壳牌公司2014 年可持续发展报告中术语功能层面变异研究
1.1 Research Background
Terminology is a kind of logic language and its denotative meaning should be corresponding to the concept. However, when a term which is characterized by precision, emotional neutrality and stability is used in a non-specialized text, its denotative meaning might be extended or restricted, far from the original significant meaning, and then the extended or restricted meaning could be understood clearly with the help of emotional association. When a layman encounters an unfamiliar term, normally he or she would deduce its possible meaning through semes involved in this term. But in most cases, the determinologized term would not match up with its original meaning. That is to say, a term is changing in a non-specialized text in terms of its denotative meaning and interpersonal meaning. This is a major topic in text terminology.
For decades, environmental protection is a crucially global problem, which has a great impact on politics and economic development. Thousands of firms participate in the Environmental Protection Agency’s partnership programs, and many others participate in industry-led environmental programs such as those of the world Business Council for Sustainable Development, the Chicago Climate Exchange, and the American Chemistry Council’s “Responsible Care” program. (Lyon & Maxwell, 2011). Through these efforts, transnational corporations (TNCs) try to construct an environmentally-friendly image to convince consumers to purchase “green products” due to the increasing eco-awareness of the public. However, based on eco-linguists’ surveys and investigation, the fact is that TNCs have been greenwashing their dismal environmental performance by posing as friends of the environment. Greenwash is used to describe the act of misleading and deceiving consumers regarding the environmental practices of a company or the environmental benefits of a product or service, which has been a central topic in Critical Eco-linguistics.
1.2 Operational Definitions
This part will explain some vital concepts involved in this thesis. They are “Terminological Variation from Functional Aspect”, “Terminology” and “Doublespeak”. When the concept of “Terminology” is described in this part, the relevant knowledge about it will be introduced as well to make a further understanding of the terminological variation in meanings and functions.
1.2.1 Terminological Variation from Functional Aspect
Terminological variation from functional aspect is the topic of this thesis. In order to make this concept understood well, I’d like to introduce another two pairs of concepts, and they are separately the pair of “langue” and “parole” and the pair of “meta-function” and “performing function”(Sun, 2009).
(1) “Langue” and “Parole”
Langue (French, meaning “language”) and parole (meaning “speaking”) are linguistic terms distinguished by Saussure in his “Course in General Linguistics”. Langue encompasses the abstract, systematic rules and conventions of a signifying system. Learning a language, we need master the system of grammar, spelling, syntax and punctuation. These are all elements of langue. Parole refers to the concrete instances of the use of langue. It is the usage of the system, but not the system.
Put simply, “parole” is the application of “langue”, and “langue” is only able to realize its communicative function through “parole”; “langue” is independent of communicative situation, but “parole” is restricted by the context and social and cultural factors; “langue” is objective and has nothing to do with speakers, whereas “parole” is subjective.
This chapter will provide a review of previous studies of terminological variation from functional aspect. The first part presents the researches of functional variation of terminology; the second part is the review of previous studies of terms in environment discourses; the third part provides the studies of sustainability reports.
2.1 Previous Studies on Terminological Variation from Functional Aspect
There are popularly domestic terminologists such as Zheng Shupu, Liang Ailin, Sun Huan and so on. Russian and Germany researchers lead the development of terminology science, but because of the limitation of author’s language ability, so the Chinese transcripts of Russian and Germany researches are read. Indeed scholars such as Zheng Shupu, Liang Ailin and Sun Huan have already summed up the general development of terminology theory and been following the research hotspots, which provide enough supports for this thesis.
Variation is the property of language so it is no surprising that terms keep changing over time in their forms, meanings and functions. By reading the previous studies on terminology, the author found that terminological variation was usually studied from morphological variation (for example, “measure” and “measurement”; “analysis method” and “analytical method”), syntactic variation (for example, “cell fraction” and “fraction of cells”; “autoimmune disease” and “disease with autoimmune”) and semantic variation.
Recently, terminologists absorb the theoretical achievements of functional linguistics and study the terminological variation from the functional aspect in order to explore the law and principles of terminological usage.
2.2 Previous Studies on Terms in Environmental Discourse
From these studies, it is realized that terms in environmental discourse can be used as doublespeak to play down the seriousness of environmental problems and avoid responsibility for these problems, which help me identify the performing functions of terms in sustainability reports.
3.1 Three Key Notions of Adaptation Theory ......................... 22
3.1.1 Variability .................... 22
3.1.2 Negotiability ........................ 23
CHAPTER FOUR DATA COLLECTION ........................ 28
4.1 Reason for Choosing Shell Corporation in Oil Industry .................. 28
4.2 Reason for Selecting Sustainability Reports................... 29
5.1 Identification of Terminological Variation from Functional Aspect ...... 33
5.1.1 Method of Identifying Performing Functions of Terms in Shell’s Report .............. 36
5.1 Identification of Terminological Variation from Functional Aspect
Professor said that a term—this is a word and has all the characteristics that any word has. Professor supported this viewpoint and made a further research saying that terms are the special part of words and the difference between terms and words is resulted from external linguistic factor like the user of terms and the scientific register where the terms are inserted. The borderline between term and word is whether it is used in scientific field to denote an objective reality and whether it is able to indicate the category of the word. Therefore, so many terminologists are borrowing theory of Lexical Semantics to study features of terms and explain terminological variation when terms enter daily life.
Sun Huan (2012) made a research on terminological variation in functioning in her doctoral dissertation and she attempted to build a theoretical framework to study functional variation of terminology so the means of identifying performing functions by exploring semantic variation of terms was introduced. Therefore I identified the performing functions of terminology based on its semantic variation.
6.1 Findings
The purpose of this thesis is to explore the functional variation of terminology in non-specialized discourse compared with specialized discourse, in order to reveal how terms are used in discourses.
Terminology theory has evolved from “prescriptivism”, “descriptivism”, and then to cognitive terminology which plays emphasis on mental process of learning and creating terms and on the usage of terminology in texts. Prescriptivism has been playing an important role in terminology theory in past few decades and it has a series of norms and principles:
1) Standardization, requiring terminologists to engage in normativity of terminology and stressing the “two-way corresponding” principle that for each term, its concept must correspond to its designation and in turn its designation must correspond to its concept as well;
2) Precision, simplicity and transparency (Liang Ailin, 2010). Descriptivism proposed by (cited from Sun, 2011) pays attention to the linguistic attribute of terminology and shows that the term is a special kind of word and share the characteristics of common words. Descriptivism argues that norms and principles prescriptivism has put forward are contrary to the linguistic attribute of terminology.