发布时间:2017-04-25 01:28
【摘要】: 随着经济全球化发展以及跨文化交际的不断深入,越来越多的人有机会接触两门或多门外语。目前中国高校的英语专业的学生很多选修了日语二外,同时日语专业的学生一般都选择英语作为第二外语。很多人认为,被动语态一直是困扰着众多语言学习者的一个难点,英日被动语态的异同给同时学习英日两门外语的语言学习者带来很大的困难。 Halliday的功能语法认为任何语言都有三大元功能,即概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能。及物系统是实现概念功能的重要系统,人类可以选择不同的过程类型来表达内心世界和外部世界的经验以实现语言的概念功能。在国内,用功能语法对汉语和一门外语进行的对比分析的成果并不罕见,但是用功能语法对两门外语进行对比分析却很少见。鉴于目前的这种情况,本文用Halliday的功能语法,对英日社论被动语态的异同进行了尝试性的对比研究。 《天声人语》是日本知名报纸《朝日新闻》中受到好评的专栏,读者们认为它是很有用同时学习英语和日语的资料,所以本文节选了《天声人语》中的57篇社论作为分析语料。本文主要以Halliday功能语法理论中的及物系统和语态系统为基础,分析得出四种主要的有被动句的过程类型,并且统计出了57篇英语社论和相对应的日语社论中的四种过程类型的被动句的频数。 通过对统计数据进行分析,得出英日社论中四种过程类型的被动句的使用有同有异。在论文的最后,用英日被动句使用的限制条件对英日被动句的异同进行了原因分析。本文将过程类型和被动句使用时的限制条件进行综合分析,这种分析能够为英日被动语态的教学提供新的思路。
【关键词】:功能语法 及物性 被动语态 对比分析 《天声人语》 限制条件
- 摘要6-7
- Abstract7-12
- Chapter One Introduction12-30
- 1.1 Research background12-13
- 1.2 Purpose and significance of the study13-14
- 1.3 Theoretical foundation14-27
- 1.3.1 An introduction to editorials14
- 1.3.2 Contrastive analysis14
- 1.3.3 Three metafunctions of language14-15
- 1.3.4 Transitivity and voice15-23
- 1.3.5 Takami Keniti's grammar theory23-27
- 1.4 Methodology27-28
- 1.4.1 Data selection27
- 1.4.2 Research design27-28
- 1.5 Thesis structure28-30
- Chapter Two Overview of the passive clauses in four process types in English and Japanese samples30-44
- 2.1 Distribution of passive clauses in four different process types in English and Japanese samples30-34
- 2.1.1 Distribution of passive clauses in English samples30-32
- 2.1.2 Distribution of passive clauses in Japanese samples32-33
- 2.1.3 Comparison of passive clauses in English and Japanese samples33-34
- 2.2 Comparison of passive clauses in four process types in English and Japanese samples34-42
- 2.2.1 Comparison of passive clauses in material process34-38
- 2.2.2 Comparison of passive clauses in relational process38-41
- 2.2.3 Comparison of passive clauses in verbal process41-42
- 2.2.4 Comparison of passive clauses in mental process42
- 2.3 Summary42-44
- Chapter Three Analysis of the test results44-62
- 3.1 Analysis of passive clauses in material process44-48
- 3.1.1 Relationship between editorials and process types of passive clauses44-45
- 3.1.2 Analysis of passive clauses in material process with examples45-48
- 3.1.3 Summary48
- 3.2 Analysis of passive clauses in verbal process48-56
- 3.2.1 The relationship between editorials and passive clauses in verbal process48-49
- 3.2.2 Analysis of passive clauses in verbal process with examples49-55
- Analysis of the passive clause complexes with projections49-53
- Analysis of the passive clauses53-55
- 3.2.3 Summary55-56
- 3.3 Analysis of the passive clauses in mental process56-57
- 3.4 Analysis of the passive clauses in relational process57-62
- 3.4.1 Ellipsis in Japanese57-58
- 3.4.2 Analysis of the passive clauses in relational process with examples58-60
- 3.4.3 Summary60-62
- Chapter Four Conclusion62-65
- 4.1 Main findings of the research62-63
- 4.2 Limitations and suggestions for further research63-65
- Acknowledgement65-66
- Bibliography66-70
- Appendices70-100
- Publication while registered with the MA program100
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1 陈明芳;英语语态问题:两种语法流派的比较研究[J];外语与外语教学;2002年12期