本文选题:主体范畴 + 概括题元 ; 参考:《黑龙江大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Subject category is an extremely important category in syntactic semantics, and it is also one of the controversial problems in modern Russian theoretical semantics. According to its semantic connotation, functional role and formal expression, different scholars often have different views. Some scholars think it is the semantic valence of verb (predicate) proposition. Other researchers regard it as the basic element of sentence semantic structure, and some scholars regard it as the situational event parameter in the topic meta-structure. In this paper, from the perspective of the theory of subject meta-theory, we will study the subject category in terms of semantics and syntax. In this paper, we will consider the subject element as a hierarchical structure, which can be divided from abstract to concrete into the subject summarization element in turn. Subject role and subject argument. The subject summarization is one of the highly abstract semantic elements which may be involved in the semantic structure of the sentence, and does not involve the semantic connotation of the person acting as the subject, so it has universal explanatory power, and the subject role is the specific semantic description of the generalization subject. It is the semantic role played by the situation-event corresponding to the typed predicate verb, while the subject argument is the syntactic realization of the summarization of the subject and the subject semantic role. In the specific analysis, firstly, the author defines the general subject element, and analyzes the differences between it and the related concepts such as subject, subject and logical subject, and then explains the semantic role that can act as subject from six dimensions. It also points out the semantic distinguishing function of the subject category, and finally analyzes and describes the subject argument in terms of the morphological and syntactic form of the part of speech and the case, and reveals some corresponding relations between the subject and the semantic form. In this paper, the hierarchical analysis and discussion of the Russian subject category reveal the theoretical problems of the subject meta-theory from a new angle of view, which is helpful for the further development of the Russian subject meta-theory.
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