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发布时间:2017-01-31 19:24


Introduction of Study 研究介绍
Pioneering the way for Small Manufacturing Enterprises (SME), Business Intelligence (BI) helps these organizations gain crucial insights by studying and analyzing available data. This aids in delivering better results in every aspect of the business, across functions and departments. From accounting for raw materials pertaining to production processes to achieving the front line sales target, Business Intelligence helps in aligning and optimizing every unit within an organization to maximize quality output.

Problem Statement (Identification of gaps in previous research) 问题陈述(先前研究中的差距)


It is a daunting task for Small Manufacturing Enterprises to incorporate Business Intelligence as it requires financial and technological investments in an eco-space where there is a constant conflict between meeting short term economic goals versus meeting long term strategic objectives ( SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company 2013). Though most SME’s till date have remained distant from ploughing back resources into Business Intelligence researches owing to limited capital on the contrary small enterprises stand a greater chance to benefit significantly from such analysis as they are agile and flexible in comparison to larger firms to swiftly incorporate changes to face altering market trends (Mehling 2012). This can be better understood by conducting a primary research focused on small enterprises and interpreting the data collected from the research universe.

Aim and Objectives 目的及目标
A research can be deployed to adjudge the need of effective Business Intelligence system to achieve growth and profitability for Small Manufacturing Enterprises. The objective of the research will not only broadly study the pros of Business Intelligence on Small Enterprises but will highlight how singular departments that are not directly responsible for sales and therefore revenue generation, example: Supply Chain, Quality Analysis, Research & Development etc also benefit from implementing Business Intelligence studies. In one of their latest publications Gartner Research have been poising a challenge to small and medium sized concerns to embrace business intelligence’s analytical tools and application processes whilst decision making or else risk losing out on significant market share to organizations who are skillfully implementing Business Intelligence applications and tools (Robert P. Anderson 2013).

Literature Review 文献综述
Introduction to Business Intelligence Tools
While there are a plethora of Business Intelligence tools (software and apps) out there, only a handful of these have customized these tools to meet the atypical requirements of smaller enterprises namely: Oracle, SAP labs, Birst. The Business Intelligence platforms created by these organizations ensure analyzing queries on real time and ones that are ad hoc in nature. They offer user friendly and easy to comprehend dashboards integrated on robust architectural frameworks that aid smaller and medium organizations deliver better performance with optimal resource input. Such Business Intelligence tools convert the BI technological investments from cost centers to profit units (Oracle n.d.).

Challenges of Small Manufacturing Enterprises &
Role of BI tools in Growth and Profitability across different departments
Small Manufacturing Enterprises are continuously under the scanner to run their day to day operations within a tight framework of resources. The challenge lies in how skillfully they are able to manage given the limited assets. In-fact Business Intelligence not only helps these organizations become profit worthy but it also helps them convert challenges into profits (Rud 2009). The 3 most important attributes required for the survival of small enterprises are fulfilled through BI insights:

Faster delivery: Smaller organizations are comparatively leaner so it makes it easier for these companies to incorporate changes that would make them profitable faster. Business Intelligence will help such organizations swiftly pluck poor performers. Knowing insights about revenue and expenditure will help managers of these concerns quickly switch from avenues which are less fruitful thereby investing more time, money and resources on quality products that drive greater revenue.

Consistent growth and development: Smaller and medium organizations need to continually churn out profit and growth or else they face the challenge of going out of business as they become irrelevant in a pool of many small enterprises and are soon washed away by giant organizations that fulfill variegated customer needs. Ensuring continual profits require exactly knowing the pain points of business and fixing them. For instance more resources should be directed to clients, geographies, product lines that have a higher probability of converting rather than on slow moving goods, sluggish territories and luke-warm clientele. These insights can be easily determined if organizations use efficient business intelligence tools.

