[Abstract]:As one of the core parts of potato harvester, excavating part is the component directly acting on potato tuber root system and soil, and its performance directly affects the performance of the whole machine. At present, the research on the interaction between excavating shovel and soil is limited to finite element statics analysis and dynamics analysis based on continuum theory, but in fact, the soil dispersion of tuber and root is relatively large, because of the influence of tuber and root system. The dispersion of soil particles is larger during excavation. As a general method for studying discontinuous media, the discrete element method is more suitable for studying the mechanics of tuber harvesting soil. In this paper, based on the project of National Natural Science Foundation, "dynamic rupture characteristics of soil-potato tuber root aggregates and their coupling mechanism with excavating shovel (51505305)", the field experiment and discrete element method were used to simulate the dynamic rupture characteristics of soil-potato tuber root aggregates. The working process and stress of potato excavating shovel are compared to verify the feasibility of discrete element model on the one hand and lay the foundation for optimization design of subsequent excavated parts on the other hand. At the same time, it can also provide reference for soil dynamics analysis of other tuber crops. The main contents of the study are as follows: (1) Experimental verification of soil dispersion and determination of soil parameters. 1 soil solidity was tested every 10 days from tuber formation to harvest period in potato experimental field in Jianping County, Chaoyang City. The effects of tuber enlargement on soil dispersion were analyzed. 2 basic physical parameters of soil around potato tuber during harvest period were determined, including soil texture, moisture content, density and firmness. It provides data basis for establishing discrete element simulation model. (2) discrete element simulation of potato excavating shovel working process and force. 1 the excavating shovel-soil discrete element model corresponding to actual working condition is established. It mainly includes the selection of contact model (Hertz-Mindlin bond contact model), the establishment of three-dimensional model of potato digging shovel (using SolidWorks software), The generation of soil particle factory (parameter selection is determined by experiment and repeated debugging in the later period) and the establishment of simulation boundary etc. 2 the simulation of the excavating shovel motion process and force condition is carried out by using the discrete element software EDEM. (3) Field experiment. 1 the construction of field test system, including the whole design and connection of test system and the frame of force measurement. The selection and calibration of pull force sensor and angle sensor. 2 single factor field experiment to ensure that the other operation parameters remain unchanged, only change the working speed, and get the change of the resistance of potato digging shovel. The effect of working speed on working resistance of potato harvester was analyzed. (4) the results of test and simulation were compared and analyzed. The variation trend of horizontal force and vertical force along with the speed of potato excavating shovel was basically the same as that of field experiment: the horizontal resistance of potato excavating shovel increased with the increase of speed, and the minimum at 0.25m/s; The vertical resistance decreases first and then increases with the increase of velocity, and the horizontal resistance is always greater than the vertical resistance when the working speed is 0.38m/s. The results show that it is feasible to simulate the resistance of potato excavating shovel by discrete element method.
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