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发布时间:2018-11-08 17:14
[Abstract]:Fine culture has the characteristics of high density and good economic benefit, and has gradually replaced extensive culture as the mainstream culture mode. Because of the high density of aquaculture, the nutrient nitrogen in water is often changed into toxic ammonia nitrogen. When ammonia concentration exceeds 2.00mg/L, aquatic organisms will appear toxic symptoms, and even a large number of deaths. Therefore, the concentration of ammonia nitrogen in aquaculture water must be detected periodically. However, the detection technology of ammonia nitrogen in aquaculture in China is relatively backward, and lack of low concentration and high precision ammonia nitrogen on-line detection equipment for aquaculture industry. The concentration of ammonia nitrogen in aquiculture water is low and the precision of detection is high. However, it is difficult to popularize the equipment of ammonia nitrogen detection in high precision laboratory because of its high price and complicated operation. Therefore, most aquaculture plants still use portable ammonia nitrogen tester or ammonia nitrogen test paper to manually detect ammonia concentration. Human error is often caused by the improper operation of the tester. The portable ammonia nitrogen tester or the ammonia nitrogen test paper has many problems such as high detection error, high detection limit and waste of reagent. In order to solve the above problems, an on-line detection method of ammonia-nitrogen in aquaculture is proposed to realize the on-line and high-precision detection of low concentration ammonia nitrogen. The main research contents are as follows: (1) the preparation method of Nessler's reagent. The factors affecting the detection accuracy of ammonia-nitrogen in aquaculture were analyzed in three aspects: reagents and ammonia nitrogen chemical reaction and absorbance detection. Based on the analysis results, the optimization measures were put forward to reduce the detection limit and detection error. The detection resolution of low concentration ammonia nitrogen is improved. (2) in order to avoid the influence on the accuracy of on-line detection, a soft sensor data processing algorithm based on LSSVM is proposed to select the temperature of aquaculture water. The peak absorbance and peak time are used as input amount and ammonia nitrogen concentration as output quantity to realize on-line measurement accuracy compensation without adding additional functional components and reducing cost. The detection accuracy is improved. (3) the on-line detection system of ammonia nitrogen in aquaculture is realized, and the hardware and software design of field detection device and monitoring terminal are completed. Hardware circuits mainly include microprocessor minimum system, photoelectric detection, temperature detection and GPRS communication circuits. The software has microprocessor as the core control, AD sampling, display and wireless communication programs, and adopt custom data packets. Error control and breakpoint transmission technology improve the reliability of communication. (4) the precision, stability and repeatability of the system are tested on the platform of the online detection system of aquaculture ammonia nitrogen. A portable ammonia-nitrogen detector was used to carry out a comparative experiment. The experimental results show that the accuracy of low concentration ammonia nitrogen detection is improved and the accuracy compensation is realized based on LSSVM soft sensing method. The online detection system of ammonia nitrogen in aquaculture presented in this paper has high detection precision, stability and repeatability, and avoids the interference of influencing factors. The average values of standard deviation and relative standard deviation were 0.0107mg/L and 1.28 respectively. The optimized on-line detection system based on the results of impact analysis reduces the detection error and detection limit, improves the detection accuracy, saves reagent and reduces the cost of single detection.


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