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发布时间:2017-05-11 08:02




The Human Resource in NTPC plays a very important role in consolidation of the organization. Its major contribution is through

Competence building
Commitment building
System building
Culture building

NTPC's systems approach to HRD is basically focused on how training can be integrated to other organizational subsystems such as

Quality system
Performance evaluation system
Technical system

This is to achieve overall objectives and goals of the organization and to impart soft system thinking for the continuous improvement through learning rather than through any engineered solutions. Other factors which are based on are based on soft system thinking are Process improvement, improvement measurement, innovations, organization development and Benchmarking etc.

Training is an intentional act of creating a learning environment in NTPC, after which people may apply their learning in the work field. It is no more a reactive role in organizational life, but it has become an integral part of business and line managers of the organization, where it forms a transformational role in decision-making, strategic development, policy formulation and business management. National Thermal Power Corporation is catering to training requirements in the power organization.

NTPC's HR policies recommend a Periodical Training Need Analysis (say once in two years) for evolving an annual need based training intervention agenda encompassing the following areas:

Technical training and skill up gradation
Personality Development
Organization Development Issues
Information Technology and Computer Skills

Management Development Programs
At least one long term training opportunity/ program in a career should be planned for middle and senior level officers. The NTPC while being a technically intensive sector dependent on primarily engineering work force needs competent managers especially in the changing environment of reforms and move towards competitive market environment. While the Power Sector has a large number of highly qualified engineers in senior roles, there has been inadequate focus on building managerial competencies. So it needs at least one long term Management Development Program should be planned for middle and senior level officers while they make the transition from primarily engineering roles to managerial decision making roles.

On the Job Training
Field Training
on the job
Field Training
Power Plant exposure
Behavioural Inputs
Technical Inputs
Power Plant exposure
Class room Training
52 weeks training
Training for cover behavioral & attitudinal changes
NTPC HR policies include training interventions, education up gradation plans and management development programs designed for personnel should ensure holistic all-round development of the personnel. One of the comprehensive models for training, the 360° Training Model, provides a platform not just for functional skill development but incorporating behavioral and attitudinal orientation while creating an appreciation of the commercial aspects of business. While companies are generally able to offer core functional training, behavioral and attitudinal training expertise is lacking in a majority of the firms. Hence, companies should seek to ensure that the training is not limited to narrow functional role perspectives but overall organizational and social perspectives as well.

Knowledge Management in NTPC:-
Three critical aspects NTPC's knowledge management system is focused on three critical aspects:

External knowledge:

-Subscription/membership to domain specific industry reports
-Subscription/membership to domain specific technology journals
-Capturing trends in the external environment (international and national)

Internal knowledge:

-Capturing and assimilating explicit and tacit knowledge residing within NTPC
-Making the captured knowledge available to employees for re-use
-Updating internal knowledge

(3) Collaborative tools

-Message boards

Source:- Knowledge management implementation in NTPC: an Indian PSU, Emrald Website

The Key Goals of Human Resource Development in NTPC are:-
To enhance organizational performance by institutionalizing an a presence in hydro power segment objective and open performance management system.

To align individual and organizational needs and develop conventional and non-conventional sources of energy to business leaders by implementing a career development ensure long run competitiveness and mitigate fuel risks

To enhance commitment of employees by recognizing and considering backward and forward integration into areas rewarding high performance.

To build and sustain a learning organization mining, coal beneficiation, etc. of competent world-class professionals.

To institutionalize core values and create a culture of teambuilding, empowerment, equity, innovation and openness

To establish a strong services brand in the domestic and which would motivate employees and enable achievement of international markets and to meet the company's strategic objectives.

The Involvement Of Employees:-


Reorientation Program: Upgrading technical efficiency and skill levels
To make the NTPC power sector truly efficient and competitive in the changing scenario, steps have already been taken to impart greater thrust to research and development, training of the human resources in the power sector and adoption of progressive management practices and tools, (including IT). Personnel are also being educated about their changed roles in the power reform scenario. Emphasis on commercialization of the Power sector is also being imparted to the employees. NTPC has already formed a Committee on Research and Development which has been constituted to draw up a Perspective Research and Development Plan to ensure optimum utilization of the infrastructure and provide a standing forum for R&D activities in the power sector.

Another Committee has been set up to formulate a 'National Training Policy for Power Sector' and to develop a national level action plan for training of the power professionals to align their skills and mindset to the changing requirements.

NTPC's Human Resource Value
HRA not only involves measurement of all the costs/investments associated with the recruitment, placement, training and development of employees, but also the quantification of the economic value of the people in an organization, which is termed as Human Resource Value.

Category No. of employees Per Capita Total Value
(Rs. lakhs) (Rs Crores)
Executives 6841 17.76 1215

Supervisors 3010 15.11 455
Workmen 12445 13.71 1705
Total 22296 15.14 3375

Source: Annual Report. '94-95 (discount factor of 0.12)

Key Challenges faced by NTPC:-
Attracting Fresh Talent:-
With the potential pool of recruits is sufficiently large, the challenge is in attracting the young graduates to the power sector and providing them adequate training and satisfactory work environment. With a large number of other growing industries and manpower intensive sectors like IT becoming the preferred choice for the best talent, the Power Sector needs to find ways of attracting well qualified manpower. Today, the Power Sector is not a preferred choice for young talent which prefers the lifestyle offered by the urban service sector to working in projects and plants which are remotely located. The industry also suffers from a negative image of being heavily bureaucratic with limited opportunities for growth due to its strong association with state-owned utilities most of which fare poorly in terms of work environment. Apart from attracting new talent, the critical bottleneck in inducting manpower in to the sector is inadequate training infrastructure.

Training and development infrastructure:-
The training and development infrastructure in the Power Sector in India includes the following

Sixty eight training institutes recognized by CEA for imparting statutory induction training in Thermal, Hydro, T&D and Power Management. The estimated training load and infrastructure availability as per the CEA's Manpower Projections (Nov 2009) are illustrated in the following chart.

Source: CEA Manpower Projections, Nov 2009

Clearly we are in a great deficit of training infrastructure; the training infrastructure for power sector in the country is grossly inadequate and caters to barely 23% of the optimal training infrastructure required. At a time when the sector faces massive capacity addition challenges, lack of sufficient training infrastructure would hinder optimal utilization of the existing talent base as well inducting new talent.

Development of Existing Resources
It is important for an organizations to not just update the technical skills of the manpower but ensure all round development to ensure that the employees posses the right skills, competencies and attitudes to perform effectively in their organizational roles. While technical training is seen as essential in NTPC, personality and soft skill development are neglected in a most here which leads to poor work culture.

High Attrition rate, leading to low ROI
The firm invests a lot of resources in training the employees for their respective jobs. However, before the investment has paid back to the firm, many key employees leave the company due to various reasons.

Power and knowledge transfer to other MNC's
It has been seen that people join BPCL to start their career as this company is known for providing excellent training. People join to know the nitty-gritty of the oil world and to get the proficiency in their work. In their initial phase of career they commit lots of mistakes and learn from them. When they become competent enough to do the job then they resign and join the MNC competitors leading to outflow of valuable and confidential information.

When the key personnel leave the organization, they take along with them the business secrets, tactics, tacit knowledge, understanding of the business built up over a period of time to the competitors. Thus, making it harder for NTPC to compete.

Creativity & Innovativeness is caged due to stringent hierarchy levels
Work culture at Government companies is quite different from the private ones. In majority of the cases people who has higher authority always try to put their sub ordinates down. Nobody calls his/her boss with first name and discuss what he thinks is important for the organization.




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