本文选题:Genome + 追踪报道 ; 参考:《遵义医学院学报》2015年02期
【摘要】:正日前,我校谷万港博士受邀在Cell旗下Trends in Biotechnology杂志(目前影响因子为10.04,中科院分区为1区)发表题为Genome Editing-Based HIV Therapies(http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tibtech.2014.12.006)的综述文章。该文章追踪报道了Genome Editing(GE)通过基因手段制造能抵抗HIV感染的细胞,经改造的细胞进入病人体内以后对HIV的感染产生治疗作用。GE疗法的最终目的是对HIV感染达到功能性或者实质性的治愈。谷万港博士针对目前GE疗法的现状和存在的问题进行了的分析和展望,并且提出了关键性的
[Abstract]:Just a few days ago, Dr. Gu Wangang of our school was invited to publish a summary article in the Trends in Biotechnology magazine of Cell (the current influence factor is 10.04, Division 1 of the Chinese Academy of Sciences) entitled Genome Editing-Based HIV Therapixes / http: r / R / dx.doi.org / 10.1016 / j.tibtech.2014.12.006 The paper tracked reports that Genome Editing GE makes cells that are resistant to HIV infection by genetic means. After the modified cells enter the body of the patient, the final goal of the treatment of HIV infection is to achieve functional or substantial cure of HIV infection. Dr. Gu Wangang analyses and prospects the current situation and existing problems of GE therapy, and puts forward some key points.
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