被这一层的缺失更是影响公园的景观效果。再加上观花类植物的花期都集中在4月到10月之间,从12月到3月没有观花类可越冬地被植物的开花,造成在这一时间段公园色彩单调,整体不合理。从而影响公园的整体美观设计,造成公园景观的季节性枯萎,不符合公园景观的美学理念,应该加一些常绿地被植物,例如:沙地柏、铺地柏。8.对长春市五个公园中可越冬地被植物的应用方式调查分析发现,在长春市的五个公园中,均大量运用模纹进行造景,如紫萼玉簪、金娃娃萱草,几乎每块绿地都运用它们,这种做法造成公园景观比较单一,缺少变化和新意;生物群落极不稳定,极易感染病虫害,对养护的技术要求也比较高。长春市公园对可越冬地被植物应用的配置方式多样,但是在立体景观构造时,下层植被缺乏严重,大大的破坏了园林美感,而且还缺少一些园林小品的点缀,显得比较孤立,构景单一。
[Abstract]:Ground cover plants are widely used in ecological construction, landscape design and urban greening because of their unique advantages. Located in the hinterland of Northeast Plain of China, Changchun City, a typical temperate continental climate has brought abundant ground cover plant resources for Changchun City. With the development of these years, ground cover plants can be seen everywhere in Changchun. The ground cover plants of five parks (Changchun Park, Animal and Plant Park, Children's Park, Nanhu Park, Sculpture Park) in Changchun City were investigated on the spot, and the ground cover plants of five parks were analyzed in detail. The family, species, application forms, application sites, arrangement, ornamental and growth types of ground cover plants in five parks in Changchun City were analyzed. The results are as follows: 1. Investigation and Study on the species composition of ground cover plants in five parks of Changchun City showed that 80 species of plants belonging to 31 families, 63 genera and less than 1 m in height formed the ground cover effect. Overall, there were various plants. There are only 27 kinds of plants in Changchun Park compared with other parks. There are only 23 kinds of animal and plant parks with plants as the theme. The lack of plant application is contrary to the aesthetic theory and plant landscaping theory of gardens. The results showed that there were 46 species, 37 genera, 22 families in Changchun gardens. Although the total number of overwintering ground cover plants was more, the species in each park were less, and the largest number of animal and plant parks were only 9 families, 12 genera and 17 species. In plant types, 35 species were herbaceous plants, accounting for 78.3% of the total, vines, and low. The application of dwarf woods and ferns is too little, accounting for 6.5%, 8.7%, 4.3% of the total, respectively. The single vegetation causes the instability of the park ecosystem, which is not conducive to the landscape design of the park, but also increases the maintenance cost of the park. 3. The ecological index analysis of the five parks in Changchun and the overwintering ground cover plants shows that the five public parks in Changchun City are not stable. Compared with the other four parks, the setting of plants in animal and plant parks is more reasonable, and the plant population richness in animal and plant parks is the highest, and the distribution is more uniform. Uniformly, the singularity is low, the ecology is relatively balanced. 4. Through the investigation and analysis of the species sources and application frequency of overwintering ground cover plants in five parks of Changchun City, it is found that although there are 32 native plants, which occupy a certain advantage, there are also many exotic plants, accounting for 30.4% of the total. It can be seen that the five parks of Changchun City are applied to native plants. In the aspect of application frequency, there are only 3 species with application frequency above 80%, 13 species with application frequency between 40% and 60%, 30 species with application frequency below 20%, fewer plants with high frequency and intermediate frequency, and most plants with low frequency, resulting in waste of many excellent provenances and reasonable settings. From the study of the quantitative characteristics of overwinterable ground cover plants, we can see that the overwinterable ground cover plants cover less area, accounting for about 30% of the sample area. Compared with the five parks, children's parks are the least, accounting for only 29.2% of the sample area. This phenomenon is extremely unfavorable to the ecological balance of the park environment, and the landscape. In the five parks in Changchun, herbaceous ground cover plants dominate, mainly purple calyx hairpin, Golden Doll hemerocallis, Lily orchid, Xisun Iris, horses, axillaria, etc. 16 plants are planted in one or two parks, but not widely used. From the study of overwinterable ground cover plant application area, we can see that the Golden Doll Hemerocallis and purple calyx hairpin are widely used in various parks. In the five parks in Changchun City, ground cover plant application area is more than 50 m2, and each park also has its own park. It can be seen from the absolute superiority that the construction of green system in Changchun's Park overwintering ground cover plant greening mainly relies on such plants as Golden Doll Hemerocallis and purple calyx hairpin. This is extremely unreasonable in landscaping and ecological theory, and should be a combination of multiple plants to meet the requirements of ecological balance and stability. 7. The ornamental investigation and study of winterable ground cover plants showed that there were fewer ground cover plants in the five parks in Changchun, and only 7 species in the sculpture parks, and only 1 species in Changchun. Except Berberis amurensis, the other 9 species were all green. Weak, especially in the long winter, the lack of ground cover layer is affecting the park's landscape effect. In addition, the flowering period of flowering plants are concentrated between April and October, from December to March, no flowering plants can overwinter ground cover plants flowering, resulting in the park in this period of monotonous color, the overall unreasonable. Beautiful design, resulting in seasonal wilt of the park landscape, does not conform to the aesthetic concept of the park landscape, should add some evergreen green vegetation, such as: sandy cypress, paved cypress. For example, purple calyx hairpin and Golden Doll Hemerocallis are used in almost every green space, which makes the park landscape relatively simple, lack of change and novelty; the biological community is extremely unstable, susceptible to diseases and insect pests, and the technical requirements for conservation are relatively high. Changchun Park has a variety of configurations for overwintering plants, but in three-dimensional. In landscape structure, the lack of vegetation in the lower layer seriously damages the aesthetic sense of the garden, and also lacks some ornaments of garden sketches, which makes the landscape more isolated and single.


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