目的: 本文研究国内外自闭症儿童康复治疗体系发展现状,以及社会支持系统的参与情况,分析我国自闭症康复治疗及社会支持目前存在的问题,提出针对性意见。呼吁家庭和社会关爱自闭症儿童,政府加强自闭症儿童及家庭的社会支持系统,完善我国自闭症谱系障碍的康复干预体系。
Objective: In this paper, the research development of children with autism rehabilitation system both at China and abroad as well as the involvement of social support system, analyzes the autism rehabilitation and social support to the existing problems, put forward specific ideas.Calling for social and family care for autistic children, the government strengthen the autistic children and family social support system, to perfect our rehabilitation intervention system of autism spectrum disorder.
Methods: This study using qualitative research method, focus on children with autism rehabilitation of social support system as a starting point, with some children with autism rehabilitation of children and caregivers as the main research object, explore family ties, and treatment of children with autism rehabilitation facility, special education, the relationship between social policy and government support, put forward the necessity to improve autism intervention system in our country and improve method.Through the perspective of social policy on autism rehabilitation intervention system for comprehensive analysis, put forward specific ideas and new measures for the reform.
Results: Forward opinions and Suggestions integrating resources to carry out the interdisciplinary research of autism;Develop autism specialized courses, training professional teachers;For parents of autistic children education;Cooperating with the department of education on inclusive education,Set up and improve the corresponding policies and regulations;To build the social support system of autism;Look to the future, to create a warm home for people with autism.
Conclusion:Therefore, this paper will through the reflection of domestic autism throughout the treatment system, with the developed countries or regions for autism intervention system, through the transformation of the formal social system and informal social system, strengthen the cause of autism rehabilitation at home and abroad integrated medical level, autism rehabilitation career law and society establishment of guarantee system, family relations, neighborhood relations fusion system, through the improvement of the system, the hope can from the whole system perspective and continuously improve the comprehensive medical treatment in patients with autism water flat and perfect social support, further strengthen the treatment capacity.
Key words: Autism spectrum disorders;Rehabilitation medical treatment;Special education;Family therapy;Social support.
1 前言 4
1.1 研究背景 4
1.2研究目的 8
1.3研究内容 10
1.4 研究方法 10
1.5 研究意义 12
2 文献综述 13
2.1 自闭症概述 13
2.1.1 自闭症定义 13
2.1.2 自闭症理论基础 13
2.1.3 自闭症发病率 24
2.1.4 自闭症病因 25
2.1.5自闭症诊断 41
2.1.6 自闭症治疗 43
2.1.7 自闭症认识误区 47
2.1.8 自闭症对家庭及社会影响 54
2.2 自闭症康复干预体系 57
3 国内外自闭症康复干预体系 57
3.1 国内的自闭症康复干预体系 57
3.2 国外的自闭症康复干预体系 58
3.2.1美国自闭症康复干预体系 58
3.2.2新加坡自闭症康复干预体系 63
3.2.3台湾自闭症康复干预体系 63
4 我国自闭症康复干预体系目前存在的问题 64
4.1缺乏强有力的政策法规保障 64
4.2研究的科学性有待加强 64
4.3高端专业人才极度缺乏 65
4.4康复机构数量少水平低 66
4.5缺乏早期的干预机制 68
4.6缺乏融合教育观念 69
4.7缺乏终身康复教育 71
5 自闭症儿童的社会支持系统 71
5.1 正式社会支持系统 71
5.1.1 自闭症康复事业国内外综合医疗水平 72
5.1.2 关于自闭症康复事业的法律规定 73
5.1.3 康复事业体系中的社会服务 82
5.1.4 社会保障体系的建立 85 “两个体系”建设的总体要求和目标任务 85 实施“六建六享”阳光工程 85 强化“三项配套”措施 90 自闭症专业组织 91
5.2 非正式社会支持系统 92
5.2.1家庭关系 92
5.2.2邻里关系的融合 104
5.2.3社区关系的支持 106
6 结语 109
6.1整合资源开展自闭症的跨学科研究 109
6.2培养自闭症专业化师资 109
6.3 开展自闭症儿童的父母教育 109
6.4与教育部门合作展开全纳式教育 110
6.5 建立和完善相应的政策法规 110
6.6 加强自闭症的社会支持体系 110
6.7为自闭症患儿创造一个温馨家园 111
7 参考文献 112
自闭症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorder,ASD)[1],,又称孤独症,是一种常见的神经系统发育障碍性疾病,主要表现为社会交往障碍、语言交流和非语言交流障碍、重复刻板动作及兴趣范围狭窄等。自闭症的临床表现极为广泛如情感、认知、社交和社会适应行为等方面。轻症患者不被认为是疾病,多被认为是性格问题。重症患者对周围反应冷漠,语言交流及非语言交流能力差,有模仿性语言多伴有语言表达不明确。认知功能障碍,多表现为抽象能力及整合能力受损。自闭症患者还常有感觉迟钝或感觉敏感的问题。大部分自闭症患者的智力都低于正常值,但也有少部分患者在音乐、美术或计算机方面有着非比寻常的才能,这部分患者被称为“高功能孤独症”。
由美国精神疾病专家Kanner在1943年首先报道,经年来报道显示自闭症在全球范围内的发病率都大幅上升。根据2011年《美国社会学评论》的报告,过去十年,美国加州的自闭症发病率上升了10倍。从美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ,CDC)收集的数据来看,自闭症的流行率从30年前的0.4‰,迅速增长至今天的6‰,并且仍在以每年10%-14%的速度递增,美国自闭症儿童的发病率已经达到9‰[2]。本文编号:356641