[Abstract]:Zinc is a necessary trace element for plant growth and development. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi,AMF) can be symbiotic with more than 80% terrestrial plants and form arbuscular mycorrhiza,AM symbionts. Under the condition of zinc deficiency, AMF could transport the absorbed zinc to plants, while AMF could reduce the harm of zinc to plants under the condition of high zinc. There are few reports on the molecular mechanism of AMF affecting the absorption and transport of Zn in plants. In this paper, the effects of mycorrhiza on Zn uptake and transport related genes of two species of plants were studied, in which monocotyledonous rice and alfalfa, a dicotyledonous plant, were studied. The MtMTP3 and MtHMA2 genes regulated by mycorrhiza in alfalfa were studied. The main results are as follows: 1. A CDF family Zn transporter MtMTP3. was identified in alfalfa, a model plant of Tribulus terrestris. Bioinformatics analysis showed that MtMTP3 encoded 385 amino acids. Phylogenetic analysis and sequence alignment indicated that MtMTP3 belonged to the Zn transporter of CDF family. Yeast complementary experiments confirmed that MtMTP3 had the ability to transport Zn. The results of fluorescence quantitative analysis and tissue localization showed that MtMTP3 was mainly expressed below the root epidermis, and high concentration of zinc, manganese or iron deficiency could promote the expression of MtMTP3 gene. Semi-quantitative and fluorescence quantitative analysis showed that the expression of MtMTP3 gene was significantly increased under low phosphorus, and symbiosis with AMF could strongly inhibit the expression of MtMTP3 gene, even under the high zinc treatment, the expression of MtMTP3 was significantly inhibited, while the arbuscular branches in mycorrhizal were obviously decreased. Mycelium increased. These results suggest that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi regulate the expression of MtMTP3 gene by promoting phosphorus uptake. The expression of zinc transporter in alfalfa with Zn and inoculated mycorrhizal fungi was analyzed. It was found that inoculated mycorrhizal fungi could significantly promote the expression of MtHMA2 gene. Phylogenetic analysis and sequence alignment confirmed that MtHMA2 belonged to the P1B-ATPase family. Yeast complementary experiments confirmed that MtHMA2 had the ability to transport Zn and Pb. Fluorescence quantitative analysis of MtHMA2 expression in different plant tissues showed that MtHMA2 was expressed in the whole plant body and high in the plant root. GUS reporter gene driven by MtHMA2 promoter showed that MtHMA2 was mainly expressed in the central axis of the root. Fluorescence quantitative analysis showed that high concentration of zinc could inhibit the expression of MtHMA2 gene in root, while high concentration of Pb could promote the expression of MtHMA2 in root and shoot, and high concentration of Cd could promote the expression of MtHMA2 gene in plant. Overexpression of MtHMA2 in alfalfa roots showed that overexpression of MtHMA2 at a certain concentration of Zn could increase the resistance of plant roots to Zn, but it would make the aerial part sensitive to Zn, which might be related to the transport of heavy metal Zn to the part of the plant. The expression of MtHMA2 gene increased after inoculation of mycorrhizal fungi, but decreased under the co-treatment of Zn and AMF. It may be that mycorrhizal fungi could reduce the transport of Zn to the aboveground part of mycorrhizal fungi. The expression of zinc transporter in rice was analyzed under the condition of Zn and inoculated mycorrhizal fungi. It was found that the OsHMA2 expression of mycorrhizal fungi inoculated with high zinc was significantly increased. The promoter of rice OsHMA2 gene was found to contain CTTC elements regulated by mycorrhiza. The effects of mycorrhizal fungi inoculation on OsHMA2 promoter and OsHMA2 promoter with different CTTC deletion were detected in alfalfa. It was found that AMF could reduce the transcriptional activity of OsHMA2 promoter in alfalfa, and AMF inhibited the transcriptional activity of OsHMA2 promoter by inhibiting CTTC element.
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