[Abstract]:Morchella esculentum is a kind of rare edible fungi, and its artificial cultivation is a hot spot in academic research and edible fungi industry. The purpose of this study was to study the utilization of carbon and nitrogen in the culture medium and nutrient bag of Morchella, and the effects of heavy metals and chloride on the mycelium growth of Morchella. For the first time, stable isotope tracer technique was used to study the utilization of carbon and nitrogen elements. The experimental results are as follows: 1. In the field cultivation of Morchella esculentum, the carbon and nitrogen elements in the culture material and nutrient bag were used. They are not only used for the vegetative growth of soil mycelium, but also accumulated in the fruiting body. The utilization rate of total material, carbon and nitrogen in the vegetative bag was very high, which reached 66.9%, 72.3% and 40.0%, respectively. The higher the nutrient utilization rate in the nutrition bag, the higher the yield of Morchella. Nutrition bag is indispensable in the cultivation of Morchella. 2. In the experiment of the effect of heavy metal on the mycelium growth of Morchella, under the condition of low concentration of 1.0~20.0mg/L, all the six heavy metal ions promoted the mycelial growth of Morchella, the maximum promoting rate was 38.3%, the minimum promoting rate was 2.1%. At high concentration of 50. 0. 0. 0 mg/L, 5 kinds of heavy metal ions, except Cd2, promoted the mycelium growth of Morchella. The maximum promoting rate of 54.7%.Cd2 was 76.1%.Mn2 and Cu2, which had the best effect on the growth of Morchella mycelium. The higher the ion concentration, the stronger the promoting effect. Except for Mn2, Cu2 and Cd2, the optimum concentration of sclerotia formation and mycelium concentration of Morchella under the action of heavy metal ions was lower than that of colony growth. It shows that Morchella is more likely to grow hyphae than sclerotinia under better growth conditions. 3. In the experiment of the effect of chlorides on the mycelium growth of Morchella, four kinds of chlorides inhibited the growth of Morchella mycelium within the test concentration. Under the condition of low concentration of 0.2~1.0g/L, the inhibition rates of NaCl and KCl on mycelium growth of Morchella were 5.9% and 6.1%, respectively. Under the condition of high concentration 2.0 g / L and 20.0 g / L, the four chlorides inhibited the mycelial growth of Morchella very strongly, and the highest inhibition rate was 100%. At most concentrations, NH4Cl inhibited the growth of Morchella mycelium most strongly, while KCl was the weakest. 0.2g / L NaCl was the only experimental chloride concentration which had no inhibitory effect on the mycelial growth of Morchella. All the tested concentrations of NH4Cl were found to have no inhibitory effect on the mycelial growth of Morchella. Under the action of KCl and CaCl2, the optimum concentration of sclerotia formation and mycelium concentration of Morchella was lower than that of colony growth.
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