Focus on a common goal: Last but not the least small and medium enterprises have a comparatively smaller array of product or service line up. The reasonably small portfolio needs to comprise of updated and effective products and services. So it is necessary for everyone from front line sales, customer relationship managers, marketing and sales strategy departments to support functions like research and development teams, quality analysts, production managers and financial experts, to be aligned so that they all share and attain a common goal thereby leveraging the maximum output given the limited available resources. Business Intelligence helps in converting cross department data into meaningful and easily comprehendible information for every personnel within an organization.

In addition to the aforesaid other necessary aspects of using Business Intelligence within small organizations helps them grow from start-ups to bigger corporate houses by sharing insights that let these organizations survive the evolving business landscape, collaborate, use effective communication, innovate, adapt and finally become market leaders in their respective product or service category (Rud 2009).

While on one hand the past decade has seen selective investments of smaller enterprises into business intelligence and business analysts are found in most start-ups today but a closer look points out that majority of the analytical study orients around ways to capture market share and competitor based studies. While this might help companies incorporate a few necessary adjustments here and there to benefit in the short run by small leaps in market share and profit percent growth story but over a long term such short sighted alterations fizzle away. To ensure a sustainable growth in the right direction organizations need to ensure that every function within an organization, be it support or sales, cost or profit centers; need to be scanned and studied to develop a 360 degree growth of an organization. Only then will a company pave its path for long standing and sustainable success, one that ensures that an organization is not vulnerable to be affected adversely by radical micro or macro-economic changes in this ever evolving, dynamic world market.

To figure out the eminent importance of Business Intelligence in today’s small manufacturing enterprises we propose conducting a primary research i.e. exploratory in nature. We suggest Pune and its neighboring arena in Maharashtra, India an appropriate universe for this study. Pune is neighbor to the economic capital of India-Mumbai. Pune has grown to a hub of small and medium sized manufacturing enterprises covering variegated industries like automotive, IT, banking etc. Our suggested sample size would comprise 4 organizations with employee strength of minimum 150 each. This would ensure a substantial universe of 600 primary respondents and thus would provide a healthy guideline to understand the ground level and real time requirements across departments of such organizations. We can then arrive to a conclusion with the help of which we can bench mark requirements of Business Intelligence studies across small manufacturing enterprises.

Research Methodology (Methods, Sampling, and analysis)
Moreover we suggest primary research in contrast to secondary research as primary research though expensive and time consuming would render an authentic answer to the query in hand (Gilis 2011). While secondary research will be less time consuming and financially more viable but past research papers and books will not reflect the exact needs of business intelligence insights in the current dynamic market. It is only in the last few years that we have increasingly realized the need and necessity for developing an analytics and intelligence arm to streamline resources and make business more profitable.

Secondly we suggest conducting an exploratory research as this is a niche arena and not many research studies have been conducted in this field before. Exploratory research will help us to explore the feasibility and extent of our research with the course of it. Its broad focus will help us better define the advantages and disadvantages of using BI within small and medium scale enterprises better than definite and specific research methods wherein all variables and relationships are pre-defined (papers n.d.).

Limitations of the study & d) Research questions
Additionally though we suggest a sample size of 600 professionals across 4 small manufacturing enterprises that comprises of a minimum of 150 personnel per enterprise in Pune and neighboring areas within Maharashtra, we have to keep in mind that for a sizeable number of professionals this would be the first time that they would come to terms about business analytics as a topic and till date most organizations have practiced this analytical methods in silos. Hence the response from such respondents might be vague and not well defined. Whilst top of the hierarchy- i.e. Head of Departments, Vice presidents, Presidents, Directors and C level officials might be providing us quality insights and responses, on the contrary Mid- level and Junior level officials may not provide relevant and to the point feedback. So we suggest designing 2 questionnaires one for the senior management which will be more vivid and detailed in nature and one for mid level and junior level professionals which will first introduce the concept of business intelligence and then have open ended questions to adjudge the view point and draw an overview. Lastly the analysis of such a research will enable us justify the true and realistic requirement of Business Intelligence in small and medium enterprises.




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