The Strategy Research of New Personnel's Promotion Strategy for China International Capital Corporation Limited
Based on my own work experience, this paper aims to study the relevant factors influencing the quality improvement of China International Capital Corporation Limited new employees, and put forward the strategy and solution of employee’s quality improvement.
In the current global competitive environment, CICC is facing following issues when training new employees: Unprofessional project management environment, unprofessional direct manager for new employee and so on, resulting in slow growth of new employees skill sets.
This article first conducts the questionnaire survey and high-end interviews to determine the quality for CICC employees including finance, technology and language standards. In order to improve the quality of employee to match company-required standards, company need to combine scientific management and people-oriented management style. And then puts forward a three-factor model, that is, management skillset quality of their direct leader, management level of human resources department and employee itself effect.
Then, based on the three factors and time axis, I design multiple means of promotion, including induction guidance, the system that direct manager taking charge of the training transformation, tutor system, management standardization, career planning and other promotion strategies. And the design of the talent management IT system to assist the realization of these strategies.
KEY WORDS: Skill Promotion, Training, New Employee, Human Resource
一、前言 9
1. 研究课题背景 9
2. 研究课题意义 10
3. 研究方法与矩阵 10
二、中国国际金融相关概况及分析 11
1. 中国国际金融在中国国际集团的位置 11
2. 中国国际金融的优势劣势分析 11
3. 中国国际金融的愿景与战略 14
三、中国国际金融目前存在的问题分析 14
1.中国国际金融项目组之间客户关系以及管理方式良莠不齐 14
2.中国国际金融离职率较高 15
3.中国国际金融基层领导风格迥异 17
4.中国国际金融新员工职业素养有待提升 18
5.中国国际金融培训问题 19
6.中国国际金融新员工能力提升的意义以及对中国国际金融实现战略的重要性。 20
四、理论研究分析 20
1.中国国际金融新员工胜任特征 20
2.管理理论的融合 24
3.优秀的人力资源部门建设 27
4.中国国际金融基层经理胜任特征 28
5.中国国际金融三因素影响分析 30
1)领导对新员工提升的影响 30
2)人力资源部门对新员工提升影响 31
3)个人的影响 32
五、提升策略 33
1.通过人力资源部门的提升策略 33
1.人力资源策略综述 33
2.打造以人为本的能力提升策略 33
3.上岗引导 33
4.内部培训 34
5.外部培训 36
6.证书引导 37
2.通过基层领导的提升策略 38
1.基层领导者对新员工的意义 38
2.基层领导者对新员工启发 38
3.基层领导组织集体学习 38
4.导师制探索 39
5.管理标准化 39
6.员工素质提升责任制 40
7.海外短期工作 40
3.自身角度的提升策略 40
1.职业生涯规划 40
2.职业精神培养 41
3.找寻解决问题的机会 41
4.有效参与公司培训项目 41
4.综合策略 42
1.素养提升时间及内容安排表 42
2.素质提升系统设计简述 43
六、 结论 44
附录 45
致谢 46