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发布时间:2018-12-12 23:51
[Abstract]:With the help of "3s" technology and combined with the basic data of remote sensing, topography, rainfall and soil, the LUCC of Duolun County in Inner Mongolia during the past 10 years (2004-2014) was quantitatively analyzed. At the same time, RUSLE model and soil erosion classification and grading standard (SL190-2007) were used to simulate the variation of soil erosion in this area, and the coupling relationship between regional LUCC and temporal and spatial evolution of soil erosion was discussed. Finally, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for the prevention and control of regional soil erosion are put forward. The results showed that: 1. Land use / cover change was obvious in Duolun County from 2004 to 2014. Among them, woodland increased by a large margin, increased 907.40km2 in 10 years, and the unused land decreased by 470.23km2; At the beginning of the study, grassland, unused land and cultivated land dominated the regional land use structure, but at the end of the study, grassland, woodland and cultivated land occupied the main advantage, and grassland was always the background category, accounting for more than 48% of the three periods. During 10 years, the distribution trend of construction land concentration was obvious, and the concentration degree of water area and unused land decreased. , the Gini coefficient of cultivated land, woodland and grassland were all lower than 0.4, which indicated that the spatial distribution of these three kinds of land was more uniform and stable, and the soil erosion situation in the study area was improved year by year in 2.10 years. The water erosion area decreased 354.85 km ~ 2, the total erosion decreased 10.25 脳 10 ~ 4 t, and the intensity of water erosion was mainly slight and slight in each period, in which the area of the third stage of micro-erosion was 39.00% 41.46% and 43.25% respectively. The area of regional wind erosion decreased from 1577.52km2 in 2004 to 1033.41 km2 in 2014, with a total reduction of 544.11km2, and the intensity of wind erosion changed from moderate erosion to less than moderate erosion at the beginning of the study period. In 10 years, the increasing area of water erosion and wind erosion intensity is smaller than the area where the erosion intensity is weakened, which indicates that the regional soil erosion is improving continuously. Soil erosion occurs mainly between cultivated land, woodland, grassland and unused land in Duolun County. The water erosion and wind erosion area of grassland were the largest in each period, but the water erosion intensity was slight and mild, while the wind erosion intensity was moderate. At the beginning of the study, the area of unused water erosion and wind erosion decreased from 442.09km2 and 461.47km2 in 2004 to 2.42km2 and 5.19 km ~ 2 in 2014, and the change of erosion intensity showed that the water erosion was strong, and the intensity of erosion gradually changed to micro-degree and light degree. The wind erosion is always strong; The erosion area of cultivated land is large, and the water erosion and wind erosion are mainly strong erosion in each period, and the intensity of forest land erosion in 10 years is mainly slight and mild. 4. It is concluded that the main soil erosion in the region is cultivated land and grassland, in which water erosion and wind erosion should be taken into account in cultivated land and wind erosion in grassland. The prevention and control measures adopted in the former mainly include steep slope conversion, gentle slope ladder, stubble, no-tillage and less tillage, etc. The latter should start with raising the vegetation coverage of grassland, including "fencing", "forbidding grazing and feeding", etc. Manual recommendation and other measures.


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