Chapter I Introduction
1. Research Objectives
Glass has been used for thousands years. The earliest known glass objects were beads, the mid third millennium BCE in coastal north Syria.[1] Modern glass industry ---“float glass industry” --- begun form 1959 in UK when Sir Alastair Pilkington and his associate Kenneth Bickerstaff, developed the world's first commercially successful manufacture of high quality flat glass using their float glass process. Because float glass process cleverly using gravity force and surface tension forces of glass, float glass became smooth as mirror, whose surface quality can be comparable with those mechanical polished glass. Further float glass production capacity is great; efficiency is higher than those old methods by several decades’ times. Float glass manufacture process invention quickly draw all the attention in Global glass industry, was declared as a new revolution in flat glass industry, and quickly spread to the entire world. Nations eagerly in line bought this U.K. Patent, so that built float glass production lines in domestic.
As Glass manufacturing technology’s great improvement, in 2010 Globe flat glass production reached 55 million tons. In past two decades, globe glass production grew higher than GDP growth. In view of long term, globe glass demand may be keep 4% growth, as Glass application fields enlarged and more and more architectures and autos designers incline to use glass components.
2. Meaning of the Research
Environment protection has become critical society issue in today’s china. After crazy GDP growth chasing, environment violations were serious. Since 1990, China glass production lines had been soaring up to decades times. Until Nov 2012, China has 268 float glass lines and other 49 lines on construction. Hebei province was the most.
Waste glass recycling can reduce environment pollution. One reason is waste glass weathering process is very slow, lasting for hundreds years. The waste glass in landfills is nearly no decomposing, in comparison with decomposition process of most of organic wastes. Today’s china people cannot find enough landfills, and waste dumping landfills are environment violations, sometimes were environment pollution when protection measures were not sufficient. It was reported 15%-25% flat glass is wasted in industry processing, including cutting, grinding, polishing, assembling etc. Another reason is glass recycling saving energy. Energy saving reduces carbon dioxide emission, and other environment impacts. It was reported when using 60% waste glass in glass production instead of rough raw material it reduces 6%-22% atmosphere pollution and saves 6% energy .
Chapter II Literature Review
1. Basic concepts
To fully comprehend the strategic development of micro innovative technology enterprise, some classic theories and concepts should first be introduced and only by figuring out the these basic concepts used in strategic development and theories of Micro-enterprise can the author make a clear analysis of following case.
The following several basic concepts will be defined first in the thesis. Namely,
1)Micro-enterprise, 2)Development strategy, 3)Focusing strategy, 4)Non-equity strategic alliance
1.1 Micro-enterprise
A micro-enterprise (or micro-enterprise) is a type of small business, often registered, having five or fewer employees and requiring seed capital of not more than $35,000. The term is often used in Australia to refer to a business with a single owner-operator, and having up to 20 employees. The European Union defines micro-enterprises as those that meet 2 of the following 3 criteria and have not failed to do so for at least 10 years:
The term micro-enterprise connotes different entities and sectors depending on the country.
In China, four major government departments including Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, National Bureau of Statistics, National Development and Reform Commission and Treasury Department studied and enacted An Regulation on the Division Standard for Small and Medium-sized Enterprise in 2011. In the regulation, Small and Medium-sized enterprises are divided into three types, Small sized enterprise, Middle sized enterprise and Micro-enterprise according to the number of employee, business turnover and asset size.
2. Brief introduction of the strategic development theory of
Micro-enterprise This thesis makes a brief introduction of the strategic development theory of Micro-enterprise from the following five aspects. Namely,(1)Theories on the advantage and disadvantage of Micro-enterprise development;(2)Theories on the opportunities and challenges faced by Micro-enterprise(;3)The development strategy for Micro-enterprise(;4)Strategic choice of financing for Micro-enterprise; (5)The study of Micro-enterprise is still at an initial stage.
