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发布时间:2016-12-19 20:13
--> 本文对股东派生诉讼在香港公司条例。全文共分为六个部分,详细阐述了主要观点.。第一部分介绍了本研究的原因和意义。第二节是香港派生诉讼概述。第三部分是普通法中的派生诉讼,强调其历史背景。第四部分论述了批评和派生诉讼改革下香港公司条例。第五部分是对派生诉讼的评估和建议.。最后得出了整个研究的结论。

Abstract of research 摘要研究

This dissertation focuses on shareholder’s derivative action under Hong Kong Company Ordinance. The whole study is divided into six sections so as to develop the main opinions in detail. The first section introduces the reason and significance of this study. The second section is an overview of derivative action in Hong Kong. The third section refers to derivative action in the common law and highlights its historical background. The forth section discusses criticism and reform of derivative action under Company Ordinance in Hong Kong. In fifth section, this study intends to make assessments and suggestions to derivative action. Finally it draws the conclusion of the whole study. 

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 3
2. An Overview of Derivative Action in Hong Kong 4
2.1 The concept and features of derivative action 4
2.2 The functions of derivative action 5
3. The regulation of derivative action in the common law 5
3.1 Foss V. Harbottle Rule and its limitation 5
3.2 Restrictions of derivative action 6
4. The derivative action under the Companies Act in Hong Kong 8
4.1 The criticism of the old derivative action in Hong Kong 8
4.2 Reform of the derivative action of Companies Ordinance (Cap 622) 9
5. Assessment of the derivative action in Hong Kong 11
6. Conclusion 12
7. Bibliography 13




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