2.1 Advantages and disadvantages of Micro-enterprise development
Professor Nan Zhizheng (2004) and Zhou Ping (2002) made an in-depth study on the advantage and disadvantage of Micro-enterprise development. Form their study the advantages of Micro-enterprise are as follows:
AS the market and Business models are changing fast, there are big companies teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. Some of them are so steeped in outdated business practices that they cannot adapt quickly enough to avoid hitting the iceberg. But a Micro-enterprise company can adapt more quickly.
While big corporations may have an advantage in marketing budget and buying power, Micro-enterprises are usually better at having substance. They can respond to their customers more quickly and efficiently and provide more personalized service. They can specialize and prosper in a smaller niche market that would be impractical for a bigger company. Another advantage of Micro-enterprise is that the management of assets and liabilities is not a difficult task. Assets include checking and savings accounts while liabilities include the money you owe to others. Additionally keeping a cash transaction record is easily maintainable in a small business.
Every coin has two sides the development of Micro-enterprise is not an exception. The disadvantages of Micro-enterprise are also quite clear. The disadvantage of a Micro-enterprise is that since it is run on a low budget, it requires tremendous marketing and the planning and implementation of proper strategies. The improper handling of loans or investments can often lead to the downfall of a Micro-enterprise very quickly.
As long as a Micro-enterprise wants to expand its market share to cope with the fast development of the entire economy, it needs an easy and convenient access to financing. But the reality is that financing has become the biggest headache for Micro-enterprise manager.
Chapter III Case Description ..............25
1. Background Information ..............25
2. Jade-like Micro-crystalline Glass ..............27
3. Wood-like low density ceramic ................27
Chapter IV Case Analysis...................31
1. Analysis of the Internal Environment .........31
1.1 Business Model ................ 31
1.2 4Ps (Product Price Place Promotion) market strategy .............. 32
1.3 Profit and Loss Balance Analysis in worse case (break-even).. 33
Chapter V Basic Suggestions ...........44
1. Increasing resource input ................44
2. Improving marketing and selling capacity .................44
3. Adopting Focus Strategies ..................44
4. Non-equity strategic alliance...............45
Chapter V Basic Suggestions
1. Increasing resource input
It is meanless only to tell potential customers that our products made from 95% waste glass or it is environment protection products. Environment protection is not Chinese customers’ priorities. It is not enough to make out mosaic tiles. Most of potential customers need a decorative solution more than decorative products. So talent of architectural designing is necessary. In review of recent difficulties on mosaic marketing and selling, lack of resource, at aspects of not only financing but also necessary talents, is the obstacle for entrepreneurship. To increase resource input is necessary.
After investigation of potential customers consuming behaviors, most of potential customers need a decorative solution more than decorative products. To tell our potential customers how our tiles can be used in their house and what kind of decorative feeling can be created, should be put into our focus strategies. It is not enough to make out mosaic tiles, but to design its application solution for house decoration and to make sure its decorative effects. So for focus strategy implement, talent of architectural designing is necessary.
Chapter VI Conclusion and Research Prospects
1. Focus strategies should be applied by small and micro enterprises
As a new enterprising, limited by scale and resource, it possibly should focus on one niche market. To anchor target niche market is essential for business success. Focus strategies should be applied by small and micro enterprises. On the other hand, market is changing, becoming more diversifying and personalized, as younger generations after 80s and 90s are gradually becoming main force of customer market. The trend of diversifying and personalized creates more niche markets. Big enterprises could not satisfy customers in all niche markets. It leaves niche opportunities for small and micro enterprises. M company possibly is better to focus on jade-like glass ceramic mosaic market, try the best to offer high quality and special products in the niche market.
On higher view of whole ecological environment, whole society, and whole waste glass recycling rather than merely glass ceramic manufacturing, build up non-equity strategic alliance with citizens, waste glass collecting operators, refining factories, and government, win-win cooperation. It is possibly helpful for green building enterprises developing. Environment protection has become more and more serious society problem in recent years. On the other hand, whole society and government have realize the importance of living environment, and have been doing many efforts to protect our living environment. What M company does is not merely supply glass ceramic mosaic, but offers the solutions of environment protection, enlarge waste glass recycling industry for our beautiful living environment.